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I held my own against the alpha, though I know he wasn't going all in when we fought but I felt proud having stood my ground against him, the makeup activity in the bathtub wasn't so bad.

I know at first I wasn't ready to go all the way with Heathen, but as slowly as we're moving now, I'm sure soon I will get there and I will be happy with the result.

This pace was comfortable learning each other and who we were slowly and with no pressure to know why the other person had become who they were today, the bits and pieces of that were okay.

They made a whole eventually and that's what mattered, I was slowly falling in love with Heathen day by day I was falling and I don't know how to feel about it, but one thing was for certain I was willingly falling.

We had breakfast after the bath and headed out to my bookstore, I wondered why he wanted to keep me company though I wasn't opposed to the idea, he had never stayed at the store for more than an hour.

We passed pack members and families on our way, it was nice seeing them happy with their families, this pack had been built by a rogue alpha along with his rogue beta, we all knew that, but as time went by no one cared what kind of wolf had founded the pack.

They all just wanted to have alliances and friendships built with the Crescent pack, it had become a powerhouse and none dared to cross the 7ft beast who was its alpha unless you were me and poking him was fun.

His words You're the future luna kept me up all night, twisting and turning, what had he seen in me that none of the wolves throwing themselves at him didn't, what made me different from all of them. I had to know.

We entered the shop after he unlocked, he opened the shutters and windows whilst I went to get some cleaning materials, the counter was dusty and some shelves as well.

He rolled up his sleeves and smiled gently. "Heathen why me." He didn't stop cleaning, when he did, he looked into my eyes before I closed them and his lips were on mine. There was no lust or need it was gently adoration.

"When you tried to hide away in the back, I noticed you, when I broke your leg, you kept fighting enduring the pain, when I scared everyone away, you were shamelessly undressing me and when I thought you'd give up on me, you can into my life like a whirlwind and instead of leaving you grew bigger and etched your name onto my heart, that's why."

I wiped my tears away and hugged him, even though it was his torso I still did it, his words were deep and there wasn't a lie in then, he was genuine and that's what made me cry, he was sincere.

"Thank you." I assert after I had calmed down from my outburst, he merely smiled caressing my cheek, he kissed my forehead and we separate going back to cleaning.

I had doubts at some moments along the way, hearing those words had me learning something different about Heathen, though yes he was a silent half the time seeming emotionless, he indeed was emotional, you only needed the right way to find his emotional side.

"I need to restock these shelves." I whine and Heathen snickers. "It's not funny, I feel so lazy traveling that much to get the order." I lean on him and sigh. Wordlessly he rubs my back soothing me.

We attend to school kids from the pack and humans who lived in Sydney Falls. "Oh good afternoon alpha, didn't expect to see you here." The wolf who had greeted Heathen was a great customer and now that I think about it he's probably been a great customer because he wanted to flirt with me but then I knew about his plug n go tendency.

The wolf was astounded to see my sitting position, which was between Heathen's legs, I didn't care if anyone thought of it in the wrong way, it was my favorite position.

"I, uh, I, um." Heathen raised his brow at the wolf who was tongue tied. "Came to return these books, you weren't open these past few days, so I was lucky to find you open today." He spoke nervously when I wanted to accept the books Heathen slapped my hands away.

"Bookmark is missing Stone, pay the fee for it." I felt pity for the guy as he gulped and paid the fee for the missing bookmark. "Let me look around for any that I haven't read." I nod and he hurriedly moved from the counter to the rows of bookshelves.

"Stop scaring the people, I could feel you glaring at him." Heathen scoffs, I knew that he was never going to listen, with Stone checking out the books, Heathen decided to wander my body with his hands, and being between his legs was not favorable for me since he squeezed my ass and grinded on me.

I bit down a moan and Heathen smirked, his fingers were on nipples, this was indeed violation of public decency though Heathen didn't care about it, I bit down on my lip holding back a moan again.

His lips were on my shoulder blade, sucking and leaving a trail of bites, where they were, I knew everyone would see.

When the wolf in the store came back to the counter and saw the bites he was deflated, he could tell as anyone could that the alpha was marking his territory and no one dared to go against Alvares Heathen.

I checked out his book and he left, by the end of the day we had sold and given out books on owing terms, more than I did alone, I guess bringing the alpha to work wasn't bad after all.

Closing up shop for the day was a relief, I enjoyed myself a lot being in Heathen's company, though he violated me and some public guidelines more than twelve times in the day, it was still great.

I knew soon enough he would be hungry, so I quickened the pace on our way back. I hadn't forgotten that I was sleeping over at his house, I was just curious if he could keep his hands to himself if we were to sleep in the same bed together.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask and anything as long as it was a meal he would like was okay, I don't know how I could tell what he was thinking by his facing expressions, Axel says it's weird, to me it's fun, and I liked having something unique with Heathen.

I make roasted beef with asparagus and mashed potatoes, with egg salad,  anything I made for Heathen he always wanted the salad, it wasn't a complete meal without the salad to him, so I made sure to make it.

"Have you talked to Emma?" I ask and he nods. "She got to St Maine fine, and Terric said hello." I smiled knowing they had gotten home safely, it was a long way from here to there. "I miss her already." He chuckles as I serve him his food, it felt nice being like this with Heathen, just us two.

We ate with him actually talking more, I wondered what had caused the slight change in his ever stoic demeanor or was it just me he was opening up to, I only wondered knowing whatever it was I was grateful for it.

"Let's watch a movie, then get to bed later." I bring out the popcorn and he set up the movie, leaning on him as the movie started I curled into his heat. "Thank you for today, Heathen."



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