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"I know you had enough"

Dion POV

  "You gonna respond back to that message or nah? You've been looking at it for the past 3 days." Dira said eating her salad. "Uh no and mind your business. You been on yours none stop for the same amount of time." I said with my eyebrow raised. "No I wasn't." she said as I looked at her. "Boy get outta here." I said mimicking her. "Damn you was woke?" "With that loud ass laugh you did, how could I even sleep?" I said shaking my head. "Gotta work on that. Sorry for keeping you up." she said as I smiled. "It's all good. I mean I did go to sleep afterwards, hence why I'm not cranky." I said as she nodded her head.

  "I gotta look for a job." I blurted as she sent me a death gaze. "I'm sorry." "Girl shut up. Not a serious job. Something part time until you get out of class. We could use some extra funds while we're here. Besides I'll be bored being home alone." "I mean you could call Carlo to keep you company." she laughed as I shook my head. "You got jokes huh?" "Sorry. Why don't you just respond back to him? He seems like a good guy." "That's the thing. He 'seems' like a good guy. Almost every does until you get to know them. That's when the mask come off. I just can't afford to go through that again." I said shaking my head. 

  "I get D, I really do but you can't treat EVERY guy that shows interest in you like that." she said as I sent her a confused look. "I don't treat every guy like that. It's just funny that when I begin to get attached to some, they ruin it. Besides the ones I actually do that to always proves me right. Prime example being Joey. Boy had a crush on me since I stepped foot on campus. We kissed one time and then boom, boy has a whole reputation." I said as she nodded her head. "Yeah that was definitely crazy how fast he moved. Well I'm just saying I have a good feeling about this one." she said as she took a sip of her water. I burst out laughing. "Ma'am you haven't even had a full conversation with the guy. Please." "D, don't let this one slip away." she simply said as she went back to her phone. 

  I sat there for a moment in my thoughts. Was I wrong for not responding back to his message? I mean I definitely could've just said OK or something. I just want to make sure this is real though. Speaking of him he just texted me again. 'Starting to think you may have given me the wrong number.' it said. I instantly started to feel bad. "What's with the face?" she asked as I showed her the phone. "Oooohh. How long does he have?" "Until tonight. It will make four days officially." I answered. "That's a good one." she said as she held her hands up. Let me explain the process, I usually wait four days before responding for two reasons. One, I don't want to be too hype and get played. Two is to see if the interest is really there. Weird yes but it has been working for me. 

  "You ready to go?" she asked as I nodded my head before putting my phone up. We were simply going to take a walk around town today. "These bakeries smell so good." she said as we walked. "Oooooo caramel muffins! Let's go!" I said dragging her into the shop.  "Hi! Welcome to Indulge. I'm guessing you want the caramel muffins?" The cashier said laughing. "Yes! One dozen please." I said smiling. "Could I also get a small snickerdoodle cake added to that order?" Dira asked as she nodded her head. "They have so many delicious things here. America, take notes." I said earning a laugh from her. "You have a point there." she added. "I'm sorry for the wait but here's your order." the cashier said coming back to us. "Thank you so much." I said handing her the money, with a little extra being her tip. 

  Waving to her, we continued our trek around the city. We ending up going shopping too. "Now we were not even supposed to be buying shit. This is why you can't take us anywhere." Dira said as I laughed. "That's our problem now." I said taking a bite of my muffin. "Then on top of that, you end up snagging a job. Just when I thought I could get you to relax." she said face palming herself. "Now why you being dramatic. It's a part time job and only 3 days a week. A little extra money isn't gonna hurt. Besides, I won't have to wait for you to come home like a desperate husband." I said earning a laugh from her. "OK, I'll let you live. Did you text him back?" she said reminding me. 

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