The first job

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Eirik's POV
     I sat up and put down my home decor magazine when James came rushing into the barracks looking panicked "James, what's happened?" He paced back and forth not answering before John yelled "Apollo, get your shit together! What happened?" He focused at his callsign and replied "Another cargo ship got hit, we're doing a hot drop on their last known with Rainbow and a SEAL squad attached to boat 6" I folded the corner of my page and put down my magazine before asking "where'd they hit?" He replied "the gulf of Aden" Zack asked vying for an extra information "when are we leaving? What's the sea like? Temperature? Potential overboard? Warship support?" Years of practice came in handy as James replied "15 minutes, mild, 72 degrees Fahrenheit, unknown, negative" I cursed under my breath as I pushed myself to my feet "damn, the navy's really letting us down here. Alright where's the rendezvous for Depart?" He replied knowingly "the SOC, I'll do the check after I get my gear just make sure everything that needs to be tied down is tied down, John you organize everything with the Chinook when you have your gear, everyone clear on what they're doing?" I gave a cheeky smirk "crystal" as John and Zack confirmed.
       I grabbed my CZ805 and started pulling on my fatigues as I spoke with Zack "So why do they always do it when I'm reading my magazine?" He looked over and asked "Are you still reading that home design magazine?" I shrugged "hey we have to know what style are hot in the market, right now it's open design with a simplistic aesthetic" he asked intrigued "and what does that have to do with our job?" I looked over as I thought before replying "absolutely fuck all" he laughed as John asked "are you done with that cooking one? I'm looking for a new read" I nodded and tossed it to him before pulling on my plate carrier. I tucked my folded American flag under my plate carrier before strapping on the rest of my gear and heading out to the SOC carrying the magazine under my arm. I climbed into the boat and started double checking everything making sure it was secure against the boats hull. Eventually I was confident in the secureness of everything and sat down leaning against the side of the boat looking through the home decor magazine waiting until I heard James "Ah Eirik, how're we looking?" I nodded as I continued reading.
       He asked "so what're you reading?" I replied half paying attention "a home decoration magazine that came in with the last care package" he asked another question "only the navy can make you bored enough to read a decoration magazine, anyway how good a read is it?" I looked over for a second before returning my attention to the page "it's decent, the pictures are nice" he laughed as the rest of the crew turned up. "We're good to go, just need rainbow and Boat 6 to be ready." I heard James "Alright everyone, let's get to the Chinook" I pushed myself to my feet with a sigh and vaulted over the side of the boat before I disconnected the hook that keeps the boat locked in place on the trailer before pulling my rifle up by its strap and folding my magazine so it sat in the nook of my arm. I followed wordlessly as I thought over the reason why the masks would attack another ship this quickly after losing one just for John to ask "Spider, you look like you have a question without having an answer"
      I looked at him before asking "the bad guys always wait a couple of weeks for us to relax before they attack another ship, why would they do it 2 days after losing one? They know we're on high alert" he nodded slowly before muttering "that is a good point" to which Zack supplied hopefully "maybe they're running out of resources?" I thought about it until James replied "no, command says they've only been growing in numbers." I asked dreading the chance I'm right "maybe they're trying to draw us into a trap? Take out a lot of high quality soldiers in one place, it'd be a huge recruiting piece" John looked uncomfortable at the proposal before Zack chirped up "Hey, our girl will pull us out of anything" I shook my head at his expression before I stepped up onto the rear ramp of the chinook and found most of team Rainbow, our new colleagues, waiting. I apologized for keeping them waiting before I walked over and sat next to Jaimini before I pulled the magazine out from under my arm and started reading through it.
       I heard Jaimini "why are you reading a..... decoration magazine?" I looked over before returning my attention to the page as I spoke "we get these random magazines from John's mrs, they're one of the few things that make the time pass when we're bored as hell. I've learned a lot about home design, ain't that right Zack?" He laughed with nod as I heard A new voice, one I hadn't met yet "so you guys don't play Xbox or shoot for hours at a time?" James replied "we do but, sometimes the games just aren't fun anymore" I looked up from my magazine as Vicente(Capitao) spoke "I think that's called growing up." Zack yelled bloody murder "Well I don't wanna grow up! Send me back to being a kid! I didn't know it was this bad!" I asked intrigued "are you telling me you joined special forces without realizing you'd only see bad things?" He locked his focus on me "no, I fully knew I'd only see bad shit but I didn't know games wouldn't be fun anymore" I shook my head in amusement before I felt the presence of Jaimini grow closer as I looked over and saw her leaning closer staring at the magazine over my shoulder "what? Interested in interior design?" She nodded as she looked at the pictures and replied "I've been thinking about redesigning the lobby of our headquarters"
