Ch. 10

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Hayley's pov

At 4 pm I hear the doorbell ring and I run downstairs with my backpack. Before Demi can open the door, I do it to see my grandma.

I excitedly hug her causing her to laugh, "Nice to see you too Hayley."

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's gooooo!"

"Hey, we have a few things to figure out. Patience, we'll leave soon enough." She says ruffling my hair.

I groan as she looks at Demi, "I'm assuming Eleanor knows she's coming to my house right?"

Not exactly, I haven't told my mom. If Demi has then that's news to me.

"I ran it by her and she said it was fine. She was happy to know Hayley was wanting to spend time with you since it's been a while." Demi says.

"Ok what time do I need to have her back?" My grandma asks.

"Anytime tomorrow works out. I don't have anything to do tomorrow and Eleanor doesn't either." Demi says.

"Alright Hayley girl, do you have everything you need?" My grandma asks.

I turn my head to her and nod, "Mhm." I say.

"Alright, do you want to say goodbye?" She asks.

"I'm good." I say walking to her car.

I stand at the passenger car door and look to my grandma as she looks at Demi sympathetically, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok, she doesn't have to like me all the time. I sure didn't like my step dad all the time for the first few years. I understand, I'm not taking it too personally right now." Demi says.

You should.

It's a few moments before my grandma unlocks the car and I get into it. I drop my backpack on the floor board and get my seatbelt on, "So what's the gossip?"

I watch her start the car as I figure out where I want to start. Once we leave the driveway I decide to start with school, "So I called Demi because mom was working when I was at school. I knew I couldn't make it through choir so I asked Demi to come get me like she implied she would do. Then she tells me she can't because she's at the hospital with my mom and if I got picked up by you or grandpa then I'd have to tell my mom why I missed school. I knew mom would be mad if I missed, so I went to choir then and the anxiety attack because demi basically said I had to." I start.

"Well that wasn't right, if you can't do it then she shouldn't make it seem like a punishment. You do what you can."

"Yeah, and then I get home and run out of toilet paper. Since they hoard it in their bathroom I had to get some. But when I look under the sink theses several boxes of pregnancy tests." I say.

"Pregnancy tests?" She asks.

"Yeah and then I look to the trash can and there's a positive one."

"Have they told you anything?" She asks.

"No, not a thing. But my mom was in the hospital today so ya know, kinda makes me think she's pregnant."

"Wow, ok, that is some gossip."

"I know right!"

"Do you think your mom cheated on Demi?"

"No, she loves her too much to. I think they are wanting another one so my mom volunteered to. Cheating sounds like a thing Demi would do. I mean, she has been around the block." I say.

"Hmm, you'll have to keep me updated on this one." She says.

"Ok, no telling anyone else. Or else I can't tell you any more family gossip." I say.

"I didn't hear a thing." She says.

Well at least someone in this family can keep a secret. Demi and my mom sure can't. I tell them one thing and tell them not to tell the other person and the next thing I know both of them know. Like that's for lying to me to get me to talk, then stabbing me in the back I guess.

"I think your aunt and cousins are coming over tomorrow." She says.

"That'd be fun. I haven't seen anyone since Christmas." I say.

"Your mom sure isn't one on keeping in touch."

"It's ok, my dad isn't either."

I turn my head to her to see her silent, "It's a joke, haha, laugh." I say.

"I don't think it's a joke when I know you're hurt about it to this day Hayley. We've had a lot of conversations about this topic due to you not feeling comfortable talking about this topic with your mom."

"Well if I don't joke about it, I'll cry. So can ya just laugh?" I ask.

She stays silent and I sigh, "Fine, I'll stop."

So much for turning trauma into jokes to cope with it all. I guess that's just not gonna fly anymore. I thought it was funny though.

"What else has happened today?" She asks.

"Demi wouldn't respect my boundaries, the usual."

"I think she's trying you know."

"She should stop."

I don't want a step mom and I don't know how much clearer I can make that. I wish she'd stop trying to parent me and just leave that up to my mom. Because I don't want her to.

"You seemed to be warming up to her until this happened."

"I wasn't ever warming up to her, I was tolerating her. Now I can't tolerate her again. She makes me upset."

"Hmm, I think you should spend the day with her and try and be open minded. You seek a bit closed minded."

"I'd rather jump off a cliff and plummet to my death, no thanks."

"What does she do the upsets you the most?" She asks.


"Ok what actions does she do that upsets you the most?" She rephrases.

"She literally took my mom away from me. When they were dating she'd always asked my mom to stay the night despite knowing I was a literal child and needed my mom. So where did I always end up? Your house because my mom was so in love with her she was ready to drop me. She literally did drop me. It's all Demi Demi Demi. It's always 'Demi has to do this so get up' or 'Demi needs this or that so we have to do this or that' and blah blah blah. Like I'm tired of her. I'm tired of my mom honestly. I'm just kinda done."

"I see, you want your mom and you feel like you don't have her now."

"I don't want her anymore. Demi can have her for all I care. I literally don't need her anymore. I'm 13, like I don't need mommy for everything anymore."

It's not like I have her to cry to anyway. She's too busy making it about Demi. So whatever honestly.

The ride to her house was silent after that and once we get there I head to the guest bedroom. I drop my backpack by the closet as I hear, "Well I haven't seen you in a while. How are you doing?"

I turn around to see my grandpa and I give him a fake smile, "Not much, but it has been a long time. I missed you and grandma."

"Leave her alone and let her settle in!" I hear my grandma yell.

"I ain't doing anything! Damn it!"

Oh wow, it's already getting started isn't it? Well, this should be a very interesting evening to say the least.

I have a feeling it'll be nothing but screaming back and forth between the two of them all afternoon to the point I have a headache. But is it still better than staying with my mom and Demi? By a long shot, yes.

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