The first job Part 2

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Eirik's POV
I looked across the horizon in search of the ship only to hear Viper on the coms "hey Boat 6, we uh, we found them but it's gonna be a rough fight" Apollo replied intrigued "how so? Also what quadrant is it?" Viper replied anxiously "they've got the anti piracy defenses set up, I'm seeing at least 20 guys on the deck carrying weapons, who knows what else is under deck. The Seals are getting antsy they wanna go but we're in a wide holding pattern until you reach us here in quadrant 13" I heard the engine roar to life as Apollo spun us around and began to tear through the the waves towards quad 13. Valkyrie asked over the engine "How are we doing this?!" John yelled back as he let his M2 point skyward "We're gonna keep the bad guy's heads down while the SEALs make their initial insert and secure a beachhead, you guys are the second ones in to support the SEALs while they clear. We just have to hope they don't have any explosives, any big holes in the keel of the ship and it's going down with you all in it."
I saw the shiver run through the operators as the engines roared and we tore through the gulf towards the ship. I released my minigun and walked towards the Helm as we bounced around the waves before I asked Apollo "do we have warships inbound?" He nodded before replying "The John Paul is en route to offer target denial services" I looked at him shocked "we're gonna blow up the ship?" He shook his head with a silent sigh before replying "we need to make sure the masks don't get the cargo that ship has, it's extremely valuable" I asked another question "where's my mom's ship? She always works closely with us" he looked at me with a small smile "I heard she had been stationed up by the Seuz" I nodded before asking "what's on the ship" he replied softly "weapons, it's transporting weapons to one of our bases on Crete. The DOD has declared if the teams can't regain control of the ship in 5 minutes after insertion, the John Paul is to sink it." I looked behind us and saw the small grey dot of the Destroyer "how will they know we inserted them?" He replied dreading the chance the fireteams don't survive, "Viper and I have been ordered to defer to the captain of the John Paul and inform her of when we insert" I nodded with determination.
the sounds of gunfire drew me back to the bow as the fireteam did their final preparations, I heard Apollo "alright listen up, change of plans. Valkyrie your team is going on at the same time as the SEALs, once on board you have 5 minutes to clear it out before the John Paul Jones fires upon the cargo liner" Tachanka asked for clarification to which Apollo responded "5 minutes to clear and regain control before 5 inch shells tear through the ship and sink it. If you regain control the strike will be called off, code word for successful retake is innocence" everyone nodded as rounds from the Masks impacted the water around the boat causing me to heft my Minigun and began suppressing the masks with an unholy amount of ammunition. Dynamite joined me in suppressing with his dual M2 .50 cal mounts, the concussive force of each round sent ripples through the water as the rounds accelerated to supersonic speeds and Apollo yelled over the gunfire "Viper, we are moving to insert the rest of Rainbow, make ready to do the same with the Seals" just as I heard my brother "Affirm, Tilt make an entrance!"
I looked over just in time to see Tilt lift a SMAW and fire it at the railing of the ship directly above us, I threw Kali and Valkyrie to the ground as Apollo and Viking did the same with Tachanka, Capitao and Twitch while us Crewmen used our body's to block the debris. When the crashing stopped Viper called over the radio "Boat 3 you're clear to proceed with boarding" we stood up and rushed back to our positions as Kali asked "what the hell did you do that for?!" I turned as Viking responded "were not going on board, it's better we take the damage and keep you in tip top condition to clear this as fast as you can. Now get up that ladder!" As I looked up the side of the ship and saw Valkyrie and Tachanka halfway up the ladder. My nerves were getting a work out as I sat here exposed waiting for twitch and Kali to follow Valkyrie, Tachanka and Capitao up to the deck, we didn't have to wait long before they made their way up the ladder and Boat 6 came close to insert the SEALs I heard Dynamite "Fuck em up!" To which the SEALs smiled at before they climbed the ladder.
      Apollo pulled us way back to the upper reaches of my effective range and waited for the last SEAL to disappear onto the deck before he flipped down his mic and radioed "Captain Vidar, this is Boat 3 of SWCC boat team 22. All shooters are on station and beginning their sweep, how copy?" My head snapped towards him at the name as I heard the familiar voice as she replied "affirmative Apollo, nice to work with you again. How's Viper and Spider?" He looked at me and replied "well ma'am, I think he's piecing everything together." I asked curiously "wait, is that my mom?" He nodded as Viper came on the radio "I'm doing pretty good mom, how are you liking your new ship?" I left my minigun and spoke "Viking take over for me" as I picked up the helm mounted radio and asked "Mom? When the fuck did you get station on the John Paul?" To which she sternly replied "language! As to your second question, just recently I believe 4 days ago" Apollo laughed at my scolding before replying "as you can see he's even swearing like a sailor now" I swore as I placed the radio back on the helm and took over on my minigun while we waited for the teams to call for extract and nervously checked our watches every couple seconds.
