Chapter 17

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Lily's POV

"Fuck! " was the first thing I said when I opened my eyes. It hurt so bad. I felt like I was run over by a truck. I took a look at my surrounding and this looked nothing like my room.

I tried getting up but the aching of my head made me rethink it. Where was I?

I was trying to remember everything that happened yesterday but it hurt. It fucking hurts. I closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep, maybe if I wake up it'll just be a weird dream.

The memories of yesterday came back to me and I winced in pain. I remembered how that man touched me, how he hit me. I remember admitting everything to Seb. The man didn't rape me though, someone came to help me. Cole came to help me.

Despite the aching of my head and my entire body, I got up from bed. I wasn't in my costume anymore. I was now wearing someone's T-shirt. It smelt like Cole. I picked up the sheets from the bed and sniffed it.

I moaned in satisfaction. Gosh! I was head over heels for this blue eyed devil. If he was the one that saved me, then where is he?

I made my way out of the room and downstairs. The smell of pancakes filled the air and my tummy growled.

"Someone's hungry. " he said immediately I entered the kitchen and I blushed.

His back was faced to me and he was shirtless. Everything about him screamed sex appeal. Damn!

Taking my eyes off him, I sat on one of the chairs. "Uhm, how'd I get here? "

He was still flipping pancakes when he replied. "I brought you here obviously. " what he said made me roll my eyes.

"What I mean is, why didn't you just take me home? "

"I didn't want your grandmother worrying. I couldn't even take you to Olivia's house because she'd ask to many questions. So I took you to my apartment close to the college. "

"What you're saying is, we are no longer in Santa Monica? "

"Yes sherlock. " he said and I rolled my eyes again.

"Thank you. " I said to him. "If you didn't come in time, that man would have had his way with me. " tears already brimming my eyes.

He turned off the cooker and rushed over to my side, embracing me in a comforting hug. "No need to cry Lils. I'll do anything for you. Why did you run anyway? I called out to you but you didn't answer so I followed you instead and thank goodness I did. " he said, kissing my forehead.

Here I was with the guy I loved, crying on his chest while he comforted me. This is all I ever wanted to be honest but I was too scared to admit it to him and anyone else, even myself.

I wiped my eyes and pulled away from him, clearing my throat. My mind immediately went to Seb. What happened to him? Did he follow me too?

"What about Seb. " I asked him. His eyes went dark with anger but he quickly hid it with a faint smile. "immediately you left, he left too. I guess he was upset and angry. "

My heart broke. Seb has always been there for me and I owed him a lot but I couldn't teach my heart to love him, I tried but it didn't just work.

"What you cooking? " I said changing the topic.

"Pancakes and maple syrup for the lady. " he replied grinning at me. His grin put a smile on my face. He placed a plate of delicious pancakes in front of me and I wasted no time in eating. I was quick to finish my plate and he was staring at me. There was still food in my mouth when I spoke up. " why you looking at me like that? " I said still chewing.

"You have a little something here. " he said moving his hand towards me and wiping the side of mouth. After that what he did next put me in shock. He put the finger in his mouth. "Mmm, tastes good. " he said and I smacked his arm.

"ouch! " he shrieked and I just rolled my eyes and he laughed. The laugh made my heart melt.

Classes would begin tomorrow and I didn't have my things ready. "You don't have to worry, I brought your bag, before bringing you here. I told your grandma we'd be leaving together and she didn't complain. " he said and I smiled. "Thank you. " he smiled back.

I offered to do the dishes but he said I needed rest and he was right. I watched him wash the dishes before I went back to the room I came from and took a quick shower. After I got dressed I picked up my phone and switched it on.

I was greeted with so many messages and missed calls from Tasha. I needed to call her back but first I needed to talk to Seb. I dialed his number and called, it rang and went to voicemail. I tried again and again but he didn't pick up. I called for the last time but it was switched off. Just great! He hates me.

I was still looking at my phone when a pair of arms wrapped around me and I immediately knew who it was. My blue eyed prince.

"What were you doing? " he asked.

"Trying to call Seb. " I admitted and I felt his body tense before it relaxed almost immediately.

"You smell good. " he said, sniffing my hair.

"I smell just like you. "

"Well obviously. I smell good. " he said and it made me laugh.

"Always so full of yourself I see. " I said, rolling my eyes and he chuckled.

He planted small kisses on the side of my neck and it sent shivers all over my body. I leaned into him completely. He continued kissing my neck and running his hands down my side. I turned around to face him and I brought his face to mine.

I looked at him and I finally got my answer. My heart belonged to Cole and him alone. It always had. I smiled and raised he an eyebrow at me. "Why you smiling? " he asked.

"Oh nothing. " I said and crashed my lips on his. He was shocked at first but he was quick to kiss me back. Our tongues danced like that was what we needed to survive.

He sucked on my bottom lip and I moaned in his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer to me if that was possible. He pushed me gently on the bed and I was now under him. I pressed my lip against his. He kissed me back hungrily. He pulled my bottom lip into his mouth and I moaned, parting my lips, letting his tongue invade my mouth.

His lips moved from my lips to my neck and I let out a soft moan.

"Cole... "

He took off my shirt and I moaned as his lips brushed against the swells of my breast. He was tasting and nibbling on every ounce of exposed skin. He Kept his eyes on mine as his lips left kisses from my breast down to my tummy making me squirm.

What he was doing ignited a spark in me and I wanted nothing more than him to make love to me but it seems the universes wasn't having it. My phone rang.

He groaned but didn't stop, he continued kissing his way down to my lower parts. My phone rang again. "I have to answer. "

He looked at me with so much desire and intensity. "It can wait. " he said and went back to taking off my shorts.

My phone rang again. "Cole. " I said and he let out a shaky breath. "Fuck!.."he said and got up from me. I used the sheets to cover myself up and I sat up, looking at him.

I was trying to stop my laughter because of the look on his face. "You have a little something there. " I said pointing at his boner.

He glared at me and went into the bathroom.

I picked up my phone to see the caller and it was Tasha. I called her back and after two rings she picked up.

"Lils! Where are you? Seb is here and he doesn't look happy at all. You better get here now. " she said and ended the call.


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