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I was exhausted, almost dead in fact, I wanted nothing but to just drop and die because of how I felt. It had all been too much to handle and hell I wanted to feel better with anything that would help.

"Stop whining, you have one box left to drop inside." I whined again and Heathen picked me up and the last box. "Little wolf you're getting punished." I felt a shiver run down my spine.

I didn't know what kind of punishment I would have to be put through this time around, I had already acquired myself two punishments after the first one and I both hated and loved them.

"No Mister please don't punish me." I whispered in his ear and I saw him smirk knowing no matter how I begged I was getting punished for being a baby. "Not gonna work little one." It always makes my wolf happy having Heathen treat us like we were his and indeed we were.

I pretended not to like it so that he did it more often and now it was stuck. "We need a little bit more pictures in here." I exclaimed still perched on Heathen's shoulder as if I weighed nothing. I was used to it now that my boyfriend whom I loved was huge and his body was a work of art in ink.

He raised an eyebrow questioning what I had in mind and I grinned. "Open the large box you're holding and let's put them up." I had gotten large pictures printed in black and white and others in color of the times I took secret shots of Heathen or the time we were catching fireflies.

The one I had taken of him holding a tub of ice cream was my favorite. He looked at the large frame of the both of us and smile. He hung it by the stairs to the lounge. "You like it too huh." I chuckled as he went through the frames with a child like wonder.

I knew he hadn't forgotten his punishment for me since I was still on his shoulder enjoying the view of the alpha who was in love with me. "I didn't forget." He smirked walking upstairs and I shuddered.

I knew I was going to enjoy whatever it was, but I wasn't prepped for it. We entered the bedroom which was now officially ours since I had completely moved in. "Strip get on the bed." I did as told slowly and sensually teasing him.

Fully stripped I sat on the bed waiting. A silk blindfold was wrapped around my eyes making all my other senses heightened. "Alpha." I moaned when his hand jerked my cock before tying a thread at the base of my cock and balls.

"You're leaking little wolf, want me to take care of it." I nod trying to breathe normally as Heathen's tongue ran across my whole length making me whimper and moan.  Sit there think about what you did." I whined knowing he was leaving, the throbbing of my cock increased over time as I sat there.

It was as if my body wouldn't listen to me, I wanted Heathen to come back and do whatever he pleased with me, I knew I was ready to go all the way with him but I hadn't informed the alpha yet.

I could hear his footsteps as the door opened and he walked inside. "Have you thought about what you did wrong?" He whispered in my ear and I moaned to the feel of his warm breath.

"Ye—." Before I could reply my lips were connected with his, I moaned in the kiss blindly trailing my hands down his torso and to his length. "Yes I have and learned my lesson." I whined hoping the sexual torture would end.

I felt his fingers clamping on my nipples making me moan out loud to the pain and pleasure. The faint smell of chocolate filled the air as a warm substance trailed down my abs. "Your favorite little one." I figured the substance was chocolate and Heathen was about to torture me with something I couldn't resist.

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