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We staggered into the house, I could barely keep my hands away from Heathen as he kissed me. "Aries do you want this?" He asked as we stood by the door to the bedroom.

"I'm ready alpha, I want this, and please don't doubt or hesitate, make me yours body and wolf." I replied and growled before kissing me again. He ripped my clothes off and I tore his off as well. I wanted him and that was all.

"Can I touch you?" I nod and he pulls me to his body, our skin makes contact and surprisingly there were sparks that ignited the need for him in me. "Let me mark you mate." He whispered in my ear and I nod my head hazy with lust.

"Yes please, alpha." I mumbled barely audible, I could feel the flesh of his large cock, the branches of veins on it, the drawn back skin, leaking pink bulbous head, I wanted it badly, to feel him.

He grabbed my hand and placed it on his shaft, it was different than the times we had oral sex he was gentle as if this was our first time, I began stroking, tentatively, and slowly, his cock  was thick and strong standing at full mast.

He grunts when I licked my fingers of the leaking precum from his cock. He nibbled on my neck making me moan, he sucked on my flesh and bit down harder.

"Heathen please touch me." I moaned and his large palms held on to my hips, he squeezed my ass cheeks making me moan loudly. Heathen lifted me up to his waist, I could feel his shaft grazing my entrance, it made my hole wet and leaking for his cock.

It aroused even more as my own cock leaked precum and he devoured it. His tongue swirled around on my nipples and he bit down eliciting moans. "Ahh harder." I demanded and he bit down harder on my nipples, his tongue swirling across the abused tender flesh, making me feel pleasure from the pain.

His hands roamed my body, I arched my back in response to his bites on my body and the pleasure he brought out when he stroked my cock. "Please Alpha touch me, I need you." I pleaded feeling the heat rise in me.

"In good time little wolf." We began kissing fiercely as his tongue explored every part of my mouth, probing deeper into my warmth, I couldn't fight his dominance so I let him do whatever he wanted.

We broke apart for air panting heavily, he smirked and set me down, to my surprise he lifts me up again but my thighs were on his shoulders giving him access to ass and my mouth directed to his cock.

He held me up by placing his large arms around my waist and plunged his tongue into my hole. "Fuck you taste so good little wolf." I moaned to the feeling of his tongue probing deep in my hole and my rosebud, his tongue kept thrusting in and out making me moan.

In the middle of our bedroom, my mouth was around his very large cock and the alpha had his mouth between my ass cheeks eating me, with one of his free hands he held my head in place and thrust in and out of my mouth, our position gave him full access and I could feel his cock hitting the back of my throat and deeper making me choke.

"You're doing good little wolf, please daddy." My tongue swirled around his shaft, with easier access to the tip of his large cock I pumped faster, stroking harder in a spiral motion savoring the taste of him.

I could feel my hole milking, as Heathen kept his assault on my ass, I wanted his cock in me, to feel him stretching me and fucking me.

He took steps to the bed and flips me again, this time I was right side up near the edge of the bed, Heathen kneeled and took my leaking cock and trailed his hand over it then stroked it.

"Please put it in already alpha, I can't take it anymore." I was in tears as the burning desire drove me over the edge and I wanted him. He spanked me and I moaned to it. "Patience little wolf, you'll be rewarded soon enough." I whined knowing I was going crazy.

His mouth and lips engulfed my shaft, he took all of me into his warm cavern, bobbing up and down faster. He pumped my cock making me moan, his fingers pinched down on my abused nipples eliciting moans.

"Please Alpha, I'm gonna cum." I was on the edge of release as he kept on his assault on my nipples and bobbing on my cock, he stopped sucking my cock abruptly and I whined when I  felt that burning desire again, he licked my wet awaiting hole and smirked.

He came up from between my legs trailing bites down on my chest, he kept trailing kisses on my body worshipping me, his kisses turned rough, and demanding, a part of me wanted it that way.

His hard member was positioned at my entrance, slowly his large cock made entry and tears flooded my eyes, the alpha was large and it felt as if I was being ripped in two yet. "You're so big." I moaned wanting more of the feelings he brought out, I wanted the feeling of being stretched, of being filled.

The pink bulbous head passed my entrance in a slow thrust, as I felt the warm thick shaft move deeper in me. "I'm going to make love to you little wolf then pound you next." He pulled out and rammed into me again, harder than before, slamming into that exact spot that made me feel all sorts of pleasure ripple through me.

He pulled out again and rammed into me eliciting moans. Heathen repeated the action harder and faster as he left me with incoherent words."Faster Alpha." I begged and he growled changing our position, his shaft was not withdrawn from me, I could feel pulsing in me. It was intentional I knew that.

I straddled him as he held me in position, laying on his back, his hands were placed firmly on my hips, I slammed myself onto his cock, I moved again to repeat the action moaning to the feeling, I wanted him to abuse that ball of nerves in me that made me scream.

By my hips he held me firmly, our skin slapped against each other, his sack was all that was left hitting my entrance, sweat dripped off our bodies as I bounced faster and harder on his cock, his grunts were all the signals I needed to know he was enjoying it, each slam and thrust made me feel unmistakable pleasure.

"I'm close!" I moaned loudly and he held my cock, stroking then clamped his hand at the base of my shaft. "Don't cum yet." He ordered and his thrusts became harder and more animalistic than before, I kept up, slamming myself on his cock, he flipped us over and I laid on the bed panting and moaning.

He began moving fast and rough, he moved my legs to his shoulders pounding me even harder, I could see his wolf surfacing, black and gold eyes, his fangs elongated and he moved to bite down on my neck, when he did so he released my shaft, I bit down between his shoulder and neck, releasing ribbons of cum on his chest.

Heathen bit down as well between my shoulder and neck, I felt the bond being created and I felt his seed being released in me, which was a lot warm and thick.

Heathen growled and thrust into me again, I realized some of his seed had trailed down my hole, It was his wolf instinct, in order to impregnate the chosen mate seed must stay inside.

We both slumped on the bed panting heavily, him on top of me. "Mate." I heard Heathen's voice in my head. "Mate." I replied knowing this was it. I was Alvares Heathen's mate and there was a huge rock on my finger to prove that I was his to everyone.

"I love you, Aries." I wiped my happy tears away and smiled toward Heathen. "I'm in love with you, Alpha Heathen." He smiled coming on top of me.

"Shall we start trying for a kid or it's too early?" He grinned and I did too. "Its never too early." I replied making him growl and kiss me.


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