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"And then I blacked out." I exclaimed. "Wait, you totally lost it, like completely dark, that must have been some good pounding." Danny comments as I brew the natural medicine for his back not to hurt so much because of the pregnancy.

"I now have learned to listen to the alpha always." We both laughed as I dramatically exclaimed. "That would be the best way for you to survive." He asserts and we both chuckle. "So besides the back pain, how are you feeling?" I inquired wanting to know if there was anything else.

"Nope just the back pain, you do remember you made me a batch of that sour tasting soup right." I nod as I remember how much he hated that soup but yet drank the whole thing.

Natural medicines had always been in the Ivey family, when I came to the Crescent Fall, I began practicing the brewing process with my family's journals, the pack doctor cleared them out saying there was nothing wrong or poisonous about them.

Therefore I've been brewing the natural herb mixes for a while and I've taught the pack members basics of first aid with natural herbs and ferns, it's helped a lot with injuries during training and patrol.

"Your wedding is soon, have you started planning?" Danny questions with a curious stare and I nod."Most of it is done, Heathen on the other hand didn't want to wear a suit." I exclaimed and Danny burst out laughing.

"Why?" He asserts. "He says it's too tight for him and he can't show off his ink, he's obsessed with his tattoos." I replied laughing. "And yet you love him more for those tattoos don't you?" I couldn't say no to that, Heathen's tattoos made him look roguish and dangerous.

"Yes you got me I can't." We both laugh as I sit down opposite him on the couch, whenever we were free Danny and I would hang out and just relax or he would help me with the pack kids and nursery.

"So tell me the location of the wedding?" I knew he wanted more than location. "Its actually at the back of the packhouse, by that open field with trees on either side, already got it prepared, the isle is being placed and since wildflowers grow there, no need for flowers, it's simple." I kept rambling on and on engrossed by my wedding plans.

"I think you have done it, only a few things left and the guest list, and it's a wedding to happen." I chuckled as Danny added what was missing.  "I guess so." I replied with a smile.

The rest of the morning we spent catching up on pack matters, he was no longer as involved since he was pregnant and I had to learn each and every duty of the luna, I've done the job to the best of my abilities, for the most part, the change hadn't been hard since everyone already knew I was going to be the alpha's mate.

"Hey, do you feel that?" I asked Danny as we binged on DC movies, his eyes glowed an electric blue and I knew he felt it, two alphas had entered pack territory along with three wolves.

The patrol howled in the far off distance which was yet another alarm to tell us and the pack of the wolves who had entered pack grounds. I wondered what they wanted, the alpha didn't have any requests for alliances he was handling, therefore the wolves were uninvited.

"Stress is not good for me or this baby, who the hell is causing all this commotion?" Danny growled, I knew he was sensitive since he was pregnant and could easily lash out, the howls died down as I assumed the wolves were by the packhouse office.

"Aries I need you." Heathen's voice was low but his words rang out in my head, he needed me. "Danny you seem drowsy, so use the guest room sleep for a while, Heathen needs me." I announced and he nods.

I didn't care that I had an oversized sweater and almost tiny shorts, I wore my shoes and ran, I ran as fast as I could toward the packhouse, I had to get to him, I didn't stop just moved past wolves or jumped past the little toddler heads.

When I got to the packhouse, I ran up the stairs to the office on the first floor, there were wolves outside blocking me. "Out of my way." I ordered and they stayed in place.

"Just so you know I told you to move." I punched the closest one, he doubled over in pain, turning around I faced the one who was lunging for me, I dodged and slammed him onto the floor:

The door abruptly opened to reveal Heathen, a man I assumed was Daxom and their father. I hurriedly got up and moved to embrace Heathen. "I'm here, baby." I mumbled in his ear and he nuzzled my neck.

After our moment I turned to face my mate's twin, they looked the same despite him being several ft shorter than Heathen, he was really not that tall for a supposed alpha.

"What do you want?" I growled toward him. "Please control yourself we only came for two things." He replied with an air of arrogance that disgusted me. "Whatever it is no." I replied coldly.

"You haven't even heard what we wanted to ask." He argued and my answer was still the same. "I don't need to know, my answer is no." I responded and he looked to the alpha behind me.

"Brother we're still family, tie or not." I scoffed looking at Daxom. "No you aren't, as I have said no, now get out." I demanded as a man who I hadn't seen before stood up, he seemed pregnant but his body couldn't sustain the pregnancy with how he looked.

He was too thin, too frail looking like he would break at any moment. "Babe sit down, you can't exert yourself." Daxom chided which I barely cared about.

"Please, I know this pack has the best natural healing techniques, I've tried doctors all over Sandbury and Algiers, they can't find the problem yet I look like this." His voice was raspy almost as if he was hardly breathing.

"The Crescent fall does not help the Cold Lake Pack, we are just a bunch of rogues after all." Heathen replied behind me and the man in front of us was almost in tears.

"Please son, we know you specialize in healing, we need your help." The older man in the room pleaded but they were the ones who started this. "Our answer is still no, this is your grave, you dug it yourself, lay in it." I replied harshly that Daxom flinched.

"Please for the sake of my child, I can't lose my child, we won't step foot here ever again, I know it's much to ask but please save my child." The man who I assumed was Daxom's mate broke down.

"Now you see, you'll always need me yet you abandoned me, you aren't my family, you're strangers I haven't seen in years, and now you come to my pack begging for help, this is the price for your sins." Heathen exclaimed harshly as Axel walked in.

"Carry him to my house, the rest of you stay here, babe I will be back." I ordered Axel and he did as told, I kissed Heathen and turned to leave, Daxom turned to follow me and I spun around to face him.

"You're not welcome here wolf, this is my pack and my territory, you don't have a say and if I were you I'd put my tail between my legs and sit down before I break every bone in your body, now stay here till I'm back." I harshly order and he nods as his eyes held fear and alpha pride.

I walked home to find Axel already there with Daxom's mate. "Danny is in the guest room sleeping, go check on him." Axel grinned and raced to his mate.

"You're the alpha's mate huh." The wolf spoke up. "I am." I replied opening cabinets with what I needed. "He's lucky to have you." I snickered looking at the wolf. "We are both lucky to have each other." I replied heavily trying to be civil.

He remained silent as I prepared the rest of the natural medicine. "Here, this is for your body, and this is for the baby, you don't have an infection, it's just you're burning through your nutrition faster than you can add it, I suggest you start eating after you drink this, eat as much you can and in two weeks you'll be okay."

I felt pain radiate on my hand, I knew it wasn't mine. "Axel!" I yelled and he came back running. "Carry him, I need to teach his mate a lesson." I growled waking out.


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