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I've always wanted a mate, my other half, to be completed in a fulfilling way but that never happened. I wondered why the goddess wouldn't bless me with a mate, was she just like my pack and family, they didn't care about me and certainly didn't care what happened in my life.

I could drop dead right now and no one would mourn, yeah that much was possible. I wasn't what they wanted and hell would've frozen over if my father would pick me to be the next alpha and not Daxom my twin brother. We all knew that.

"Hey Al, you're frowning again." I looked up. "Oh hey, Steph."

"You seriously need to stop doing that, but with I'm about to say you're probably going to be more angry." I didn't want to know, I already felt like a failure with the exception of my degree in business.

Stephen was the next beta in our pack, Daxom's best friend and also my other friend, but we really didn't socialize because I wasn't that sociable, to begin with, I was actually anti-social ever since I came back home after college.

"So you know that your dad said he would pick an alpha after you guys turned 23 because well you and Daxom are twins." I cut him off.

"You want me to step aside and let him be Alpha like everyone else, as if that's not obvious." I shifted my position and looked above to the swaying trees, minding their own business.

"I guess you know then, it's not that we hate you or anything it's just that you know, he was here and well he is stronger than you." I scoff. This has been my life, everyone favored Daxom, our mother passed away when we were little, leaving my dad with three kids to raise and be alpha, but me and my little sister Emma never really got that love, it was always for Daxom the future alpha.

"I was never going to challenge him, I know my place in this pack." I snapped and he stood up to leave. I knew why my dad kept me around, I was his bargaining chip to any alpha in the packs, near and far from us. Ivy was already on her way to be betrothed to some dick head alpha, luckily I sent her to college before it happened, no one should suffer a fate like that.

I don't hate my father for doing what he thinks is right, well I didn't hate him, now it's different, I love him but enough is enough for me. After school when I returned to the pack, I became more and more resented by my pack, they didn't show it obviously but I knew.

I was the alphas son, they couldn't touch me, I had alpha blood, but that didn't stop the sneers from the dominant wolves who supported my brothers claim to be alpha.

I, on the other hand, I just wanted to live, my brother was a prick and we all knew it, he was selfish, and all he knew was to fuck anything with legs, typical alpha brawn with limited brain. I overlooked everything because I thought one day we would bond like brothers and be happy but I guess that's never going to happen.

I walked back to the house, I lived with my dad, and well Daxom already lived in the Alpha suite at the packhouse didn't really need a much more vivid sign to show he was their alpha.

A searing pain had falling to the ground, it was so intense I felt as if my guts were being ripped apart, my heart ached so badly, and I knew I wasn't the only one feeling this, my wolf whimpered in my head.

He kept howling, as I writhed in agony on the forest floor, I thought it would never stop, until I gave in completely to that pain and blacked out.

What happened next I didn't know, I could feel my wolf but he wasn't talking to me, it was as if he was still recovering for that very severe pain, I had experienced. Opening my eyes it was already night. The crescent moon shining above, I staggered to my feet.

What the hell had happened.

I walked home in a daze, not knowing what had happened to me.

"Congratulations son, the pack will be happy to hear this." I heard my father from inside. I turned the knob to be met by my brother and an unknown male sitting with him. The closer I got the more the scent got stronger. Until it overpowered my senses.

"Mate." I muttered earning a gasp from the three. "What?" He asked. "I thought Daxom was my mate."

My father and brother were silent as I begin putting everything together, I looked at the unknown guy's neck and saw the mate mark, that's why I felt pain, twins usually get one mate, if they mate without the other present it breaks the connection with the other twin it's sort of like rejection since only one did it.

I should've felt angry, betrayed but I felt numb, Daxom was always ignorant and selfish, he didn't care about anything or anyone. He knew if he found his mate that only meant, I was mated to that person, but no, he had to claim them, making me feel pain from rejection, he's never wanted a mate, he was a whore and I knew it, I was the one who hadn't even touched another because I wanted to be the first for my mate and them for me too but that wasn't going to happen.

"I'm sorry son." Father spoke up.

"Save it, dad, I just want to know why?"I knew I sounded angry. "Why what?" Daxom asks.

"So you're going to pretend that you just didn't break our bond by being a selfish prick, we all know that twins rarely have separate mates, and you didn't even consider that he might also be my mate!!"

"Don't yell at me, I am your alpha." My own brother, I never thought I would see the day he would try use that on me. "You're right, you're the alpha and you get to do whatever you want, because you've always done that, none of us matter it's always you."

"Shut the fuck up you don't know anything." I scoff. "I was with you since being conceived, I watched our father neglect us for you, I got raped by people who wanted to get back at you!!" I knew I shouldn't have said that because our father believed something else.

But it was high time I called them out on their shit. "I'm tired of being treated like I don't matter, the one thing I've always wanted, and you broke that as well. I shouldn't be surprised you've always been an arrogant....son of a bitch." I watched their anger come but I was done, I knew when I was not wanted and now I needed to do something with myself.

I thought my brother would change, I've taken a lot of heavy hits for him, and I was tired. I was better than this. So I calmed down.

"I would've loved to be your mate, but the alpha saw us unfit to be together, excuse my outburst alpha." I could feel my wolf taking over and my turned silver.

"Stop Alvares don't do this!" I heard my father yell. I was already done by the time he was trying to put it back. My wolf had broken the family tie.

"What the hell did you do!!" My wolf retreated back into my mind.

>Accept the rejection and cut the bond, he's already done it. So it will only hurt you if you don't."

I took in the words of my wolf. "I Alvares Denver accept your rejection." The words came out, everything stopped hurting, I became numb. Would I ever be happy.

Laying on my bed, I began contemplating my life, I had no purpose here anymore. I needed to go find it elsewhere. So with sleep creeping in, I made up my plan to leave I had to. There was no way I could stay here.

I had to go.


This book is not edited, any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise, I will correct in due course, Thank you.


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