Chapter One

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Dred filled Peter Parker as he heard Beck reveal his identity to New York. seeing his unmasked face plastered onto the tv for all to see was sickening. Peter decided to voice his thoughts to the world.


Peter looked down at MJ who looked just as confused as he was. He jumped off the pole to meet her at eye level.

"MJ," he pleaded. "You know I didn-."

"I know that!" MJ nearly yelled "But they don't!" Peter only just realized that people were staring at him, most people with angry looks, other people with half confused half betrayed faces. It hurt to see how quickly the public's opinion could sway about him. "You need to run Peter." MJ said in an almost whisper voice. Peter's head snapped towards hers.

"But-" he began. The angrier people had started to advance towards them with their fists clenched and looking ready for a fight.

"No, Peter you're not safe here, you need to run. Go!" She ordered with a tone that left no room for argument. Peter held her gaze for a couple seconds longer then web-slinged away.

After nearly 40 minutes of running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop did he stop to take a breath. Peter didn't know what to do, he thought through every single option. No where was safe, he couldn't be Peter Parker, Peter Parker was now Spider-Man and Spider-Man is now a criminal. He wouldn't risk the lives of his friends and May by hiding with them. He hasn't felt so lost before, even when Beck had betrayed him he knew he could fall back on Happy or May or Ned even MJ now. But this time he had no one to fall back on. As long as he wanted the people he most cared about to stay safe he couldn't even be near them. Peter felt a sob break through his throat, overwhelmed and exhausted he curled up by the corner of the roof as he tried to choke back the uncontrollable sobs from leaving his mouth.

After finally gaining somewhat control over his emotions, did he finally stand up. When he did, everything started to blur together and Peter felt like he was about to pass out. As soon as the dizziness came it went; However, was he in a different place? His Peter-tingle screamed at him and instinctively he raised his arms up above his head to catch a jet bridge? What was going on? Confused, Peter started to look at his new surroundings, it looked familiar, almost like a distant memory. He's suddenly snapped out of his thoughts by a very familiar voice.

"You got heart kid, where you from?" All Peter could say was,


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