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Eirik's POV
I was walking through the base on my way to the chow hall building when Zack came flying around the corner looking panicked, I asked interested in the reason behind his peculiar behavior "what's got you spooked?" His head snapped towards me as he spoke "it's James..... he's looking for us.... I think he wants to train" I recoiled "no, he can't. It's our sacred day! We aren't ever supposed to train on Saturdays!" He spoke quickly "shhh, stop yelling you'll give us away. I know, we shouldn't have to train it. Alright, you head to the south end of the base, I'll head to the north. If we split up he shouldn't be able to find us, remember no ratting the other out, good luck" I nodded determined as I replied "you as well, I'll see you later" as I spun and took off heading down to the south. I ducked and dived through the back alleys of the compound buildings only to almost run into and older man, he had mutton chops and an unamused expression as I spoke "hey, I'm sorry. I'm trying to move fast and I wasn't expecting you to be here. Most people don't come back here" his expression remained steady on unamusement but his tone indicated intrigue as I noticed the Team Rainbow ID Patch "what are you doing back here? Why are you running so fast?"
      I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as the man many years my senior stared at me "I'm uh, I'm hiding from from my team leader." His demeanor soured and suspicion rose "why are you hiding from your CO?" I chuckled and explained rapidly "well we have a day off from training, every Saturday it's a no training day, it's a sacred thing. Anyway my teammate tells me our CO is looking for us and of course I freaked the fuck out because it looks like my CO is destroying our sacred tradition" he asked "what unit do you belong to?" I stepped back as I got ready to start running again "You'll never take me alive!" As I took off running only to drop to the ground yelling in pain as my muscles contracted. I got rolled over and saw the old man holding a taser "Only time I'll be happy I had guard duty, hows it feel getting tazed?" I whimpered out "don't taze me bro" as he asked again "what's your unit?"
      I replied slowly as my muscles began to slowly relax "SWCC, I'm in the navy" he asked knowingly "team 22?" I asked worriedly "how'd you know?" He smiled "so I finally found you, I'm taking you to your Commander" I tried to struggle but my muscles just wouldn't respond as the man dragged me by the back of my shirt and jacket to the main building. I suddenly got thrown forward and landed on my back, I just continued to stare at the sky as I heard a commotion to my left which tore my stare away from the clouds floating so high and unbothered by the happenings of the world. I looked over and saw Zack getting placed down next to me, his wrists and ankles were bound, he noticed me and asked "why aren't you tied up? Did you try getting away?" I shook my head no and replied "I did, old man over there tazed me. My muscles haven't recovered yet" he nodded in understanding as James appeared with John infront of us, I heard him chuckle as he asked "do you have any idea how hard you are to find? We were looking for you for half an hour"
I chuckled as Zack sighed "only half an hour? I thought we did better" I heard a laugh from behind me as an unfamiliar voice spoke "you weren't kidding about their attitudes commander, I can see that much" I shifted my head so I could see who it was and saw a taller thin Indian man with a light beard, causing me to ask ever so eloquently "the fuck is that?" Only to hear John tiredly reply "must you always swear? It's our new boss" I asked with narrowed eyes "so does this mean more training?" Jaimini replied "we have trainings almost daily and missions just as frequently" I crossed my sore arms and looked at Zack who looked just as horrified as I felt "Well sorry but no thanks" the new quote unquote boss looked shocked for a second before asking "so you don't want to join the most elite team on the planet? Any reason?" I nodded as Zack responded "we like having our sacred saturdays, I just can't let them go. They're too important" James spoke "guys, we can't go without you. The team won't be as strong, you two work seamlessly together" I shrugged before replying "replace us, I refuse to give up sacred saturdays"
The man that dragged me to my current predicament asked "is not training for one day that special to you? You'd let an opportunity like this pass?" Zack spoke in a terrible cowboy voice "you don't understand, y'all like training and being the best. Me and my pal Eirik over there, we like taking saturdays and relaxin'" the man in charge asked "if I give you your 'sacred saturdays' and allow you a day without training will you come to rainbow with your crew? And you promise me you'll do your job when the time comes?" I looked at him and nodded as John spoke "Harry, they've never let us down in the field, they're some of the best gunners the Navy has. Not to mention they transferred to SWCC from the SEALs, they're hard working when they have to be but without days off they get to complaining terribly it's just easier" Harry sighed but spoke "Alright, I'll give you sacred saturdays if you join us. What do you say?" I replied with ease "sure, I'll join. Zack? What about you?" He nodded and spoke "saturdays training free and you got me on the team" I heard Jaimini "you two are way too extra"
