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Eirik's POV
     I climbed up the rope and into the back of the chinook before gripping Pulse's hand and being pulled into the chinook before smiling my thanks as I sat down and started cleaning my rifle only to look over as Jäger sat next to me "when we get back to base do you want to hang out with Dominic and I?" I looked over before smirking and nodding "it's be my pleasure" he smiled broadly as he leaned forward and looked out the back of the chinook "you can invite Jaimini if you want" I looked out the back of the helicopter before asking "why would I?" Just as Zack yelled "because you two are constantly together, I'm beginning to think you're replacing me!" I looked over and was about to speak when John jumped in "yeah man, you never spend any time with us anymore. The fuck is up with that?" I looked down as yumiko spoke "you just got caught up with the training haven't you?" I nodded before speaking over the rotors "I don't want to be weak anymore, I can't let any of you down. Jaimini helps me after trainings by brainstorming solutions"
       James sighed before looking at the rest of the operators and speaking "Eirik, you should've told us. We've been on this team for years, we could've helped" I looked down before I heard Emma(Twitch) "why are you crying?" I touched my face under my eye and saw the wet spot before looking at her "I guess I'm just relieved, I thought you'd all hate me because I started ghosting to hang out with Jaimini and train with Mike(thatcher)" Zack nodded before motioning at Jack(pulse) "we were pissed when you missed Blackjack dude, you could've just told us." I nodded ashamed as the weight of all the contempt I thought they held for me evaporated. I looked at Marius(Jäger) "how about it's just me, you, Dominic, Zack and Jack?" He smirked and nodded "it'll be a nice night, I got permission from Harry to have a bonfire so we can bring everyone out and have a relaxing night" I lifted my hand and did my special handshake with him before leaning back and looking up at the ceiling.
       I heard Emma ask "hey Eirik, why were you so angry when you yelled at us to get down before you shot?" I looked at her and replied "I'm protective of my friends, I couldn't shoot since you were all standing and I wanted to lay some hate on them. I figured it was the fastest way to get you guys to cover" she nodded before I heard James "you did good pulling them out" I looked at my M32 rotary grenade launcher before sighing "I'll have to check this again, I fired as fast as the chamber would rotate" I heard a couple chuckles as Marius replied "you'll have to do that tomorrow, we have the bonfire tonight" I put in my earbuds and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep from the exhausting mission. My legs burned as did my lungs from breathing in the fumes of the tear gas, I released a large breath as my body relaxed and I drifted off to sleep. I had flashbacks to when I had the black widow bite me and cause the most painful experience of my life, the pain was so visceral I could almost feel it again as I woke with a start only to have Yumiko lean forward looking concerned as she asked "bad dream?" I nodded before wiping some sweat from my brow "PTSD more like it"
Mike spoke "son, I think it's time you tell them. They should know" I replied tiredly "I'll tell everyone tomorrow, I don't want to ruin the bonfire" he sighed but accepted my reasoning as James, John and Zack threw worried glances at one another. I leaned back and went back to sleep to skip the flight, the memories played again but this time I slept through it to the end. I woke with a jump after I felt something hit my leg, I looked up and saw Zack extending his hand to me "we just finished unloading the boat, we're running our gear to the armory and then we're grabbing everything for the bonfire" I nodded as I gripped his wrist and stood as he yanked me to my feet and I looked down and mumbled "I'm sorry I ghosted you" he clapped me on the back "I get it, you felt weak and her confidence helped. Just don't forget that our crew is a family and well help you too" I smiled at him before walking out of the chinook and heading towards my dorm room.