I looked over and asked "headquarters? Aren't you Indian military?" She shook her head no "The Indian military doesn't allow women to enlist, I used the connections my family has to get my PMC up and running. Now we supply the Indian military with training and weapons that we develop in our RND center" I nodded numbly as I moved on with my inspection of the different style of interiors. Time seemed to skip as I continued on with my internal musing until I heard Jaimini and felt a tap on my shoulder "we're at the infil point, come on" I pushed myself up and walked to the cockpit handing the copilot my magazine "Sebastian keep it safe" he chuckled as I headed back to the hole in the bottom of the chopper. I sat down and gripped the rope before sliding off the floor and slowly sliding down into my beauty, I looked around at Zack, James and John before nodding and walking forward to my minigun just as I heard more sliding on the rope behind me I continued to check my gun after I placed my CZ805 into its holder.
       I turned to James and called "hey Apollo, we're hot and ready to introduce ourselves" he nodded before I saw Jaimini rest her foot on the side of the bow next to me "so this is your office?" I looked at the floor and saw hundreds of spent casings in my catch bag "I apologize for the mess, last time I was at work it was a busy day" she chuckled as my new friend Meghan asked "how much do you guys fire per mission?" I shrugged before replying "I'm reasonably sure I go through about 4-6000 rounds per mission" she recoiled at the guess "what? That many? Shit I barely go through 200" I laughed before speaking "mine goes through that in 4 seconds" Zack yelled from the back "yeah well not all of us get to play with a minigun!" I spun and yelled back "well you best get used to it because you won't ever touch my baby you fucking peasant!" He recoiled and prepared to lunge at me just as Apollo spoke sternly "enough, the both of you. Fucking children Jesus" I blew a raspberry at him which caused the rainbow operators to laugh.
Just then the ropes that connected our still hovering SOC were released and we dropped 10 feet to the ocean waves below, the crew were silent since we'd done this hundreds of times before and were far more comfortable with the sudden acceleration. The same could not be said for our new comrades that came mostly from land based units, most of which scream like a 7 year old girl when they're caught off guard, Viking, Apollo and Dynamite doubled over laughing at the shrieks as the radio crackled to life from Boat 6's helmsman Viper "Boat 3, boat 3 you read?" Apollo replied through laughs "yeah Boat 6, we hear you. What do ya need?" Viper replied "we're about to load into the boat, the mission should be going in 2 minutes, how Copy?" Apollo looked at his watch before replying "2 minutes, good we'll be on schedule. Boat 3 copies all" I chuckled as I saw and heard the rest of the team talking and an evil idea formed in my head.
      I saw Viking staring at me in worry causing me to place my pointer finger across my lips in a 'shh' motion to which he gave me a small nod before I leveled my minigun and test fired it, the roar of the gun drowned out every conversation but didn't drown out the screams of shock and surprise. I laughed to myself as Jaimini looked at me with a hiss "you bitch" I chuckled as Boat 6 dropped to the water below, I didn't hear any screams of fear from the hardened seals that have worked extremely closely with us in the past, I heard Apollo "Boat 6, Boat 3 is taking lead heading to primary staging point" I heard Viper "Wilco, we're on your 6" I leveled my minigun while Apollo slammed the throttle forward forcing our twin 440 horsepower engines to propel us towards the target ship at 40 knots. I laughed joyfully at the sound before yelling "Woohoo!" As we started jumping over the wave tips and crashing down into the trough before doing it again and again with increasing enjoyment from my point of view.
      When we arrived at the target area it wasn't there, I looked around as Apollo tapped at the GPS feverishly "guys, it's supposed to be here" I looked back before asking "What direction was it going?" Zack replied "it was going northwest but.... they could've turned anywhere" Tachanka spoke "well comrade, we have to search. We cannot let them go undeterred" I nodded in agreement as did the rest of the team before Apollo listened to Dynamite "bro, we need to try. Boat guys don't quit" Apollo chuckled before lifting his Radio "Viper take your boat to the northwest, we'll take north east. We'll search by quadrants until we run out of fuel or we find them, how copy?" I could hear the excitement in his voice as he replied "Boat 3 copies all, search by quadrants in the northwest, you'll do the same in the northeast. Good luck Apollo, tell my little brother that he better not get his boat shot again." I yelled over to him in anger "It was one fucking time Steinar!" He laughed as Jaimini spoke curiously "you never said you had a brother?" I looked over before returning my eyes to the ocean ahead of us "yeah, he's a year older than me. Joined SWCC before me too, as to why I never talked about him it just never came up besides I thought you'd figure it out from the our looks" she nodded before lifting her sniper to use her scope to search at a farther range. I glanced back at my brother's boat before flexing my hands on my Minigun's hand grips only to hear Apollo "think the masks managed to turn that ship around?" Viking replied yelling "with the mask's reach? I think it's impossible they haven't turned it!" Apollo sighed as Dynamite spoke loudly to be heard over the engines "well at least well find them first if they did turn! Maybe theyre heading to Pakistan? They'd have the fuel and the sanctuary!" Just as Twitch replied angrily "we'll have to catch them before they have a chance to secure any of the cargo, they'll want something out of this!" I nodded as Kali yelled back "well find out what they want, there's no way they can withstand my skill!" I rolled my eyes at the self praise but continued scanning the horizon.

Hey guys, sorry about the length of time between updates but I'm going through a lot personally right now plus working 5 days a week so my free time is next to naught. I wish you the best
                                                      Crimson out

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