Where it all began

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It's Monday, the first day of the week which means school. It's only September and I've been back at school for two weeks and I'm already tired. A-levels are more difficult than I anticipated. I don't think I could survive college without my daily espresso.

'The lines awful, I'll be there as quick as I can'. Placing my phone casually back into my pocket as I waited for my espresso, unintentionally tapping my foot while I grew impatient.

'Order number 28', that was mine.
Swooping up my coffee, I was ready to get out of there and head back to school.

Unaware of my surroundings I turned and without being able to react quick enough I had bashed into someone, my black coffee was completely wasted and soaked into my white uniform. All he gave was a slight smirk and shook his head out of awkwardness. Towering over me, he was dressed in black jeans paired with a plain white tee and a leather jacket as well as a pair of black ray-bans. He seemed so..familiar. Unamused, I brushed past him and decided it was best to just get out of there, I was livid, my uniform was ruined and I was gonna be late. It also burned like hell but I wasn't gonna give him that satisfaction.

He grabbed my hand momentarily, 'Wait, that was rude of me' I think he's apologizing?

Avoiding eye contact under my breath I muttered
'don't worry about it', I've always hated confrontation.

He truly did look guilty and looked like he wanted to help but I was running really late for my next class. 'Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?'

I shrugged my shoulders saying 'I've to get to school in like 3 minutes'.
'Perfect! I'll give you a ride' he states rather than asking me.

I'm hesitant because this is a stranger, I know I shouldn't accept the offer but I honestly have nothing to lose and there's no way I can get to school in time.

'Promise you're not a serial killer?' I joke but kind of seriously asking him.

'I guess you'll have to find out' and he does his small smirk again.

Walking outside behind him as he leads the way to a jet black Range Rover, I scoff and raise my eyebrows at him as we approach the vehicle and he shrugs his shoulders once again.

He opens the back door for me to get in and climbs in the other side, I didn't realize he was going to have a driver. He explained to his driver the situation and he agreed to help, asking for my school, I reply 'Hempstead College', knowing the area very well he knew exactly where to go.

Awkward silence took over the drive as a notification popped up on my screen from Rosie 'Ysa, seriously you are going to be late', I quickly click off my phone and ignore the message.

'So it's Ysa?' he concludes.
'Your name is Ysa'
'So you read my message' I question.
He huffs, 'Sorry, the silence was getting unbearable'
'Yes, my name is Ysa', he nods.
'Is that short for something?'
'Ysabella.' His eyes don't leave mine. 'But call me Ysa, I prefer it'.
'I'll try to remember that' he laughs.
'Do I get to know your name?' I question.

For some reason he hesitated and I could see his muscles tense but he proceeded 'It's Harry'.
Still not removing his sunglasses.

'Harry, may I ask why you bought 5 coffees at 10am?' 

'They're obviously not all for me. They're for my band mates' My eyebrows raise in shock.
'Oh wow you're in a band' ,  I ask confused but now realizing I should've put the pieces together that he was famous.

Hesitantly lifting his sunglasses up from his eyes and onto his dark brown hair, giving me an awkward smile.
Holy shit I'm in a car with Harry Styles and I had no idea, I blame it on the lack of caffeine. I sit there in complete and utter shock for what felt like forever.

His bright green eyes staring at me 'You alright?' he asks trying to hold back his laughter.
Does he think I'm alright?!?!

'Yes sorry I just um didn't see that one coming.'
He just nods slowly not breaking his eye contact, he felt as though he was studying me.
'So Harry Styles, member of one direction, you're the one that spilt coffee all over me'
He rolls his eyes at me, 'You're never going to let that go are you?'

I sit there thinking about what the actual fuck I'm going to tell Rosie when I get to school, there is no way she's going to believe me.

'Wait, do you have an actual class right now?' He asks
'Well yeah it's 10am' I tell him in a confused tone.
'Your shirt is ruined, I don't think it's the best idea to turn up to class wearing that' he explains
'It's not that bad' trying to convince myself at the same time.
'It's completely see-through' he says seriously
'You're just saying that'
'Nice pink strap' he comments, knowing he's annoying me.
'Ugh, then what do you suggest I do?'
'Wait here' he instructs and the driver pulls in.

Before I can say anything he hops out of the car and runs into a building, that I do not recognize. I look at the time realizing I'm already 5 minutes late for class, I just hope Rosie has made an excuse for me.

It's once again awkward tension in the air as the driver and I sit and wait for Harry to come back.

'What's your name' I ask, trying to make small talk to pass the time.
'Paul' he states as he gives a friendly smile through the rear view mirror.
'I bet he takes lots of girls he meets in his car' immediately regretting what I just said.
'Actually you're the first one' he reveals.
That's got to be a joke.No way has Harry Styles never taken a girl into his car before.

Seconds later I spot him running towards the car with a white shirt in his right hand. Jumping back in, he passes it to me. 'Hope it's okay' he mutters as he puts his seat belt back on. I nod.

I motion for him to turn around, a confused expression appears on his face. 'I'm already running extremely late because of you, I need to change now'
I start to unbutton my school shirt and turn to glare at him as he is still staring. He jokingly throws his arms up into air and finally faces away. I quickly swap the shirts just as he asks 'Are you done yet?'
'Yep, you can turn around now'

Approaching my school, I grab my bag and jump out of the car, I yell 'thank you Paul for the lift!'. Harry looks between Paul and I probably questioning how I had learnt his name. 'You seriously thought we just sat in silence the whole time you were gone' Paul tells him. I smile at Harry one last time as he waves goodbye.

The second I turn around after the car driving off I'm face to face with Rosie, she looks very unimpressed with me and confused. I've known her ever since I moved here when I was 10, 6 years later we're still best friends. Honestly don't know what I'd do without her, even though it's an unspoken rule we do everything together and tell each other everything. She has the brightest blue eyes and medium length shiny blonde hair, she always has been the one with the better style, she's the artistic one as well. Although we are complete opposites we suit each other.

'Who was that?' She questions looking back at where the car had just been. I'm trying to decide whether it's best to tell her or just leave it, I'm already so late and I don't want anymore distractions, 'does it really matter?'
'I guess not' she shrugs. It's best just to tell her later.

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