      I could hear the gunfire and radio chatter through my headset and I wanted nothing more than to climb onto the ship and help them punch through but I'm not a SEAL anymore, I don't do ground operations often. I kept glancing at my watch as the minutes passed until we were down to the last one "only a minute left, christ I hope they get it done" I heard Dynamite behind me "Capitao, you've got just under a minute how're we looking?" He was breathing heavily as he spoke "we're in a shootout, can you get the destroyer to withhold the bombardment?" Apollo transmitted the request to Mom only to receive a "I'm sorry Apollo but I have my orders, tell your men they have 30 seconds to clear out before the first shell hits" I heard Viper yell into the comms "Everyone clear out now! You've got 30 seconds!" Kali responded angrily "shit! Fuck you better be ready!" As I counted down.
      I saw the teams start running across the deck as the boom of the 5 inch gun echoed across the ocean behind me, I watched in horror as Kali was thrown over the rail by the overpressure. I turned and yelled "get over to her!" To which Apollo replied "we still need to recover the rest of our team from the ship, we'll get her right after" I cursed as Apollo pushed the throttle forward heading towards the ship only to hear Viking yell my callsign when I jumped off the boat and into the water as I searched for Kali. I saw her sinking while being perfectly still, I dove after her and swam with all my energy to get down to her depth. When I reached her I wrapped my arm under hers and across her chest before using all my might to pull us both up to the surface, my tac vest and gear weighed me down as I clawed my way to the surface. It seemed to be so far away only for us to erupt through the surface as I leaned Kali back working reverently to keep her head above water until Viper's boat pulled up next to me and two SEALs grabbed Kali's shoulder strap and hoisted her into the boat while I helped push her up before they pulled me up and into the boat.
      I sat against the side sucking in as much air as I could while my lungs creamed for more before pulling off my helmet, I looked up when a shadow blocked the sun and saw Steinar "hey bro" he smiled as he ruffled my hair "you did good kid, I don't think she'd of survived if you didn't almost kill yourself." I gave him an odd look and asked "why are you yelling at me? You always yell at me for taking stupid risks like diving in full kit" he smiled his sinister older brother signature grin and said one sentence that chilled me to my core "because you have to explain to mom why you almost killed yourself" I turned and went to jump back into the Gulf of Aden with the intention of drowning only to be grabbed and thrown next to Kali "stay there or I'll tell everyone why you're scared of Spiders" I crossed my arms and huffed as Kali started to wake up, I threw up a peace sign when she looked at me and spoke "welcome back" she asked "what happened?" I responded "the bombardment happened and a high explosive shell hit near you launching you over the edge. We managed to get you out of the ocean before you drowned" she nodded as Viper accelerated towards Boat 6, I calmed my breathing as Kali and I transferred to our original boat only to have Apollo finish speaking "no Ma'am he's fine, he's back on the boat. We got them both out but Viper told us they didn't look good when they came up so we should get them to the medbay for a check up...... yeah, I'll get him there after we see you"
      I didn't move as Kali and I rested against each other trying to regain some strength from fighting the ocean, I zoned in and out until we arrived on the bridge of the USS John Paul Jones and saw my Mother in her uniform talking to some officers before they noticed us and my mother traced their view seeing 18 soldiers standing together with two of us completely drenched. She focused squarely on me and I saw her shift from US Naval Captain to stern mother as she walked forward and pinched my ear pulling me forward and scolding "what have I told you? Stay safe, and what do you do? You go diving into ocean with 50lbs of gear. It's like you're trying to kill me with worry, well what do you have to say for yourself? Huh?" I replied softly "I'm sorry mom but I saved Kali so... it was worth it. I couldn't let her drown, you raised us better than that" she looked at Kali and asked "how are you? I heard you took a spill" Kali hissed our angrily "you almost killed me! How do you think I am?! You should've held off that fucking bombardment, you could've killed all of us!" I turned and walked Kali back out the bulkhead before stopping her "Jaimini, you need to calm down. Not only did she follow orders you know for a fact that she wasn't the one controlling the gun. Accidents happen and look at it like this, you're still here and you're not injured anything past a concussion" she nodded before growling out "I'll tear that bitch limb from limb" to which I switch from supportive friend to protective son as I took a step back and rested my hand on my pistol before speaking lowly "you threaten my mother one more time, just one more and the janitors will be working for 4 years to get the stains of your blood off that fucking wall. You hear me? Unfuck yourself before you get yourself fucked up, you hear?" She took a step back at the new side of me she'd just been show before she stormed off in a huff as I released an angry sigh and headed back on to the bridge.

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