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The next morning, David and the others were all lying down in their beds sleeping, or at least they were before they were woken up Luke Rovallo, who entered the bedroom they were in inside The NT Room with a portable loudspeaker in his right hand! "Wake up, recruits!" Luke Rovallo shouted into the loudspeaker, which immediately snapped them all awake and made them fall out of their beds in shock as a result! "It's time to start your daily exercise routines!"

Out of the others, David was the least happy about being woken up like this as if he, Charleton, Robert, Hillary and Nick were at a military school and Luke was their drill sergeant. David also was the least thrilled about doing all that exercise that Luke had told him and the others about each and every day as he knew he would be struggling a lot and he didn't have much endurance with pushing his body too hard for long periods of time.

A few minutes later, after everyone was dressed in their TEFF uniforms and had made their beds, Luke immediately got them started on the first part exercise of their daily exercise routines, which was running a bunch of laps around The NT Room, much to David's annoyance. David could run and he didn't mind doing so, but when Luke mentioned that he and the others would be doing laps for hours until it was 8:30AM, which was when they would stop and have breakfast, David wasn't looking forward to this new daily routine even more than he had before.

In fact, less than a half hour later and even though he and the others had little bottles of water with them, which they were drinking every now and then, David felt like his legs, chest, heart and lungs were mad at him for agreeing to this. "How do bodybuilders on TV do this stuff everyday!?" David said out loud as he was panting from exhaustion.

Luke was jogging next to David and decided David needed something to keep his mind off the stress and pressure all this exercise was having on his body. "Don't worry, David. The first day is always the hardest! After awhile, you'll get used to it!" Luke promised. "But if it helps, I'll tell you and the others another true story regarding Lesley to distract you from all this pressure and stress that you're feeling! Here's what happened..."


12 years ago, at TEFF Headquarters, a younger Luke Rovallo, Seth Rovallo, Marcus Rovallo and a man, who had unusual purple hair, emerald-green eyes and white skin and was wearing a royal robe were all standing around outside a room in the base. The room they were outside of was actually the base's infirmary, where all those who were sick, badly injured or had other serious health problems were kept.

The man in the royal robe was pacing back and forth in front of the door to the infirmary with a serious expression on his face. "King Endurance, you've been pacing back and forth here for 6 hours and haven't slept in more than 2 days and a half!" Marcus told the king. "You really should be getting some rest, or at least sit down and take it easy!"

"How can I rest and take it easy when my wife is in there and going through what has to be the worst physical pain that she has ever had to go through in her entire life!?" King Endurance replied.

"Your majesty, you know how hard labor can be for any women! There have been countless women before her, who have had to experience what is happening to her now!" Seth pointed out. "But worrying about her too much and not sleeping and pacing back and forth like this isn't going to do anything!"

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