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"Love to love you."

Dion POV

  "You've been looking at me like that for the past 5 minutes. What's up?" Carlo asked laughing. It was so cute seeing him flip back in forth through the menu. "Nothing. Nothing at all." I laughed. He was about to say something but was interrupted by the waitress taking our orders. I looked up from the menu to see him looking at me. "What?" I said with a confused face.

  "Nothing. Nothing at all." He said mimicking me. "Very funny." I said before breaking out in a laugh. I smiled at him. "You have a nice smile." he said as I looked down. "Hey, did I say something wrong?" he said tilting my face back up. "Not at all. It's been a minute since I've been complimented. That's all." "Really? Look at you. You deserve to be complimented." I simply smiled as his thumb caressed my  face. We were interrupted by the waitress bringing our food. "That looks good. I should've gotten that instead." I said as I admired his plate. It made mine look bland. 

  "You can have some if you want. Yours look good too." he said as I smiled. He held his hand out as I looked at him in surprise. "What? You don't think we bless our food before we eat?" "I don't think anything to be honest." I said placing my hand in his as he smiled. After we finished blessing our food, we started to eat. "You still want some?" he asked as I nodded my head. I watched as his fork gently wrapped swept up the noodles and pierced a piece of meat before carefully hovering it in the air, cupping it with his hand. Happily, I leaned over to meet him halfway. 

  "The plane is now ready to land." he said as I burst out laughing. "You are so childish." I laughed as I opened my mouth. "That is so good! I said as he smiled. "I knew you would like it." he said as I flagged him. We continued to have casual conversation as we ate. "Can I have some?" he asked as I smiled. "Say ah." I said as he laughed "Now who's childish?" he retorted as I shoved the food in his mouth. "Still you." I said with my tongue out. He just shook his head and laughed. Once we were done, he paid for the food as we said our good night's to the waitress. He wrapped his arm around me as we walked. 

  "I guess you could say our first date was a success." I said as he laughed. "You thought this was a date?" he asked as I stopped and looked at him. "You caught me. Though I really have something else planned." he said as I raised my eye brow. "Nope I'm not telling you." he said as he smiled. Something I've come to enjoy. "Not even a hint?" I said as he laughed. "Nope. You'll just have to wait and see." he said as he laughed. "I  can't even get a hint?" I said turning towards him. "Nope. Just be ready." he smirked. "that doesn't help me whatsoever but OK." "As we get closer to the day, I'll tell you what exactly what to wear." "You better not be last minute either." I said earning a laugh from him. 

  "It won't." he winked at me. I just shook my head as we continued to walk. "It's a beautiful night out isn't it?" he said looking up at the sky as we walked. "Yes it is. The weather is nice as well. Not to warm or cold, just-" "Perfect." he said completing my sentence as I blushed and turned my attention elsewhere, earning a laugh from him. I started to play with his fingers until he closed them, locking mine with his. "Here comes the worst part." he said as I looked at him confused until I saw that we were right in front of my place. I looked up to see him with a sad expression on his face. "Hey, don't be like that. You still have to take me on a date remember? " I said as I pulled him in for a hug.

  "Can always count on you to cheer me up." he said as as I smiled. "Get home safe sir." "Don't I always?" he said as I shook my head no. "I wouldn't know." I said waving my phone around. "Oh you want my number. I was actually waiting on you." he laughed as he walked back. I handed him my phone and watched him put his number in. I raised my eyebrow in confusion when I saw the flash go off. "Needed a good contact photo for when I call." he said as I laughed. He was right though. He handed me my phone back as he pulled me in for a hug. "You not gonna hand me yours?" I asked confused. "I'm hoping that you'll actually use it." he said with a smile. I just gazed at him as he smiled back at me. Adorable self. 

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