Chapter 14

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"Peter! It's good to see you, how is your leg?" Liz said with a cheery grin.

"My leg?" Peter questioned nervously looking down at his feet. Liz gave him a confused stare.

"Yeah, the teachers said you fractured your leg or something and that's why you weren't at school." Peter's eyes widened, realizing his mistake.

"Uh yeah! My leg got injured. It's been better." Peter stumbled. Liz smiled.

"We missed you at Decathlon practice- except Flash, but you could've guessed that." Peter nodded mutely, still looking at Liz. "Well, I need to head to class. Remember to practice for Decathlon, nationals are coming up in like, 2 months." Liz gave one last smile to Peter and then walked off.

"Wow, that was super awkward," Ned said.

"No surprise there. Peter took Liz to homecoming but he ditched her last second. In his defense, Liz's dad was a supervillain that Peter had been trying to stop for weeks." MJ said bluntly, turning to Ned.

"That was literally the coolest sentence ever," Ned said breathlessly. "Wait Liz's dad is a supervillain?!"

"Shhhhhh!" Peter shushed, eyes wide. "Don't tell anyone okay Ned?" Ned nodded mutely, still trying to comprehend the fact he was just given.

"Yo losers we're going to be late for class," MJ said. Peter and Ned nodded and started to follow MJ since they all had the same class.

During class Peter spaced out, thinking about how he was going to stop the Vulture this time. Peter knows where Toomes lives but he didn't want to attack at his house in case it got messy. He didn't want Liz to have a trashed house. He also needed to think about Toomes's men out and about selling weapons- even if he caught Vulture, they could still create weapons with whatever they had. Even worse, try to steal more tech. He needed to take them out all in one blow. But how?

"Peter, are you listening?" Mr. Harrington asked, raising an eyebrow. Peter's head shot up to look up at the front of the class.

"Yeah yeah yeah," Peter said quickly. Mr. Harrington gave Peter a withering glance but continued teaching. Peter heard a snicker from behind him, turning to see the origin of the snicker he was not surprised to see Flash giving him a smug grin. Peter huffed out a breath of air and turned to face the front of the class. He decided to ignore the wads of paper being hucked at the back of his head from Flash. This was going to be a long day.

Over the next month, Peter planned and consulted with Tony on how to take down the Vulture and his men. Peter had also been patrolling Queens in a new suit that looked exactly like the one Tony made for him for the civil war because the original one had disappeared when future Peter appeared.

"Okay, so the plan is you and I to attack when the Vulture is stealing more alien tech so he's alone when we fight him. Meanwhile, the Avengers will be raiding the home base of the bad guys and making sure to disarm them of any alien tech they may have." Tony said over the phone. Peter was in the middle of patrolling when Tony had called saying that the Avengers had agreed to help with the Vulture.

"Do you think this will work?" Peter asked.

"Of course it will, I don't plan faulty plans," Tony replied. Peter breathed out a chuckle. "Speaking of plans, do you know when the Vulture will be stealing more tech?" Tony wondered.

"From what I remember, Toomes attempted to steal more tech in D.C. the night before the Decathlon nationals. Unfortunately for him, I intervened and he didn't get any tech." Peter responded.

"Do you remember where this happened?" Tony asked hopefully.

"No, it was so long ago. Maybe EDITH knows?" Peter said.

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