Chapter 5: The Governors Attack

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''Hershel and Michonne arent back yet, they've been gone for two days! Something happened to them'' Carol said,  

Oh please don't let them be dead, Hershel and Michonne are both great people

Then we heard a gunshot

''The governors back'' Rick said ''Grab your guns, don't fire unless you need to, keep the kids here, if things get crazy all of you run to the prison bus'' Rick,Glenn,Maggie,Carl,Tyreese,Daryl,Sasha,Beth,Bob and some others went outside

We all waited for a while, hoping things would turn out okay but of course in a zombie apocalypse, things never come out okay, so I wasn't suprised when we heard more gunshots, everybody ran outside to the bus, right when I was about to go too, Lizzie stopped Molly,Luke, and I

''We can't just run away, we need to help, they always help us so now its our turn to do something'' Lizzie said, she was right we had to do something, Luke and Molly held onto Judiths carrier and Lizzie and I grabbed guns, we walked outside and saw two people from the governors army pointing their guns at Tyreese 

I pointed my gun at the girl but I couldn't do it, I just can't kill a person no matter what, Lizzie however could and shot both of them, Tyreese looked shocked that Lizzie killed them 

''Come on, we got to go'' Tyreese said

''No, we need to go see if anybody survived, we can't just leave'' Lizzie said

''Lizzie, if we go out there we could die and i'm not taking that chance'' Tyreese said

''Then don't come, you can run but were going'' and before Tyreese could respond Lizzie grabbed my hand and we ran, well Luke and Molly fast walked since Judiths carrier was kind of heavy then Luke and Molly caught up to us, but then I realized how, they left Judith behind

''What did you do with Judith?'' I told them

''She was slowing us down''

''Shes a baby! you can't just leave her!'' I said and went back to look for her

Lizzie looked around but after a couple minutes we had no luck

''Were never going to find her'' I said sadly, 

''Guys! We found her carrier'' Molly yelled and we ran towards them but the carrier didnt have Judith in it, all it had was blood

''Shes dead and it's all your fault!'' I told Luke and Molly

''We didn't know, we planned on coming back'' Luke said and looked down at the floor 

''Guys, stop fighting, all we have is eachother now'' Lizzie said

''She might not be dead, maybe a walker got shot near her carrier after she got out?'' Luke said ''Molly and I can go look'' That idea was really stupid, but before I could say a thing, they had already taken off

Lizzie and I waited for about 10 minutes but they didnt come ''They aren't coming back lets go before we run into some not-so-nice people'' I sighed but I knew she was right we went to look for a way out of here

''Lizzie! Mika! Over here!'' We looked and saw Tyreese holding Judith and we ran to him

''Tyreese, come on let's go you were right'' I said and he nodded

''Wait what's that on your arm?'' Lizzie asked him

''I cut my arm and had to use some cloth to try and stop the bleeding, but some of my blood got on Judiths carrier when I went to get her''

''Oh, are you okay?''

''Yeah, but come on lets go''

I looked back at the prison and realized our home was gone and we had nowhere to go now, who knew how long we could survive out here?

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