The War of Wonderland

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     After the news spreaded of The Forefather's recovery, the townspeople overjoyed in around the square, sharing happiness and the good news everyone inside the kingdom began to show appreciation towards Hatter's bravery and they would often bring him gifts and tokens whenever he would try to roam around the palace

As much the Queen's relief, he was back to his usual self again, making jokes, serving tea and often stealing some pastries inside the kitchen and went inside his chambers

But he was still under guarded, Winnie advused him not to go outside until he was fully recovered as to which Hatter would accordingly followed her concerns as he was only allowed to be inside the palace

Chesire continued to walk by his side as well as Misty to keep him company during his wander around

However his eyes was still glued towards the blue haired woman his frequent going outside the chambers was just an excuse to secretly observed her along with tbe others

And Alice did the same thing as well

Whenever the forefather's prescence was there, she couldn't help but took a glance at him whenever he was occupied of other things

And Neil was not amused to this, at all

     Sunset falls so fast, it was time for another tend of Hatter's wounds

"Neil told me that he busy doing something, specifically the Queen's orders so he insisted to taje in charge of tending your wounds for while..." Alice blanky explain the situation in front of the Madhatter just opened the door from his slumber

she chuckled at his drowsy state, Hatter quickly gestured Alice to come inside

"Umm..Alright then, Alice...come.." he whispered as he scratched his head in wonder

Even his chambers began to feel lighter, the walls and floors had finally returned back from its vibrant colors, seeing the state of this, Alice could definitely say that her dear friend is getting a lot better

Seeing Hatter slowly sat on his bed, she turned her head when something caught her attention at the end side of his chambers

An old sewing machine and many hats with different designs were placed on tbe tables and along them was his hat durinf their first encounter, however it was all tattered and ruined, only reminding them both the horrible chase from the forest

Seeing how her eyes shined in awe towards his works, he grinned in delight

"I see you had noticed my works?"

She nodded and placed the tray on the small shelf

"You made those?" She asked in wonder as she reached for his loosen shirt and began to lift it up

He chuckled as he noticed her eyes couldn't take off from his creations

"Correcto my dear Alice, as matter of fact, when I was still a young lad, I was already a hat maker, well, one of tbe workers by the previous Madhatter of course..." turning his back as he contined his story "I usually create hats and gave it to our friends...though, I did made a crown, once..."

Alice gasped in bewilderment "you made a crown?! From who was it??"

Though her question made him to halt immediately

His mouth shut closed, Hatter suddenly grown quiet, taking a few breaths

"It was for Agatha...the Red Queen..." he shakily replied

sensing how his attitude changes, Alice frowned and changes her attention towards the madecine that she had been preparing, becoming silent as well, pounding everything bit of the healing leaves and placed it along with the other medicinal ingredients inside the bowl

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