Chapter 8

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"Tony, May is going to be here soon," Peter said, slipping on his Spider-Man mask.

Tony walked in now wearing a suit jacket over an ACDC shirt. Tony gave Peter a one over and raised his eyebrow.

"What's the Spider-Man suit have to do with seeing Aunt May?" Tony said, gesturing to Peter's suit.

"I thought it might be easier to kill two birds with one stone. Like I say, the reason why your nephew is here is because I'm from the future and he is vital in stopping bad things from happening in the future. Then when she believes I'm from the future I tell her I'm Spider-Man."

Tony gave Peter an incredulous look.

"Does May drink?" Peter's brow furrowed at Tony's question.

"No, why?"

"Because after this she's probably gonna need one."

Peter couldn't disagree.

"I'm going to go wait for May outside," Peter said. Tony nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Rhodey is going to be here around one by the way." Peter nodded and made his way to the front entrance to wait for May to arrive.

Just like May had said, she was at the compound by 11 AM on the dot. May Parker stepped out of the taxi with a duffel bag around one shoulder and a suitcase in the other hand. Peter was standing by the entrance. He caught May's eyes and she walked cautiously over to him.

"Hello, Mrs. Parker. As you know I'm Spider-Man, I'm here to escort you to Tony's living quarters."

Peter didn't bother to change his voice as she would figure out his identity today anyways. May gave Peter an odd look.

"You sound familiar, do I know you?" May questioned. Peter shrugged.

"The reason why you're here is mostly because of me and I need Peter to stay here for a while. Once we get to a more private area I promise I will explain everything."

May looked at him suspiciously but then sighed and said.

"Lead the way Spider-Man."

Once they got to Tony's floor Peter led May to a guest room next to Peter's.

"Is Peter here?" May asked after she put her bags on the bed. Peter nodded.

"He is but you won't be able to see him for a while. Tony and I still need to debrief you on this current debacle." May nodded. He showed May to the living room and instructed her to sit on the couch.

"FRIDAY please ask Tony to meet me in the living room. Tell him May is here."

"Right away boss."

May slightly jumped and raised her head to the ceiling.

"That's Tony Stark's AI. She runs the whole building, you'll get used to her."

May nodded. A few minutes later Tony waltzed in. May got up and offered her hand to Tony, Tony accepted the hand graciously.

"Tony, it's nice to see you again."

Tony smiled.

"Always a pleasure Mrs. Parker. So Spidey and I found ourselves in a bit of a predicament a few days ago."

Tony gestured to May to take a seat. Peter took the far end of the couch and Tony remained standing.

"The short story is that Spider-Man time-traveled into the past."

May blinked at Tony and then looked at Peter who was sitting rigidly.

"I have no reason not to believe you, I mean if aliens and Norse gods exist then why not time-travel. But, why does this include Peter?"

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