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David and the others were quite confused now about what Marcus had just revealed to them. "The Convexity?" Charleton asked. "What's that?"

"It's a very special power that only one other person has had and that was many years ago and long before Leruda Castle was built!" Marcus replied. "But that's not the point. The point is that this power could spell big trouble if it fell into the wrong hands!"

"So, that means Lesley has this power herself?" Robert realized.

"Yes. In fact, she doesn't need to be rescued just because she's the princess and the sole surviving member of the True Royal Family Of Evermore," Marcus admitted. "But also because of The Convexity that she possesses!"

"But what does Lesley's power even do?" Nick demanded.

Before Marcus could reply, Hillary told everyone to be quiet as David and the others turned their attentions back to Koval and the transformed Princess Lesley. Lesley groaned in annoyance, anger and hatred for her giant captor as she reluctantly got ready to do whatever Koval wanted her to do.

What Lesley did next surprised David and the others. David and the others thought that Lesley was going to let Koval rape her or do something else that was really low and terrible, but that wasn't the case!

Instead, Lesley started singing. At the same time, the strings on her harp body began to play themselves!

Don't ask what Lesley exactly sang because no one was really paying much attention to that, not even Koval. This was because the way Lesley was singing and the sweet melody her harp body was making as it played itself had everyone completely mesmerized!

Even though Lesley only sang for a minute and a half, it felt more like hours. David had already been interested in Princess Lesley before, but after hearing her sweet voice and soothing singing, David was even more into her than ever!

When Lesley finished singing and her harp body stopped playing itself, like Koval, David and the others were all silent and were at a loss for words. That was the best thing that David, Robert, Nick, Charleton and Hillary had ever heard in their lives and they were tempted to clap their hands and shout out to Lesley for an encore, but they quickly remembered Koval and where they were and resisted the urge to do so.

After a little bit, Koval broke his silence and he spoke again, but this time in a more upbeat and pleased tone of voice. "Well, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Koval said in a satisfied tone of voice. "I'm happy you did it. Afterall, there's nothing like hearing you use your power that helps make my day each and every single day now!"

"So, what are you going to do with me now?" Lesley asked, even though she already knew the answer to that.

"Why I'm going to put you back where I always keep you whenever I'm not having you using your power for me. What else?" Koval answered. "I'll keep you locked up in my Treasure Room, where no one else, not even that idiot I have as a son can get you but me!"

Koval then chuckled to himself and put Lesley back into the same blue bag that she had been in before as he stood up from the chair that he had been sitting in this whole time. Then, Koval quickly walked out of the room and closed the kitchen door behind him, carrying Lesley in the bag in one hand as his large, booming footsteps could be heard and felt becoming less and less until they couldn't be heard or felt anymore at all!

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