Moon Eclipse

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     "Have you checked the garden if it was properly trimmed? We don't want the guests to see how unsupervise the palace was..." the Rotal Advisor asked in concerned towards the gardners nodding both of their heads

Neil sighed upon the good news and lowered the feather quill and the scroll that he had been dealing of checking for the preparations of the upcoming ball

Of course, everything was on his, ever since the Queen named him as her Total Advisor, everything that happens inside the palace was brought unto his shoulders

organizing a ball was one of the things that Hatter was supposed to do but Neil, sensing the from the forefather, decided to taken the task upon by his instead

Even Absolem could felt the tiredness from his dear friend's voice but yet the determination of the young redhead is the only thing that keep him going through the day

And that is what made Absolem to be amazed how much Neil could handle the tasks in multiple times

"I hope youbare doing fine handling this tasks, Neil..." Absolem stood behind him, obesering the checks on the scrolls indidicating the completed lists, it was nearly halfway to his surprise

The Advisor chuckled and cleared the dryness sensation that he had felt on his throat from giving each and everyone's instructions

"Still manageable I suppose, Norman...I mean, the ball is getting closer and I can't just let Hatter do this since he was still in recovery..."

Absolem knew that he was right and even if he was on Neil's shoes, he would have done the same thing

That man wasn't capable of handling the party yet, not until he was infull recoverh

With a smile, Norman slowly raised his hand holding with a glass of cool water, giving it out to the Royal Adviser to his wonder before walking through the away

"Drink, and after this rest well, I don't want your pretty voice all sore up for the upcoming party now, do we?"

Neil flinched and somewhat almost stumble as he quickly took the glass of water on the forefather's hand, he had hoped that the blazing heat of temperature could be the excuse of his now beet red face

He docked his head and looked away

But Absolem did not mind about it, not even the slightest and only turned his back, swooshing his purpled cape with grace as he too had realized what just said

Lucky enough that Neil haven't caught of his flushed face as well....

     Chesire and Misty peacefully snuggled on the Queen's arms while herself had been occupied of talking on Alice about the upcoming Moon Eclipse ball...

"A Moon eclipse ball?" Alice asked again, tilting ber head upon such name for an interesting celebration

The Queen nodded her head "You see, Alice, the existence of Wonderland's magic was all because of the Moon itself...origin says that my great great great Grandfather and his fellow forefathers manage to meet the Goddess of the heavens, she blessed them as a gift and protection to keep Wonderland safe...." she smiled, watching her people through the balcony doing their own tasks from keeping the town in order

"And once the Sun and the Moon would met each other, our powers would gone for the night and by the law of the Goddess that none shall ever had to harm others during that celebration or else the curse shall be inflicting from those persons that broke the order...."

"So that means, everyone is powerless on that day??"


Alice stopped and thought for a moment

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