Scars that heal

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     "You imbeciles!" Her voice rage echoed around the cold and dim throneroom, loud enough to made everyone shook in fear as the Red Queen continued to spat sharp words towards them

"You are all useless!"

The general, had nothing left but to bear the moment, could only docked his head as he kneeled down with a surrendered look

"Did you see what happens? The Force field is back again, that nuisance Hattee is still alive! You should have gone off his head from the start!" Her eyes glared back towards the golden kingdom

"But your highness.."

"Enough of your excuses, Kubo!" She shouted causing the man to gulped back his words again

"You had dissapointed me long enough...." she muttered unamused amd proceeded to walk towards the doorway

Did not even care less on how sharp her words towards his

Kubo could only blame himself upon what happened

Because he was weak as well....

The sun docked above the mountains, stretching its ray towards the palace, greeting the servants and villagers for another day and another talk that happened for the past few weeks

After the incident, everyone inside the palace doubled their guard, especially the queen ordered the troops to enchance the security, guards would them multiple their troops guarding at every sections in and out side the place and the entrance of the village required for deep inspections just to get away from assasins and spies

Hatter had became the talk around the village for his sudden arrival in such a battered state terrified the whole people, after going into the castle

They had never seen him again

Curiosity lead the people into worry

This also leads to Coraline, their newwest saviour as to what they believe in manage to heal the forefather with her healing magic, the speculation of her being the Alice spread like a disease around the kingdom

But upon their concern, it wasn't the time for Absolem and the others to worry about such rumors

Everyone was attentive of their dear friend's recovery that even his own chambers were guarded my the top ranks of knights outside his door, until her was fully recovered

Alas the wounds may have healed his body but not everything had dissapeared just as she had wanted

The sword's healing powers depends on the holder's determination

She had a long way to go

Numbers of persons standing beside the throneroom, The queen sighed in worry, collecting all her energy as dust of purple began to assemble from her palm, it began to glow and revealing Hatter's chambers, as to her guess, still unconscious and laying on his bed with a weaken body, only that moving was his chest from breathing

she wondered when would her dear mentor would ever wake up from this tormenting day

Watching his figure attentively she noticed a woman sitting beside the bed, one hand gently place upon his own

It was Alice...

The Queen smiled as she watched how Alice would try to caress his cheek and tucked back the dangled hair that would often blocked his eyes, eventhough she knew that it wasn't necessary but still, she wanted his rest to be as comfortable as she could

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