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     After those sleepless days of preparation..


The Night has come...

The village's clock stroke 6

The Madhatter's barrier that once stood in might to protect the kingdom

Was finally defelecting it's magic

Glowing slower and weaker

Until it was out of sight

The Moon Eclipse has arrived...

"Open the gates!!"

One of the guards shouted outside the palace, alarming the outdoor soldiers to deliberately flung the golden gates open visible by moon glowed towards the evening sky of wonderland, wrapping it's fair light across the kingdom

Fireworks boomed, and the trumpets echoed its epic music to welcome all the guests stepping out from their carriages with a bright smile in delight to see that the Golden palace had finally once again, opening its gates for a grand feast

Castle's doors had already opened, with guards and royal servants greeted them, the people gasped in awe to see that the palace had been decorated with such finest gold and purple tapestry and curtains, filling the throneroom with golden tables and chairs

The musicians continued to play the melody to keep everything as joyous as it was

Neil smiled as he welcome each guests on the doorway including the other nobilities that had been stood along the Golden Queen ever since the war

Watching as their faces marvelled at his own hard work

He may not be able to achieve Hatter's ways

But still..

He was proud enough to see that the guests were all intrigued and excited upon the feast

he grinned, fixing his tie and touched his autumn colored vest searching for his own pocketwatch, he quickly turned his head to his fellow advisors and nodded in excitment for the time is getting closer for the actually ball to start

"Neil! Oh By Gods! You had done well!" One of the ambassadors greeted him

Neil smiled upon hearing his name from the guests and quickly bowed down

"Please! Enjoy yourselves for tonight Sir!!"

The guests giggled and nodded their heads in content, walking further inside the throneroom, he could hears others laughs and cheerful conversation towards another

When did they had this kind of ball?

It's been so long...

And it's been so long had ever felt this way...

Seeing his pocket watch ticked and rang, the other servants noticed him flinching, signaling it was time for the actuall party to start, wasting no time, Neil rushing beside the throneroom signaled the trumpets to finally start the announcement

It's time....

The trumphets let out a heavy long blow, alarming the guests to turn their heads back respectively towards the throneroom as to where the Royal Advisor stood

With a proud smile, Neil breathe and clasped his hands

"I am delighted to see many guests had arrived than what I had expected, as much as this kingdom had dearly missed everyone for the past few years, we suffered...struggled, after the war had occured..." hearing his words the guests looked at each other in despair, knowing well enough that Neil was right

Coraline x Alice in Wonderland Where stories live. Discover now