Chapter 4

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Lily's POV

I'm craving chocolate chip ice cream right now. I think I have a problem. Tasha came home tipsy yesterday night, with this guy hanging on her arm like a second clothing.

I sent him home though, can't have some creepy dude fucking the brains out of my bestie.

My class wasn't until 2pm, so I had a lot of time to relax. Tasha already left for school despite her hangover. I picked up my phone from the bedside table and called Seb. He picked up after two rings.

"Hey babe. "

"Hey seb. How are ya? "

"I'm good. You? "

"I'm craving ice cream. " he chuckled.

"How bout I get you a tub of your favorite ice cream, then come spend time with you? "

"I would love that. " I said, my stomach already doing somersaults at the thought of the ice cream.

"I'll be there in the next 15 minutes. " he said. I hung up.

I was bored out of my mind, so letting Seb come over sounds like a very good idea. I was scrolling through my profile on Facebook, when I stumbled upon a picture of me and Cole. I was smiling at the camera and he was just staring at me.

The picture was taken by Caleb. Caleb, I missed him and James. Sigh.

Most times I really wished I never left him, I missed him a lot. His laugh, his stupid smirk, his funny comebacks and his pretty blue eyes. I missed Cole.

The sound of my door bell cut me out of my thoughts. Was it 15 minutes already? Wow. I stood up from the bed and made my way to my front door.

I opened the door and the smiling face of Seb greets me. He leans in to kiss my cheek.

"I got your ice cream. " he said, showing me the tub.

I licked my lips. "Thanks babe. " he got in and put the ice cream on the table and I got us some spoons.

"No lectures? " he asked, while I was already taking my 5th spoon of the tub of goodness. Silly expression? I know.

"Not until 2." I answered back.

He grinned. " I can spend enough time with you before I take you to class then. " he said and I gulped. Something about this sounded strange to me. Did it to you? Cos it totally did to me.

I put on a fake smile and continue  stuffing my face with ice cream. We were finally done and I felt relieved. I really needed that ice cream. Thank you for small favors.

I stood up, picked up the empty ice cream tub and made my way to the kitchen. I threw the tub away and walked to the sink to wash my hands. I was washing my hands, when I felt someone wrap their arms around me and began kissing my neck. I didn't need to see the person to know who it was. Seb.

"Babe, couldn't you at least let me wash my hands. " I said, unwrapping his hands from my waist.

"My bad. " he said, raising his hands in mock surrender. I turned off the faucet and began walking back to the living room and he followed me. All of a sudden he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him and my behind landed on his solid chest. He ran his hands up and down my sides and it made me really uncomfortable.

He is my boyfriend, so shouldn't I be turned on by this? Why do I feel disgusted?

Because he's not Cole. My subconscious answered. I felt like I had something to prove. I wanted to prove that Cole belonged to my past and Seb was with me now. So whatever he does shouldn't disgust me.

He was kissing my neck, planting little kisses here and there, I started moving my hips. There wasn't any music on though. He took in a sharp in take of breath, then turned me around to face him.

He pressed his lips against mine, pulling me in with a hand on my neck.I responded immediately, my eyes falling shut.  His hands went to my sides, gripping me to him as he sat down on the sofa and placed me on his lap. I kissed him, accordingly, opening my mouth to feel him. I roamed my hands all over his body, under his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin, to threading through his hair, hearing his groan muffled against my mouth. I could feel the heat emitting from the both of us and I wanted what was gonna happen. I wanted it all.

I tugged at his shirt as he removed his mouth from mine, trailing kisses down my neck. He nipped and sucked the skin on my neck, I was very certain that there would be mark there later.

"Cole. " I moaned and everything stopped. He stopped what he was doing. Why did he stop? I looked up at him and my eyes landed on Seb's confused face. Wait! Seb. Oh my fucking wow, I was just kissing Seb and I mentioned Cole. What the fuck is wrong with me.

"Cole? " he asked, his eyes went dark with obvious anger. I scurried off his lap, burying my eyes to the ground. My cheeks were red out of embarrassment.

"Who's Cole? " he questioned. What would I tell him?

"He was someone I met during the summer. "

"Did you date him? " I shook my head. "No. We only had a small fling. "

"Did you love him? " he asked.

"Yes. " I answered. I looked up at him and he looked stressed out. I don't blame him though, he was almost getting laid and I ruined it by moaning another guys name.

"That explains a lot. " he said and got up. i didn't know what to say to him. I'm really embarrassed right now. Damnit!

Couldn't I say something else like chocolate chip or bananas.

"I'm sorry Seb. " I tried apologizing.

"No need for apologies Lils. I'll be going now. " he said, picking up the jacket I didn't even know he took off and he strode towards the front door.

"Seb. " I called after him but he didn't answer. He just opened the door and left. So much for hot couch make out session.

I stood there looking at the closed door, I didn't feel like going for class anymore. Why did I moan his name? Why do I think of him so much? He's someone I should have forgotten a long time ago.

I sat down on the couch and stared at the blank TV, I felt like absolute shit right now. Seb probably hates me now.

With the way he's all over you, I don't think he does.

My subconscious said. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't hear the front door open until the person plopped down beside me and tapped my shoulder.

"What you thinking about? " Tasha asked me.

"Thinking about how I just fucked up."

"What did you do this time Lils? " she asked, turning to face me.

"Me and Seb were in the middle of something and instead of calling his name, I said Cole instead. " I said, burying my face in my palms.

"Whoa! " she exclaimed. "That's some twisted shit. "

"I know. " I cried out.

"I told you. You still have feelings for Cole. "

"And even if I do? I'm with Seb now. "

"Your heart belongs to Cole. "

"Who is a thousand miles away. "

"Don't feel so bad Lils. It was just a small slip up. " she said, trying to calm me down.

"Seb left pretty bum though. "

"He'll get over it. " she said, side hugging me. That wasn't comforting at all.

"I still feel bad. "

"I know what would make you feel better. " she said excitedly and I shot her a confused look.

"Shopping. " she shouted and i felt worse instantly.

Only Tasha parker would think shopping is a way to cheer someone up.

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