Tea Party?

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     After accepting the Madhatter's invitation, Coraline could felt her mouth watered just by imagining those scrumptious meal just waiting to be devourd inside by their stomachs, it's been while she haven't eaten beside that horrible potion and a small nibble of that growing echantment cake...

Imagine, from the warm day, eating and drinking being surrounded with different kinds of fresh flowers and a fancy laced tables filled with various desserts with luxurious teacups and pots, guests would then giggle from the joyous atmosphere around them

It was all a dream come true for Coraline to have that kind of tea party...

Passing through the small foggy swamp, the Hatter held her hand carefully as they stepped on one of the floating rocks

"Here we are, our dear Alice.." the hatter grinned, showing his brightening eyes from the excitement, welcoming his guest to his grand celebration, she smiled back, turning her head as she imagine what the party looks like....

It was rather..the opposite of what she expected...

It was gloomy and cold around them, instead of different kinds of fresh flowers, it was surrounded with burned debris of houses and lanky table with torned covers, broken chairs and scattered cups and pots scattered all over the table...

At least the desserts looked fine..

but the taste however, deeply concerns her

"So! What do you think eh?" Asking with anticipation, the Hatter smiled widely, waiting for her answer

It was a disaster, if she would tell the truth, it wasn't even looked like a tea party from the start!

But from the looks of his eyes, she could tell that he was excited...

"It's....." Coraline looked at her eyes towards the hare throwing the cups at the two old ladies as they blocked it and threw plates at him instead

"It's loud..." she grinned uncomfortably, the Madhatter clapped his hands

"Just the right compliment!" He cheered and walked towards the table, clearing his throat to gain their attention, the hare and the two old ladies stopped in an instant as soon as they heard his voice, quickly, they hid their thrown cups and plates behind them

"Hatter! You're back!" The hare stared at him walking towards the the end of the table with his googly eyes when he caught a woman following from behind, he snickered "ohohoho! Someone bought a new doll to join with us!" Causing the hatter to shook his head

A sound of rustling teapot turned all their heads to see a familiar mice popping her head from the inside

"A guest you say?" She said darting her eyes towards the woman, she gasped

"Coraline!?" She asked in surprise as the woman also looked in shock

"Misty?!" Coraline breathe and went towards her "how did you escaped?!"

Misty sighed "Hatter found me hiding beneath the rocks from the red Queen's soldiers...I just got my luck on the side.."

The tall white haired woman adjusted her specs to looked at Coraline closely "She's a pretty one! Where did you find her?"

Coraline smiled "Hello....I'm-"

"Forcible, This is Alice.." Hatter interrupted, leaving everyone to gasp as Coraline stared at him

"ALICE?? AS IN...THE ALICE?!" The Hare shouted and Misty shushed him to shut his mouth, they stopped and stared at Coraline in confusion

'Why is everyone calling me THE ALICE?!'

Coraline x Alice in Wonderland Where stories live. Discover now