Chapter 3

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Lily's POV

The rest of the week was stressful but it rolled by quickly. I had just stepped out of my last class for the day and was walking to Seb's car in the parking lot. He was standing in front of it, waiting for me patiently.

"Hey baby. " I said, grinning at him.

He pulled me in for a quick kiss. "How was your day? " he asked.

"Normal. " I said as he opened the door for me and I hopped in. He went to the other side and got in as well.

"Here. " he said handing me a cup of chocolate chip ice cream.

"Aw babe. " I said and he grinned. He always knew how to melt my heart or maybe its the ice cream.

"Thank you. " I said gratefully and opened it.

The ice cream had already finished when he pulled up at my driveway. We both got down and he walked me to the front door.

"Thanks for dropping me off and for the ice cream. " I smiled at him and there was this unknown emotion that passed through his dark eyes before smiling back at me.

"Anything for you mi lady. " he said, doing that princely bow.

Show off.

My subconscious said and I ignored it.

I pulled him in for a quick hug before pulling away.

"I love you. " he said and my heart froze. Love!! He just said he loves me and I don't know what to say. Do I love him back?

Nah Lils, don't be silly.

My subconscious said.

Never trust words
Some people have sugar on their lips
And venom in their hearts.

"I love you too seb. " I said smiling. I lied! I don't know why I did, but I did it anyway. I mentally face palmed myself.

He smiled "see you later babe. " he pecked my cheek and went to his car.  he got in and drove off, that's when I went into the house.

I lazily kicked off my shoes and joined Tasha on our sofa. She got home early today.

"I lied to Seb. " I wasted no time to tell her what happened.

"How? " she asked, facing me.

"I told him I loved him. "

"Well... Don't you love him? "

"No... Yes... I don't know. " I sighed.

"But you said it anyway. "

"Yeah. I had no choice. "

"Did he hold a knife to your neck? "

"No. "

"Did he threaten to kill your family? "

"No. "

"So what do you mean you had no choice. "

I sighed again. " because he said it and his eyes held so much hope that I felt the same and I didn't want to break his heart so I lied instead. " I said slouching into the sofa.

"Oh my poor poor Lily. Did you stop to think you're hurting him instead by lying? "

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. " I said to her closing my eyes. I had a lot of things to think about with this whole me and Seb. I do like him, what I don't know is if I can love him and I don't want to hurt him but I think I'm already doing it by lying to him. I'm such a bitch.

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