1.10 |"You're actually here, usisi omkhulu"

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Amber was getting jumpy the closer that the jet got to Wakanda

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Amber was getting jumpy the closer that the jet got to Wakanda. Her knee was bouncing and she couldn't hold still, however, her face was still straight and stern. The super soldiers in the jet were asleep, Steve's arm was crossed with his head laid back and Bucky was sitting straight up but his head was bobbing from side to side. T'Challa was sitting in his seat, staring off into space, thought's of Amber filling them. She was someone who fascinated him. She was stern but flirty. She was kind but distant. They both felt something right when they saw each other, a silent connection.

"Sister Amber, My prince, we are home," Okoye stated T'Challa. Immediately he stood, Amber following suit walking toward her sleeping friends. T'Challa was a bit confused about why Okoye called Amber, sister when she was not related to the Wakandan culture but just waved it off as a miswording.

"Steve, wake up." She said as she shook his shoulder. Steve let out a small groan and a slight nod indicating that he was awake. Amber did the same to Bucky, but he was more alarmed, jolting up.

T'Challa walked toward the front and the other three followed. Steve and Bucky awing the view outside of the window. Amber and T'Challa chuckled slightly at their amazed expression, catching each other laughing they glanced at each other for a short moment, T'Challa offering her a smile, Amber returning it with a shy one.

She then turned back, facing the back face turning stern and distant. T'Challa felt a bit of a sting in his chest when she did this. He was worried that he did something wrong or if she regretted accepting his help.

Ignoring the pain in his chest he faces the windows again a small smile appearing on his face at the familiar view.

"This never gets old" He states as they fly through the hidden barrier. Steve and Buck's awed faces deepening as they stared out into Wakanda, Amber watching them with a small smile on her face. Seeing the childlike faces on her friend's faces took the weight off her shoulders. She hoped that the previous events didn't ruin them, she wanted them to be happy.

The jet finally landed as it reached the landing pad, T'Challa, Okoye, and the three foreigners walk toward the back of the jet.

Bucky tuning slightly, afraid that something bad will happen and it was a trick. Seeing this Steve put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze, reassuring him that it was going to be fine.

The back of the jet opened, a small staircase leading to the outside of the jet. T'Challa stood in front of the three with Okoye a foot behind his side, Amber hid between the two super soldiers.

At the end of the staircase stood three women, and the Dora Milaje standing in two lines in front of the jet.

The three women all held strong looks on their faces all holding pride. Queen Ramonda stood in the middle, Ayo at her Right and Shuri on her left. The three had no idea why they were there, only that T'Challa needed them, mostly Shuri, immediately.

When they saw T'Challa they became more alert as they see the sad but stern expression on his face.

"Hello mama, Shuri, Ayo." He greeted simply. The three women offer him small smiles.

"We are getting by my son." His mother responded.

"What did you need me here for, brother?" Shuri asked she has been curious as to why she was specifically asked to be there when he landed and wanted to know why.

When Amber heard her best friend's voice she started to get excited. After many years they would finally meet in person and she was so happy. The person who she saw as not only a best friend but a sister and daughter. She still hasn't seen her due to the large men in front of her small figure which made her more excited to surprise Shuri.

T'Challa moved to the side showing and revealing the two super soldiers behind him.

"I need help" He stated, Shuri gave him an odd look when he said those words. Noticing her confusion T'Challa pulled his sister to the side.

While they were talking the two men did not know what to do so they shifted their position where they were facing T'Challa and Shuri as they talked.

In doing so, Amber was revealed to the Queen, who let out a small gasp that quickly turned into a wide smile.

"Amber," She said with a motherly voice.

Amber responded with a meek smile. She didn't know how to react, she never thought this day would ever happen, especially so soon after the death of her Uncle figure, T'Chaka.

"My queen," Amber greeted with a small bow.

After Amber spoke Shuri's attention changed from her brother to her best friend. All the words that came out of T'Challa's mouth became a blur for her as the excitement in her chest started to grow.

"Am!" She exclaimed. Amber's head snapped away from Queen Ramonda to her best friend, Shuri.

Amber's stern and serious face changed to pure happiness. The look on her face warmed everyone's hearts, especially T'Challa. He thought that the way she smiled was beautiful, all the boys thought that, however, they all also shared confusion about how she knew Shuri.

Amber twisted her body so she was facing Shuri with her arms out initiating a hug. Shuri immediately left her brother and ran into Amber's arms. Amber took Shuri into her arms and spun her around like she was a child, in doing so Shuri squealed as one in the process.

Finally, after the warm reunion, Amber let Shuri down but didn't let go.

"You're actually here, usisi omkhulu" Shuri said as she buries her head into Amber's shoulder.

"I'm here, I'm home, usisi omnicinci"


Hey guys, I have some news about future updayes. I'm having some changes at home so I might not update for a month or two. Also my passion for writing this book isn't as prominent as before, so that's also another reason

I will strive to finish the book in the future, but as of right now I'm going to put the book on hold till I figure everything out.

Thank you for reading, I hope that you all enjoyed the couple chapters of "His Eternal Flame"

Thank you for reading, I hope that you all enjoyed the couple chapters of "His Eternal Flame"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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