Chapter 3

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Peter needed help. He needed to get back home and to make sure his friends and May were okay. He had no plan which was not good. He cursed under his breath.

It felt like old wounds were reopening with Tony being alive. It felt like a big pill to swallow. Holy shit and The Black Widow is alive too!

Peter's surprise then morphed into anxiety.

This is bad, he could screw up the timeline- nay, he already has! He threw a friggin jet bridge at Captain friggin America! That never happened last time! Peter turned his eyes to Steve's still very confused ones.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Captain America sir! I didn't mean to throw the jet bridge at you, well I did. I just thought you were an illusion." Steve's eyes went from confused to much more confused with a good amount of concern.

Then, Peter remembered something important! EDITH! She was in his suit, she could help him find Dr.Strange! Peter got up and ran to a more private location so people would not hear him.

"EDITH!" Peter almost yelled.

"Yes, Peter?"

"I need you to find and contact Dr. Strange, I don't know his real name but I was hoping-" Peter started but EDITH cut in.

"A Doctor Steven Strange is in my database and I can contact him; However, my internal clock seems to be malfunctioning as it should not be reading 2016," She said factually.

"Yeah, we time-traveled, EDITH. That's why I need to find Dr. Strange."

"I have contacted Doctor Steven Strange."

"Thank you EDITH. Wait. His real name IS Dr.Strange?"

"Yes, Peter."

"Oof," Peter said, embarrassed.

Peter walked out of the place he was hiding and not even a second later the one the only Tony Stark landed in front of him. Peter stumbled back in surprise and fell on his butt. His eyes were wide and unblinking as he stared at his dead mentor/father figure.

"Kid, what the hell? I've been trying to contact you via comms and you're just ignoring me? I give you a million-dollar suit and you just decide to hide in some corner?" Tony barks.

Peter continues to stare. Trying to figure out something to say without bursting into tears. Tony rolls his eyes and is about to say something else when his eyes narrow onto Peter's suit. Shit.

"What the hell are you wearing? That's not the suit I gave you," Tony questioned.

"Urm, uhh," That's all Peter could say. Tony was about to say something when Ant-Man suddenly became Giant-Man. Tony stared Peter down.

"You are going to help with this and then we are going to discuss your change of outfit. Let's go," And with that Tony's helmet retracts over his face, and he flew away.

Right. Peter needs to help so he can avoid even more suspicion. What did he do last time? Oh, right the Empire Strikes Back thing.

Peter starts running towards Giant-Man when he sees War-Machine go flying across his field of view. Instinctively, he shot a web out and caught War-Machines foot with it. Just like last time he got dragged along with him until he stuck his feet on a truck to slow down his and War-Machine's velocity.

"EDITH, I need you to get me into Tony's comms please."

"Right away, Peter." Peter could now hear team Iron-Man in battle through the comms. It was so familiar it almost made him feel like a young and innocent 14-year-old again.

Suddenly the web that was still attached to War-Machine flew into the sky and with Peter still holding the other end was dragged along with him. Peter let out a startled yelp but didn't let go.

"Okay anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestions." He heard Tony say. Peter turned his head to see Tony get pelted with a mini falcon robot courtesy of the real Falcon.

"Hey, Mr. War-Machine? can you fly close to Giant-Man so I can jump onto him?"

"Whatever kid." But he compiled non the less.

Everything went exactly like last time. Except for the part when he accidentally gets yeeted to the ground and hits a bunch of boxes by Giant-Mans back-handed bitch slap.

Peter is now sitting on the ground next to Scott Lang who keeps asking for orange slices.

Once again he's scared shitless of Tony's sudden arrival.

"Nice work with stopping this guy," Tony gestures down to Scott who now seems to be napping. "Anyways how 'bout that suit?" Tony now looks Peter over. "It's not exactly the one I gave you hours earlier."

Peter knows he's screwed. Between being bad at lying and barely being able to look Tony in the eye, it's hopeless. As if the superhero gods heard him he's suddenly falling through a very familiar portal. He lands on his back with a great big oof and looks up to see a very unhappy-looking Dr. Strange.

"How about we have a little chat, Peter Parker?"

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