Chapter-1 The Problem That Everything Should Be Perfect.

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Drishti's POV

" You are useless!"

"You are unwanted!"

"You are a burden!"

"You are zero!"

"Nobody wants you!"

"Go and die somewhere!"

"Go and die and let us live peacefully!"

"You can't even be called good!"

" You are good for nothing!'

"You are just a curse!"

" God created an unwanted piece and that's you!"

" You are worthless!"

"You can never do anything on your own!"

" Get lost from our lives!"

"I don't want you!"

"You are very boring!"

"You are useless!"

" Yes, I used you like a tissue paper and now throwing you!"

"You don't deserve to live!"

"You are so mean!"

" Die please, let us live peacefully! "

"We can't let live a burden in our house! Can we?"

" Out! Now!"

" You can't be worthy of it!"

"Why did the god created you?"

" You can only break! You can never join!"

" You don't deserve anyone!"

" An extra attached file on this earth!"

" You are meaningless!"

" You just know how to break!"

"We are unknown to you! Who are you?"

" You are a bad omen!"

" You are bad influence!"

" Only one title suits you - useless who is unwanted!"

" You are stranger!"

" I don't care for you!"

" Yes! I betrayed you! What will you do?"

" Get yourself a coffin and get buried yourself, because no one is gonna feel guilty or cry on your death, instead they'll smile as they got rid of you!"

" Die and let live!"

" Living to die? Or dying to live?"

" No one will remember your presence even if you die!"

" Can you please get rid of yourself from our mansion?"

I smiled as these words came flashing up to me. I must thank all these people, they have really made me very strong just like a concrete wall.

A small tear, tear of happiness, tear of joy got collected near the corner of my ciliary muscle.

No tears, these are very good memories of my life!

Eyes, control yourself, you can't start flowing anytime! If these are tears of happiness, then it's ok!


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