Ch. 41

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Hayleys pov

An entire week has passed by and I didn't think I'd do it, but I actually asked to spend the day with Demi. Of course under the condition that my mom wouldn't be with us. I didn't expect her to agree to it, but she did. So I guess my mom actually allowed her to do it?

I really don't know, all I know is that I'm spending the day with Demi and I'm kinda excited about it. By kinda, I mean really. I still love my dad and Alexis a lot, and I'm still very happy living with them, I just am excited to be able to spend time with Demi too.

"Is there a certain time you want her back?" Demi asks looking at my dad.

"No, she's been excited for the past few days. Just bring her back when she's ready to come home. If she decides she wants to stay over at your house after, that's ok too." Dad says.

Demi looks down at me, "Do you want to say goodbye?" She asks.

I walk back into the house and walk to the couch and give Alexis a hug and she smiles at me, "Have fun."

"I will, thank you." I say.

I walk to my dad and give him a hug too and he gives me a hug back before releasing from the hug and ruffling my hair, "I love you, I'll see you when you get home ok?" He asks.

I give a small nod, "Ok." I say.

He flashes Demi a small smile as I step out of the house again, "Can you just let me know when you'll be bringing her back?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course!" She says.

How is it that my dad and other step mom coparent better than my mom and actual dad ever have? Demi actually respects him and is totally ok with anything he asks or says. Meanwhile my mom still gets annoyed with my dad and doesn't like him.

I don't understand, but clearly there's a lot I don't actually understand. I mean this is just one of very many things that I don't understand.

"Thank you." He says.

Demi looks down at me, "Are you ready?" She asks.

I give a small nod before walking behind her to her car. I get into the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on as Demi starts the car before putting her own seatbelt on. She turns her head to me, "What do you want to do?" She asks.

I shrug, "It doesn't really matter to me. I just wanted to hang out with you today." I say.

"You don't have anything you want to do?" She questions.

I shake my head, "No, not really." I say.

I just wanted to hang out with her and spend some time with her, that was really it. I didn't really think it through as to what I was going to do with her or anything like that. I should have, but I didn't.

"Ok well it's getting close to lunch and by the time we get there, it'll be lunch. Have you eaten lunch today?" She asks.

"No, not yet." I admit.

"Ok, where do you want to eat?" She asks.

I shrug, "Anywhere is ok with me. I can find something on the menu where ever we go." I say.

"Ok, lets just go to olive garden. I never seem to go wrong when I bring you there. You've always managed to find something on the menu there haven't you?" She asks.


"Are you ok with eating there?" She asks.


I don't really mind where we eat because as I said, I'll find something to eat no matter where we go. So I really don't care where we eat, I'll find something there.

She backs out of the drive way and silence falls between us for a few moments before I break the silence, "So what did you have to say to my mom to allow her to let you actually spend the day with you alone? I thought she'd say no." I say.

"She hasn't been feeling the best with the whole pregnancy situation. I told you about that and her doctor doesn't even really want her walking or moving more than she actually has to. She's been talking it really easy and when I told her you wanted to spend the day with me alone she just said ok. I think it was because shes already knew she wouldn't be able to come even if she wanted to. Also because I think she just want's you to be happy and spend the time with the people who make you happy. She isn't going to step between you and I right now. She's just happy to see you actually wanting to spend time with me and is happy to see where our relationship is." She says.

I know I probably should care more about the whole pregnancy situation with my mom, but I can't find it in me to do so. I just don't think she should have agreed to get pregnant in the first place. Look, she can't even take care of me. If she does lose one of the babies, I think it's because the universe is telling her that itself.

Although I'm glad to hear she's not mad at me for wanting to spend time with Demi alone. Then again, it's not like she could actually come if she wanted, as Demi said. So maybe she's just fake being happy?

I don't know and I really don't have the time to care or attempt to figure it all out. It really doesn't matter. Like at all. I have better things I could do than try and figure out my moms intentions for things.

"What have you been up to?" I ask.

"Not much, taking it easy this week mostly. I have a pretty long week next week." She says.

"I mean don't you always?" I ask.

"Just about." She admits, "How was school this week?"

"Dad had to help me a little bit in math, but other than that good. I still like all my teachers." I say.

"Well it's not a bad thing to need help every once in a while. Some lessons are harder than others, so it's ok to need help. I'm happy you still like all of your teachers though. I was hoping you still would." She says.

"I do, they all are really nice. I usually always have at least one really bad one, but I don't. They all are good and super nice." She says.

"I'm glad, you had a bad enough time with your teachers in real school this year. I was hoping they'd all be really good. I didn't want to see you have another bad teacher." She says.

Yeah I was preparing myself in case I did have one bad teacher, but I got lucky and didn't end up with any. Which was good. I'm not sure how easy it'd have been to have a bad teacher in online school. That just seems more rough than public school honestly.


"I'm getting close to finishing the song, if I finish it next week, do you want me to send it to you?" She asks.

"Mhm, I still want to hear."

"You can't send it to anyone now." She warns.

"I won't, I promise. I never have, not even when I didn't care for you. That's just too cold. Plus, your fans find leaked music enough on their own. I'm not going to help them with it." I say.

I'll never understand how fans can find leaked songs. Like how do they do it? I know my brains small and all but where do they find all the songs that don't even end up on albums? I know Demi's fans have music that she's never going to put on an album and not even I heard her record.

I know fandoms are smart and all but like how do they find it all? I am just curious myself to know how they get it all. It can't be easy and and I'm dying to know how they do it. I just want to know so bad.

Do they dm someone Demi's close with and get it that way? Do they hack into things and find it then leak it that way? Do they just find it somewhere that's not as secure as we think and then leak it?

Or is there just an entire way I'm not sure of? I just have so many questions and I'm not sure Demi's fandom would ever give me those answers. I know they wouldn't, then how would they continue to leak her music and have unreleased songs?

Ugh, my head hurts trying to figure it out. I wish I had the brains of people in her fandom. If they can figure out ways to get unreleased songs then they must have astonishing grades in school and be incredibly smart. I envy them...

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