      I looked over and replied with a cheeky laugh "Well that may be true but I have saturdays training free so who's the winner here?" She shook her head before replying "training sharpens the skills, sharp skills are like a sharp blade, necessary for a clean cut" I chuckled as I sat up "that's arguable, I mean you can always push yourself too far and drop off the face of the planet as you spiral so" I heard Harry "well you two should go pack, you're moving to the Team Rainbow barracks" I looked at him and asked "but why can't we just stay in our barracks? It's literally two buildings down from yours" he gave me a look of intrigue before asking "how do you know where the Rainbow barracks are?" I flicked my head towards the tall buff man in the SAS uniform that carried Zack here "I've seen him working out infront of it, the Rainbow ID patch gave away his team" I stood up as I finished talking only to have Harry extend his hand "welcome to Team Rainbow, I'm Harry, the director" I shook his hand and replied "nice to be welcome, I'm Eirik, the lazy gunner"
I heard the Old man behind me "how did you make it to this high a skill level if you're lazy?" Zack responded for the both of us "me and him heard that SWCC gets to play with miniguns daily, so we transferred from SEALs to SWCC to play with the guns. It's just that fuck over there actually got the position" I smirked and taunted Zack "it's cause you're trash, straight garbage, the worst ever" to which he responded "Yeah well at least I'm not scared of a fucking spider!" I yelled back "it's the fucking legs man! What needs 8 fucking legs?! And why can they climb walls?! The shits freaky!" The group of operators around us laughed at my questions only to double over in laughter after John yelled "Eirik! There's a spider on your boot!" Which caused me to jump up and spin as I searched feverishly for the spider which I quickly realized wasn't real causing me to spin and glare at John as I growled out "you prick"
He chuckled as Harry spoke "you're all dismissed for the day, training is tomorrow at 8. James, we'll get your team set up tomorrow" James nodded and replied "thank you sir" before I turned and walked away quickly with a now free Zack before James and John could give us a job to do. Zack and I ended up at the chow hall, I grabbed my food and sat down at the table and talked "so you think our job got any more annoying?" He looked up at me and nodded "they're gonna have us doing so many more ground ops, rainbow is a ground based unit." I sighed before resting my head on my forearm until I sat back up and asked "wait, if they're a ground team why are they recruiting a boat crew? We don't do on the ground action, we only do that when things go really wrong" he shrugged but replied "maybe we're gonna do for them what we do for SEALs, like we bring them in and then pull them out and just offer fire support" I finished my bite of food before nodding and sighing "man I hope so"
I heard a plate hit the table next to me causing me to look over and see Jaimini and a blonde woman with sleeve tattoos "yo" Jaimini replied "you two look like you're upset, what's got you all worked up?" I motioned to Zack and I as he spoke "we're trying to figure out what Rainbow wants with a crew of Boat Guys, we aren't ground forces" I heard the blonde who sounded like she just made a ground breaking discovery "so you're the crew Jay was talking about" I heard Zack "Jay? Who the fuck is jay?" I saw the woman motion to Jaimini who looked annoyed at the nickname "My name is Jaimini, stop calling me Jay" the woman laughed before replying "you love the nickname, stop being so iced off" I asked intrigued "so you gonna introduce us Jay or just gonna let us be strangers" she turned her glare to me and spoke "Stop. Calling. Me. Jay. As to who this is, this is Meghan, she's with the Navy SEALs" I asked in interest "what team?" She replied with pride "I'm from team 1" I nodded before motioning to Zack and I "we came from team 2 before transferring to SWCC"
She nodded before asking "any reason you switched?" I laughed before replying "we heard we could play with the M134 everyday and we wanted that, turns out I'm a better shot with the minigun than he is so I got positioned as the minigun gunner on our boat" Zack muttered "fuckin bullshit" I shot back "you're just mad you only have M2s and M240s" he pointed at me "you shut your whore mouth" I laughed as did Meghan while Jaimini watched the interaction with interest. "You two seem to hate each other" she voiced her thoughts, Zack shook his head and replied "nah, we're as close as brothers, that just means we tease each other as viciously as brothers do" she nodded before looking at me "so you're scared of spiders?" Zack spoke before I could "oh yeah, he's scared shitless of them. I've seen him jump out of the boat because he saw one near him" I spoke kinda ashamed of the fact "I had a bad experience with a spider when I was a kid, I've just never gotten over it" I heard Jaimini ask "what happened?" Zack jumped in "don't push him, he hasn't even told us. All I know is it was bad enough to scar the man for life" the conversation died right then and there causing me to speak after a couple seconds of silence "Talk about a conversation killer, haha" garnering laughs from the rest of the group just for it to fall back to silence as they thought over zack's words.

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