Cover up

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I'm waiting anxiously for Harry to arrive, I'm wearing black jeans and red blouse, nothing too dressed up but nothing too slouchy. Suddenly I  realize that I haven't mentioned to my family that it's Harry Styles, member of One Direction, all they think is that he's a 17 year old English boy called Harry, which I guess isn't wrong. I had forgotten that it isn't normal. Just as I am rushing downstairs to tell them so that they can be prepared my Mum opens the door.

He's stood there in a blue jeans and a floral shirt, his hair the same as usual, styled but not very neat. He looks good as much as I don't want to admit it. My mum just stands there, I'm not sure if she recognizes him or if she's just shocked that I could get someone that good-looking. 'Hello I'm Harry, it's a pleasure to meet you' Harry says starting the conversation as he goes in for a hug which my mum accepts.
'Hello, its nice to meet you as well. I'm Cindy' Finally she is able to speak. She motions for him to come inside. I just now realize that he's never been here before. As he steps in facing away from my Mum, she gives me a thumbs up with her mouth hanging wind open as if she's letting me know she already approves. He goes to hug me which we've never done before which seems surprising to me, as I pull away he attempts to kiss me on the check but I dodge it giving him an 'are you crazy?' look and he just gives me an amused smile. My dad now walks in and he doesn't seemed phased, so far so good,  he walks towards Harry and takes his hand introducing himself and telling him he can call him Mark instead of Mr.Jones which Harry had originally called him. I just stand there dreading Louisa to walk in. We sit down at the dinner table, Harry and I are opposite my parents. While we sit and eat my mums homemade lasagna, Harry answers the questions they fire at him, he unsurprisingly good at this which annoys me. The doorknob starts to move and I can hear the sound of keys rattling. Oh no, it's Louisa.

As she closes the door she shouts 'Is the boy here yet? Am I lat-' she stops mid-sentence as she enters the dining room to see us all eating and Harry sat down next to me. She knows exactly who he is, just my luck. She is frozen, completely stuck in her tracks as she stares at Harry, I've never seen her like this before. I whisper to Harry staying I'm sorry about this and I stand to grab her by her arm as I drag her into the kitchen. Her mouth still hung open. 'Harry St-' she takes a deep breath 'He's Your Boyf-' she asks struggling to form a sentence.
'Surprise' I joke. She's not reacting, it's like she's just switched off.
'You didn't think to specify that Harry meant Harry fucking Styles from 1D' she blurts our really loudly. I try to get her to quiet down.
'I'm sorry' I apologize because I now realize how embarrassing this must be for her.
'Well, a heads up would've been nice' he complains.

We make our way back into the dining room and my parents are still talking to him. Harry stands up to give Louisa a hug and apologizes for earlier and he reassures her it's fine, we have to explain to my parents what was going on with Louisa.
'Mum, Harry is in a famous band called One direction' I tell her hoping she will recognize the name.
'I knew you looked familiar!' My dad says placing down his fork. They both take it very well and start ask him questions about that instead of our 'relationship'. After dinner Harry thanks my mum for the meal and I give him a tour of the house. Lastly I show him my bedroom.

It's not massive but it's a decent size. He steps inside as I open the door and he walks around in silence as he takes it all in. He picks up a picture off of my desk showing me, I haven't look at it in ages. He points to Rosie knowing her already as I've shown him pictures of her previously, he points to the other girl in between Rosie and I.
'That's Clara' I answer, I haven't said her name in a long time, it feels weird.
'You guys not friends anymore?' He guesses. I think he picks up on my hesitation and places the picture frame down. 'You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to' he says kindly.
'No, I want to' I say trying to get my words together. He doesn't push me he just waits patiently. 'We were best friends, the three of us.' He nods showing he's listening. 'About two years ago well she was in a car crash' I struggle to get the words out. I've never really talked about it with anyone before, everyone I know already knew the story, I've never had to explain it. I can feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. 'She didn't survive it' I say avoiding eye contact with him and sit down on my bed. He stands there, trying to think of what to say next. He just walks towards me, sits down with me and wraps his arms around me gently and I bury my face into his chest.
'It's okay. it was a while ago' I mumble not sure if he can hear me.
'That doesn't mean anything, it's okay to still hurt' he comforts me, everything he said was true but I didn't want to be crying in front of him. I hardly know him. Although it was only a few minutes It feels much longer, I pull out of the hug and wipe my tears from under my eyes, trying not to look at him as I'm a bit embarrassed. 'You don't have to hide from me' he sweetly whispers just enough for me to hear him. As much as I want to look at him, I can't bring myself to.
'You hardly know me' I say, realizing how rude that must have sounded.
'We can change that' he replies cheekily, I cant help but let out a short laugh. He lifts my chin to face him so now we are face to face, he doesn't let go of my chin. I still try to avoid eye contact as I feel so embarrassed, 'Hey, look at me' he pleads. Our eyes locked with each other, his eyes drop down to lips and back to my eyes. It's like there is a force pulling my face towards his, like magnetism. Uncontrollably we both start to lean in when my door flings open, he drops my chin and I swing my head straight to the door. My sisters stood there shyly 'Anyone want desert?' She offers, I don't want anymore food but I know I can't be alone with Harry right now after what almost happened. I jump up and leave the room past my sister whose holding the door open and Harry follows smiling friendly at my sister as he pasts.

We eat dessert and he once again hugs my Mum and sister goodbye after shaking my Dads hand. I close the front door behind us and we walk towards his car. 'Thanks for tonight' he says unlocking his car doors.
'Thank you for coming, I really appreciate it' I say, he nods. I'm really pondering on if to bring up what happened between us but I don't know if I'm just in my head. I'm running out of time as he's slipping into his car seat. 'You know that can't happened, right?' I blurt out, not really knowing what to say. He stops getting into his car and looks at me for a second.
'What?' He asks genuinely looking confused, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was just messing with me.
'In my room, before my sister came in' I say trying to re-jog his memory.
'Ah' he lets out as he lifts his head upwards as if to say of course. 'It wont' he plainly replies, straight faced, sitting into his car and shutting his door.
'Rude much' I mutter under my breath so he can't hear. I don't know what I was expecting him to reply but that certainly wasn't it.
'See you Sunday, baby' he flirts with his usual smirk. There's the normal Harry I know. I roll my eyes at him and he drives off.

I wander back inside, a little confused about tonight but I know I'm going to be bombarded with questions as soon as I one of my family members. I try to sneakily enter back into my bedroom without bumping into any of them, successfully I make it too my room. I almost jump out of my skin when I see Louisa sitting on my bed on her phone.
'Uh, whatcha doing?' I ask her. She just stares at me and then looks back down at her phone. What does she think she's doing? 'Alright then, I'm gonna go to sleep in your room' I announce knowing she hates when others are in her room, as do I. As I'm leaving the room she finally speaks up.
'Does anyone else know?' She asks, I'm surprised that's the first question she wants to know.
'No' I simply reply.
'Not even Rosie?' She confirms seeming shocked.
'Well, not yet' I say sitting on my bed with her. She just nods and gets up to leave my room. That's seriously the only question she has to ask, wow. That was easy. She stops in the doorway and turns around,
'Just don't fall too hard for him, okay?' She tells me looking a little concerned, which makes me tilt my head in confusion as to what she's trying to say. 'He's going to break your heart, I can already tell' she blankly says and with that she shuts the door and goes to her own room leaving me in shock as to what she has just said. I know she's just looking out for me which is nice but she was quite harsh with what she had said. She doesn't have to worry, Harry and I are not together and we never will be, he had just confirmed that.

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