Chapter Six

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I'm like writing this part like two weeks later.
Idk what fuck I wrote.

Hahaha, y'all think I'm going to read that shit again?

You guys don't understand, I write all my stories, novels, in one sitting at one in morning. So like excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me for forgetting. Sheesh.

So um, I got you. I don't want to restart a book again because I forgot the dang plot. Oh well


I wildly falll from the sky with my parachute ready to pull. I pull the parachute out of my wild bag like a wild child.

The wild ground is approaching my wild body. I wildly see Adam West's Ghost wildly floating away on a wild green balloon.

There it wildly is. The wild virus.

I wildly epicly land onto the ground with wild dust blowing away from my rock hard wild body.

I wildly looked down at myself. Today is a wild Sunday. Today is wild clothes washing day. I forgot in this non cannon book that I do wild clothes washing. All I have on is my wild backpack.

Guess I have to wildly fight this virus bare.

West Wilden in Wild QuarenteenWhere stories live. Discover now