ch - 15

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Damian's POV

After some discussion it was decided that I would stay in the manor but I made it perfectly clear that I would not be taking my mask off . I called raven and asked her if she could take care of Hera for sometime and she thankfully agreed . for now I was patrolling with batman and robin against my wishes . batman said that it was because I can get hurt but I knew it was to keep an eye on me .

I sniffed the air trying to get some foul scent , behind me batman and robin were looking at the streets .

“ why are you sniffing the air ? Is your sense of smell more strong than a average human ? " I groaned . ever since the patrol started  , robin has been asking me such questions . from beside me I can fell death rolling his eyes . I turned and only then I noticed the notebook in his hands ( is he seriously taking notes ? )

“ what are you doing ? " I asked , he stopped scribbling in his notebook and looked at me

“ taking notes "

“ why ? "

“ to classify you in a category  "

“ what ? "

“ to classify you in a category . I mean I want to see if you're a meta  like  superman , a magician like zatana or someone who deals with paranorma  like Constantine ? "

“ I'm someone who deals with both magic and paranorma "

“ is there a category for that ? "

“ I don't know  "

“ hmm interesting " such a weirdo . I can feel batman looking at us but i ignored him in favor of looking for more signs for a paranormal activity .

“ B , look at that man . he seems off " I looked where robin was pointing and I saw a man , hiding behind a wall occasionally taking peeks to see if someone was coming . I quickly recognized the aura .  just then a woman came . the man began threatening her , telling her to give him all her money .

“ stay here and don't interfere " I said to both batman and robin not staying to see their reaction I jumped  , quickly summoning a rope I throwed it at the demon energy . it wrapped around the energy , which in this case was in the man but it was only tapping the energy not the man . it shrieked as it got out of the man and tried to ran but I held the rope tightly . I was going to start reciting the spells but a bataring came and the energy seeing its chance got in its path , resulting in the rope getting cut . (  what the hell !? I thought I  told them not to interfere !? )

The energy now free rushed towards batman who just landed on the street

“ no ! " I yelled flinging the rope , trying to stop it from hurting batman . it worked . the energy dodged the rope and escaped realizing it didn't stand a chance .

“ what the hell !? I thought I told you not to interfere "

“ we were trying to help " batman replied irritatingly calm

“ how !? By throwing a bataring at it  "
He shrugged

“ your rope wrapped around it so I thought it has a physical form  "

“ this rope is blessed thats why it wrapped around it . next time when I say ‘ don't interfere ' don't interfere !" I yelled and then took deep breathes trying to calm myself just then I realized something

“ where's robin ? " I asked . I looked up at the small building to see robin sitting there taking notes . I groaned . not even one day here and I'm going crazy

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