Ch. 52

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Hayleys pov

As I predicted, I didn't get much time in my room alone before my mom decided to barge into my room and demand that I spend time with Demis family. I got maybe an hour, if that. She's too predictable.

"Demi literally told me-"

"I don't care what Demi told you, is she your mother? No, I am. So you'll do as I say and tell you to do. I'm telling you to go downstairs." She hisses.

"She's more of a mom to me than you've been. If you didn't want her to be my mom, then maybe you shouldn't have married her in the first place. I don't understand it. It's always 'listen to Demi, she's your mother' until Demi gives me the ok to do something that you don't agree with and its 'Demi's not your mother, I am'. You got married to her, therefore, she is my mom. By paper, but law, she is my parent and I do have to listen to her. Family isn't always blood, she may not be my birth mom, but she is my mom. You're not. I don't care if your blood or not, you're not my mom." I say.

Her eyes turn dark and I feel every ounce of confidence I had leave my body. Very quickly fear fills my body and I feel my heart race as I feel as if I'm suffocating as I realize I can't breathe. Airflow into my lungs isn't happening as she steps further into my room.

As she walks quickly towards me I try to back away in fear but she grabs my arm holds it so tight that all I feel is pain. I freeze in fear before I watch her hand make a fist and I see Demi stand at my doorway.

Before Demi has the chance to say anything I feel the blow to my jaw that causes my head to hit the wall behind me. I fight back the tears before I feel the second blow to the left side of my head and that's when I feel my panic rise further as my mind begins to think of memories where this is all to familiar.

I try to fight them off, but it's not successful. Despite trying my absolute hardest, the exact thing I didn't want to happen, happens. A flashback.


"I said to clean your fucking room!" She screams.

I look up from my coloring book to see mommy standing at my door beyond angry. I look around my room with a frown, "I did mommy."

"What part of this fucking room looks clean to you?! Are you fucking blind on top of fucking stupid?!" She screams.

I search around the room and see one doll that isn't put up in my toy bin and I get up to pick it up to see her storming into my room. I turn my head to see her dark eyes and angry face before her hand come at me quick and knock me to the floor.


"I'm sorry mommy." I whimper.

"STOP CRYING!" She screams.

I hold back my tears before I feel her fist connect with my jaw and I turn my head to see my dad standing at my door frame in tears. I try to back away but mommy grabs my wrist and holds it tightly and I sit frozen as I feel the next punch from her on my cheek, "LET HER GO ELEANOR!"

She lets go of my arm and I immediately get up and run to daddy. He picks me up and I wrap my arms around his next and hide my face in his chest.

"Get out." He says.

"You can't kick me-"


"I'm pre-"

"I don't care, I don't fucking care. I am not even convinced it's mine Eleanor. You've slept with so many other boys, I do not think it's mine. You're not going to do this tonight. You're not going to hurt Hayley and stay. Leave. You are not anything she needs right now. Sober up somewhere else and come back then. Call someone to pick you up."

"I wouldn't have to sleep with other boys if you'd-"

"Don't you dare finish it in front of our 5 year old daughter. Leave."

"Should've aborted her like I'm doing with this one." She hisses.

I hide my face further into his shoulder as I hear mommy get closer to me and daddy holds me protectively as she walks out of my bedroom.

"I've got you hayles." He whispers.

I feel him kiss the top of my head as I let my tears fall. I don't like mommy. I don't like her at all.

Demi's pov

I watch Hayley disassociate and Eleanor turns around with not an ounce of remorse until she see's me. She stands frozen and panicked and I shake my head in absolute disgust.

How can she hurt her own daughter? Nothing Hayley could've said would've given Eleanor the right to abuse her. She has absolutely no right to touch her, especially when it's to harm her.

"I didn't mean-"

"You did. You did mean to Eleanor, so don't you dare say you didn't mean to. No one physically hurts someone and doesn't mean it." I argue.

I didn't take anything that Hayley said about her mom in the past lightly. Part of me was hoping to see that she changed. Seeing this though, it proves she hasn't which is absolutely terrifying.

She's carrying our children. This is what she's done to Hayley. I don't want to see her do the same thing to our children. If I knew what I know now, at the time we decided we wanted another baby, I'd never had agreed to it.

"She's fine-"

I let out a sarcastic laugh, "Fine? You think she's fine?"

I feel anger pulse through every vein in my body, "You just beat the child and you have the audacity to say she's fine? No, she's not fine. This is the exact reason she has so many of the diagnosis she has." I argue.

Before she has the chance to say another word, I walk into Hayleys room, "Leave her alone. You don't need to be anywhere around her. You're the last person she wants right now." I say.

She doesn't argue, just leaves the room without saying a word. I close the door behind her and sit beside Hayley in her bed. I wrap a blanket around her and wrap my arms around her as she begins to shake.

I hear her beginning to hyperventilate and I know I need to work on calming her down. A task I'm not really the best at, but know I need to figure out quick.

I gently lay her down in her bed and get a few blankets on her for weight knowing that weight can help calm her down at times. I sit beside her and comb my fingers though her hair as i try and figure out wheat more I can do to help her.

I don't know of anything to do other than let her talk to her dad and Alexis, but I've got to get her out of this trance like state she's in now. I don't know how to do this either. The last time she was in it, she came out of it only through screaming and I don't think screaming is the way to go.

I thing that's only going to stress her out further over help her. I don't want to add to her stress right now. I just want to help her with things.

"Hayley girl, I'm so sorry baby. I'm so so so sorry this keeps happening." I whisper.

My heart hurts for her. I can't begin to imagine the pain she's in. Everything she's feared happening, just did. The reason she doesn't trust her mom, just happened.

She's worked so hard on trying to tell herself it's not true and that her moms changed and she hasn't. There is no way on earth that Hayley will ever trust her mom again after this. I for a matter of fact couldn't. I don't expect her too.

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