Chapter 1: It started with a voice

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Look, I'm not crazy ok?

Really, I'm not. And I didn't make them ok?

They came to me.

Alright. Glad we got that cleared up. So, for as long as I can remember - which is honestly only like a month back. I mean, do you remember what you had for breakfast yesterday? Didn't think so. - there have been these 'things' that followed me around. I don't know why, and don't know when it started, but I do know what they are.

Goddamn little kids.

I mean- I just don't get how people think that they're cute! they're gross and annoying. That's it.

Small, too, I guess.

Anyway, yeah, I'm a babysitter now. I like to say my mom forced me into it, but if I'm being honest, she more like convinced-me-into-it. She was like 'yeah- it's great. You get paid a bunch and all you have to do is put them to bed and watch YouTube for a few hours!' Or something like that.... she probably didn't mention YouTube, cause that's like copyrighted and stuff.

So here I am, a highschool kid, just getting home at like 11:00 from my first ever gig as a babysitter, and I hear this like- whisper.....

Not whisper like indistinguishable horror movie whisper, more like a

"ow- fuck!"

"Swear jar my child."


Weird right?

Yeah I thought so too.

I'm an only child, so who's my mom calling 'my child'?

And who's that punk ass sounding girl??

So, I'm standing there, key in the front door, lost in thought for like 4 hours; until my mom comes and opens the door and asks why I've been standing outside for the last 10 minutes.

I BS a response and tell her I'm super tired and I need to go to bed(not a complete lie). So I go upstairs and brush my teeth and stuff and lay in bed. For whatever reason my mom comes to check on me to tell me not to be so loud or I'll wake up my dad, and ask if I'm asleep. I don't respond(also not a lie) and she closes the door.

I let out a breath. Man, it's been forever since I actually wanted to sleep. I close my eyes and allow myself to get lost in thought. Eventually, I fall asleep; though I don't notice it.

I end up sitting in my bed looking up 'how to make an invisible friend'. I remember this. I did this years ago, before I had any friends. I remember that I eventually got to a site about making a friendly voice in your head. It said something about imagining a place you'd like to hang out, and the imaginary person you want being there. I lay down, now pretty sure this is a dream, and dream about falling asleep- woah.

I look up- this is...

This is the place I always imagined going to. I would wait there for hours for someone to show up. I had completely forgotten about this place.

"Uh, hello?"

And that's how it started. With a voice.

(AN: Place your votes here. The person y/n ends up with will be decided by YOU, based on a pole at the end of EVERY CHAPTER. Your choices are Chara, Frisk, Toriel(XD), two of them, all three, or none. (I will write a Toriel if it's chosen, unless it's specifically stated, or a harem, I'll make a new story where she's a bit younger, like 20, and so is the reader.))

In my Head (Female Frisk and/or Chara x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now