     I heard Zack behind me "Make sure to tell Jaimini you love her!" I turned and yelled back "I hope your first born child is sacrificed to the gods!" He laughed loudly as the rest of the group went to their dorms to drop off their gear. I was about to turn around when I heard Jaimini's voice "so what was this I heard about love?" I froze mid turn before sighing and muttering "fucking Zack, I'll kill you I swear to god" before I turned and looked into her eyes before I spoke jovially "ah Jay, how're you doing?" To which she shifted her weight to her right leg and asked again "what's this I hear about love?" I chuckled as I replied "just Zack trying to get worked up" she nodded before asking "where are you heading?" I shifted my M32 and replied "back to the room, gonna get ready for the fire." Her brows stitched together in confusion as she went to speak just for the PA system to crackle to life as Harry's voice filled the now silent hallways "good afternoon, I have been persuaded by some of your coworkers to allow for a bonfire tonight. If you so choose, you are permitted to have one alcoholic beverage tonight. All activities will return to normal tomorrow including a training exercise, enjoy tonight"
I smirked and pointed to the PA before speaking simply "that fire, you gonna show up?" She looked conflicted before Ngugi(wamai) showed up "come on boss, you need a day to relax. You're always working so take a couple hours off" she sighed but nodded "fine, you're gonna be there right Eirik?" I nodded as I flashed a smile at Ngugi "how you doing man? I haven't been able to talk to you much lately" he nodded before replying "I'm doing well, looking forward to the next mission. Your lucky ass keeps getting them" I chuckled as I replied "it's because of my boat" to which Jay replied angrily "man fuck your boat" I recoiled in shock before laughing, Ngugi and Jaimini quickly joined in. I took a couple deep breaths to regain my composure until I heard Mike behind me "so lad, you ready to train?" I turned and looked at him before asking timidly "can't we postpone it til tomorrow? I wanna have some fun with the rest of the operators, it's been a while since I've had free time"
He sighed but replied "fine, but you better be there tomorrow or I'll kick your fucking ass" I chuckled as I dipped my head and replied "thank you" he nodded before turning until I asked "are you going to be at the bonfire?" He looked back and chuckled before walking away without replying. I sighed but looked at the group next to me as I spoke "you guys go ahead, I'll just drop off my gear and change into more comfortable clothes" Jay replied tiredly "we'll see you out there alright?" I nodded with a two finger salute "see you in a bit" I walked into my dorm and started changing, I threw on a worn black tank top and a loose pair of brown pants before sliding on my sneakers and grabbing a pack of beers before heading out to the field where the bonfire would be held. I walked to the door and pushed it open noticing the group of operators off in the distance as I began the journey only to jump when I heard Ela "yo" I spun at the unexpected noise only to relax when I saw the shorter woman giggling at my jump "oh hey Ela, wasn't expecting you there" she nodded with a small laugh "indeed, I'm surprised you're alone. Jaimini is typically with you"
      I sighed before asking "why do you all act so surprised by that?" She cocked an eyebrow before asking in return "why have you only spent time with her and Mike outside of missions?" I raised my free hand in surrender "okay you caught me but I wouldn't go that far as to say I've only hung out with them, I've spent time with Ngugi and Meghan too" she nodded before replying sarcastically "ah yes, only 4 of your friends consistently for a month, because that's normal" I sighed before speaking "we should probably get over to the group, I'm sure they're wondering where everyone is" she shook her head with a sigh before plucking one of the beers out of the six pack and opening it, I watched the scene with a sense of disbelief "you couldn't of just asked" she simply took a sip in reply as we made our way across the pavement and onto the field.
When we finally reached the group I heard Zack "is that a sexy motherfucker I see?" I nodded as I walked forward and placed down the beers. I asked everyone there already "any reason the fires so small?" To which Marius replied "I think it's not getting enough oxygen" I sighed but crouched and started blowing on the coals giving them the oxygen they needed to grow into a fire, once the flames caught the pine bows they went up into huge flames which I responded by looking over at James and speaking "well you should put on some more wood cuts, it'll help keep the branches low enough that the fire can continue to feed off of them" he nodded as I heard Jaimini and her group heading over, I sat down and opened my drink before staring at the fire. I watched the team mingle and catch up after a hectic week of missions only to have a presence appear behind me, I looked over my shoulder and nodded to Jaimini as she sat down "how're you doing?" I shrugged before replying "not that bad, kinda tired of being alone but I'm alive" she nodded before falling silent, a couple minutes later she asked "hey are you into anyone here? I mean Ela and Timur(glaz) have each other, Monika is talking to that new Green beret we recruited, so what about you? You've got a lot of friends here" I looked over the sea of people talking before replying "I'm into someone but she doesn't see it yet, I'm not sure I want her to y'know?" She nodded before asking "who is it?" I simply finished off my beer and replied "you'll know in the near future, don't worry." She sighed before asking "do you wanna go talk to everyone before the fire ends?" I pushed myself up and extended my hand to her quickly pulling her to her feet before we headed into the large group of operators.

Operation: Glancing TearWhere stories live. Discover now