Chapter 5

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Without thinking, Peter jumps down to Tony.

"Tony? Tony! Are you okay? No, wait, you're not okay that's why you're on the ground." Peter felt like Tony was dying all over again, he was starting to hyperventilate when a voice brought him back.

"Kid? The hell did you come from?" Tony's voice was faint but he was able to pick it up clearly with his enhanced hearing. Peter knew he needed to get Tony help so he did the first thing that came into his mind.

"EDITH? I need you to contact Happy. Send him my coordinates and tell him to get here as fast as he can. Tony needs help."

"Right away, boss."

Peter looks down to meet Tony's eyes which are now confused.

"How the hell do you know about EDITH?"

"Tony I'll explain later I promise, but can we worry about you right now?"

Tony rolled his eyes but didn't bring it up again. Peter grabbed Tony underneath his armpits and made him sit up against one of the pillars. They sat in silence, Peter glancing at Tony periodically making sure he didn't fall asleep and he was okay, and Tony just staring at Peter's new suit and Peter himself.

He hadn't once taken his mask off since he got to 2016 so he knew Tony couldn't see how broken Peter looked sitting next to his once dead now living mentor/father figure. It hurt when Peter realized that this Tony had no recollection of his time spent with Peter or how close they got.


Peter's thoughts were interrupted when he heard Happy's voice.

"Happy?" Peter called out as he got up.


"Happy we're down here!"

A couple of seconds later Happy's face appeared. His face was a mix of confusion and concern when he saw Peter but quickly turned into one of horror when he saw the state of Tony.

"Happy we need to get him to the med-bay as soon as possible." Peter urged. "Where's the jet?' Peter asked.

"Uhh, It's out front." Happy replied. Peter picked up Tony as carefully as he could without hurting him and put one of his arms around Peter's shoulder and Happy did the same on Tonys other side. Peter looked at Happy and made a gesture as lets go.

Getting to the front was a tricky and delicate process but they finally got him into the jet. Happy and Peter laid Tony in the middle of the aisle with a pillow underneath his head. Happy was driving the jet while Peter helped Tony out of his Iron Man armor and checking for more wounds. Peter concluded that the damage wasn't as critical as he thought but they still needed to get him to the med-bay soon.

"How much longer Happy?" Peter called out.

"About half an hour." Happy replied putting the jet in the auto-pilot and sitting down in one of the aisle seats next to Peter. Happy glanced down at Tony who was now resting.

"How is he?"

"He's in pain but it's not as bad as it looks" Peter answered. Happy was now looking at Peter.

"Is that the suit Tony gave you?" Happy asked. "I thought it was red and blue."

"It is, this is just a different one." Happy just nodded thinking Tony just had another one and gave it to Peter.

"Speaking of you, how the hell did you get to Siberia? I'm pretty sure Tony wouldn't bring you along to make a truce with Captain America, and speaking of truce it looks like that didn't go well." Nodding to Tony's arc reactor.

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