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One year ago.....

I woke up with a massive headache. What happened? I can't remember anything. Why was I on this hospital bed? I tried to get up but I couldn't because of all the things they put on my body.

I racked my brain trying to remember what happened. Wasn't I supposed to celebrate my birthday? Wasn't my father supposed to disown me because I didn't do his bidding? Did my mom divorce him yet? Did I tell her about his cheating?

I had so many unanswered questions in my head. My mind drifted to a certain someone. Lily.

I missed her and I really wanted to see her. Trying to get up, I was able to move up a little so I could get a clearer view of the room I was staying in.

Turning to my left, I find Caleb sleeping uncomfortably on one of the chairs. I laughed inwardly. How long was I out?

"Caleb? " I called out to him but he only stirred. Always a deep sleeper. "Caleb? " I called out again, only louder this time. He stirred for a few times before he finally opened his eyes. When his eyes landed on me, I could see the joy in his eyes before he hid them back with an unknown emotion.

"Dude, you're finally awake. " he said as he walked closer to me. The memories of what happened came to my mind. I tried killing myself. Well that's not the only stupid thing I've tried to do. If I didn't kill myself, the cigarettes I take would have anyway.

"Yeah. I guess I am. " I said trying to muster a smile.

"You scared the shit out of all of us. Even your old man. " My dad? So he had a heart after all. Shocking.

"I'm sorry man. " That's the only thing I could say. I don't have an excuse to justify my actions. All I wanted at that point was to end my sorry excuse for a life.

"I'm happy you're okay, because if you weren't, I would have killed your old man myself. " he said and I tried stifling my laughs. Caleb was such a drama queen.

"Where's James? " I asked, remembering my other best friend.

"He went home to rest. He has a lot going on. " Typical James to carry the world on his shoulder like we couldn't handle his problems.

The one person I've been meaning to ask of, was the person I thought I'll see immediately I wake up. So why the hell isn't she here?

"Where's Lily? " I asked him. Immediately I asked the question, his eyes went sombre.

"She left. " he said and my heart broke into a million pieces. She left me! She frigging left me! Did she even stay by my side.

What did you expect Cole? That she'll wait for you till you wake up and then you guys would have your happily ever after? No. It doesn't work that way.

I felt like the whole world fell on my shoulders. I couldn't even tell her how I really felt about her.

"Lily told me to give you this. " Caleb said handing me a letter. I didn't want to take it at first, but I did anyway. He patted my shoulder before walking out the door.

I stared at the  envelope for what felt like an hour or so before opening it. There was a small bracelet with her name on it and letter inside. I looked at the bracelet and my heart ached. I don't know if I should be angry or not. I knew she would have to leave one day but I didn't think I'd be fucking unconscious. Then I guess its my fault then. If I wasn't stupid and tried committing suicide, I would have spent every damn day with her.

Putting the bracelet down, I open the letter and read the contents.

Hey Cole. Happy birthday.
When you're probably seeing this it won't be your birthday anymore and I wouldn't be here anymore. I wanted to say thank you for everything. Thank you for always listening to me. Thank you for making this summer the best for me and thank you for being a part of my life. If there's one thing I know is that when two people are meant to be, fate would always bring them back together. So if we're meant to be, we will be. There's a lot of things I want to tell you but I can't because it isn't important anymore. You're probably angry that i didn't wait for you and I'm sorry but I had to go on with my life. You'll always be on my mind Cole and I wish you a safe recovery. I hope you like the present I got you. I thought it'll be nice if you had something to remember me by. Thanks again for everything.

Goodbye Cole

She left me with a damn letter and a bracelet. I read the letter over and over again. A part of me didn't want to believe this was true but deep down I knew it was. My summer with Lily was over and I had to continue with my life.

I had to face my parents, I had to let my mom know the truth about her husband. My head was in a fucking mess right now. And to add to my problems my so called father and mother just walked in with Olivia walking behind them. They all had sad smiles on their face but my face remained emotionless.

Olivia was quick to rush to my side and embrace me but not too tight, considering my condition.

(My son).

"Como estas. "
(How are you doing?)

"I'm fine Olivia. " I said smiling at her. I didn't like the sad look in her eyes, it was heart breaking and it was all because of me.

"nos asustaste a muerte hijo mío. "
(You scared us to death my son). She said and my smile faltered. I looked at my mom and she had the same look Olivia had. Even my father who never showed any emotions, looked really glum or that's what I think but I paid them no mind. They didn't really care for me anyway.

"I'm really really sorry Olivia. I wasn't thinking straight but I promise you that this wouldn't happen again. " I said smiling at her genuinely.

"Cole. " mom said but I didn't answer her, I just looked at her.

"I didn't think you would do something like this. What do you think would have happened if you had died?"

You wouldn't have anyone to take over your damn company. I didn't say it out loud though. I didn't want to start unnecessary drama.

Her eyes were full of unshed tears and for the hundredth time I felt like the worse son ever.

They made me this way.

"I thought it will be best we let you do things on your own terms from now on, seeing as we don't want you doing something as stupid as this again. " my father said this time. I was happy that they started seeing things my way.

It had to be when I wanted to take my life before they know they'll take me seriously.

"Thank you. " was the only thing I said and for the first time he smiled at me. It was just a faint smile but it was there before he left the room. My mom walked over to me and embraced me into a motherly hug. I haven't had one in years. She pulled away quickly and kissed my forehead before she went after her husband.

Olivia sat beside me and I rested my head on her shoulder. I had a lot on my mind, especially with this whole Lily stuff and I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I will find her because,

She belongs to me and me alone.

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