Chapter 16

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Coles POV

    "She'll be the death of you. " they said. Little did they know I wasn't scared of dying.

It was time for the party and I needed to apologize to Lily. I don't what happened to me back there. I decided to dress like a dude from a biker gang. I wore black washed ripped jeans, a white T-shirt and black leather jacket.

I ran my hand through my hair a couple of times and took a quick smoke. Its been a while since I smoked and it felt good.

I took my keys and locked up. Olivia was never almost around always going out with her best friend like teenagers but she said she was running errands alone today. I went over to Lily's house to check on her and take her with me.

I knocked on the door a few times and even rang the doorbell. Her grandmother finally opened the door for me. "Hello Cole. " she said smiling at me.

"Is Lily home? " I asked going straight to the point.

"No. She and Seb already left for the party. " she said and that broke my heart.
She was supposed to go with me but she went with her lousy boyfriend instead. "Thanks. " was all I said and hopped on my motorcycle. The only thing I could think about was going to that party and getting my Lily. She fucking belonged to me goddamnit!

It didn't take time before I got to the party. It was already packed. I looked for Lily everywhere at the same time turning down the girls that made advances at me. I had eyes for only one girl.

After searching for so long I finally found her, she was on the dance floor swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music but she wasn't alone. He had his hand around her and that's when I snapped. I went straight towards them and pulled her away from him. I was glaring daggers at him, while she was looking at me with a shocked face.

"What's your damn problem bro? " he asked me. If you looked at me closely, you'll probably notice the smoke coming out of my ears and nose.

"You wanna know what my damn problem is? Its you. You're the problem. Why do you always have to be around her? How many times do I have to beat you up before you realize she belongs with me.! " I raised my voice, I didn't even notice that the music had stopped and everyone was watching us now.

"Please Cole. Not here. "  Lily pleaded with me but I wasn't having it.

I turned to face her. "And you. I thought what we shared this past two days meant something to you. The kisses were they all nothing to you? That night? Did it also mean nothing to you? When would you finally realize its me you want and not him. Aren't you tired of hurting me Lils. Tell me? Don't you feel something for me. " I took her hand and placed it on my chest. " Can't you feel how my heart is beating for you. I'm crazy for you and you can't even see it or you do see it and you're just toying with me. "

I was trying my hardest not too cry but even I can't explain how I'm hurting. Tears were falling from her eyes.

"What is he talking about? " Seb asked her. I forgot he was here.

"What the hell is he talking about Lils!" He raised his voice at her.

"Don't you dare shout at her. " I warned him.

"Stay out of this. " he said and shoved me.

That does it. I aimed for his jaw, my punch landing on it. He staggered backwards. His eyes turned dark, showing how angry he was. He landed a punch to my lower abdomen and kicked me that I almost lost my balance.

Everyone was chanting for us now and I could feel the adrenaline rush in me. I punched him again but he was quick to shove me to the ground. He picked up and launched me to the wall, I hit my back hard. I was about going after him when she shouted.

I paused and so did he. It felt like the whole world stopped.

"Stop!!!!!! "


Lily's POV

I couldn't take it anymore, watching them fight like raging bulls. I've had enough of all this drama. Coles words stung my heart. He was right, what is wrong with me? Why do I keep doing this? This whole back and forth between him and Seb. I already knew who I wanted but I couldn't just do it. I couldn't break Sebs heart.

"Stop!!!! " I shouted and they both stopped. I didn't care about the people watching us anymore. All I wanted was to let it out. Let everything out.

"Seb. I did kiss Cole, countless times and we had sex. Mind blowing sex. I'm really sorry you had to find out this way. Honestly I thought I could teach my heart to love you but I just couldn't. God knows how many times I've tried. I'm so sorry Seb. " I said tears rolling down my eyes.

"Cole. You're right. I really don't know what's wrong with me. I should have come clean since the first time I saw you. I should have admitted to myself that I still loved you. To be honest I didn't think you'd wake up. God knows how many times I wanted to visit but I was scared. " I gulped.  "I'm really sorry. "

I felt horrible honestly. "I'm sorry Seb. I really am. I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry if you think I used you. I did love you just not in that way, I thought I could but it didn't work. "

They were both looking at me and I wanted nothing more than to just run away. Run away from them and everyone else. I wanted to run away from the world. I don't know what has become of me.

"I'm sorry. " was the last thing I said before running out of there. I ran without looking back.

"Lily!! " Cole shouted. I wanted to, to run to him and cry to him but I didn't have the courage. I ran away dodging all the drunk people out on the lawn. I didn't know where I was going but I ran. I stopped to catch my breath. My feet's were hurting. I took off my sneakers and kept walking.

Its dark so I couldn't see. Am I already on the path that takes me home? I was still walking when a hand grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. I tried screaming but his hand over my mouth was stopping me.

I bit his hand and stepped on his him. He released me and I tried running away.

"Dumb bitch! " The person said and slapped me hard that I fell on the ground. He hit me again and again and my vision was getting all blurry. He laid me well on the ground and started touching every part of my body. I was disgusted and scared but I couldn't do anything.

Cole!  I screamed but that was in my head. Someone help me.

Maybe someone heard my inner cries because the guy was lifted off me but I couldn't see cos it was dark and my vision was all blurry.

Is that sirens I hear?

"Lily? "

"Lily? " the person called out shaking my body. He sounded so familiar.

"Lily, I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. "

it sounded just like Cole.

My blue eyed prince came to save me.

I seeped into the darkness.

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