Chapter 5: NONONO

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I stare at the scene before me in shock. I just woke up and came downstairs, and Chara is sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for my parents to make breakfast, everyone acting as if this is totally normal..

Chara is the first to notice me, and she yawns, bleary-eyed and waves at me. She appears to still be half asleep, with her eyes barely open and her hair a mess. It's frizzy and sticking up in all directions.

Seeing Chara wave, my dad sets the plate he was holding down in front of her and smiles at me as she starts to eat.

Dad: "Hey there y/n. Want some breakfast?"

He winks at me, like there's some inside joke I should be getting. He seems to be in a very good mood.

Y/n: "Uh- Sure..."

I respond half-heartedly, trying to act as normal as the rest of them are.

I walk over to pull up a chair at the table, but my dad pushes one up right next to Chara and motions for me to sit there. As I move to do as he says, my mom gives me a serious look and motions for me to go talk to her.

Nervous, I walk up and squeak out a "Yes?"

Mom: "You used protection right?"

I gasp and sit up in a cold sweat, waking up for about the 6,000th time tonight. Looking around, I see that I'm still on the couch, though now it's dark outside and the house is quiet.

Shakely, I swing my legs over the side of the couch and stand up. Carefully checking my surroundings, I see, to my amazement, no signs whatsoever of any knife wielding maniacs.

I sigh in relief and quietly walk upstairs to my room. When I get there, I do one last sweep to make sure I'm alone before I get in bed.

I struggle to fall back asleep after that. I was extremely afraid of going back to the dream world. I don't know why, but in all honesty, I do want to see Chara again.. Just... not now. Maybe it's the fact that I know she can't really hurt me? But still, even in the dream, I was terrified when she flipped out.

Maybe it's that fear that draws me to her?


Oh god what am I talking about?

Frustrated, I open my eyes, giving up on falling asleep in that position and once again see the unnatural but oddly compelling scene of Chara sleeping peacefully in my bed next to me. I blink, and much too soon, the hallucination is gone. Unnerved by the strange experience, I roll over, trying to block everything from my mind, however my room suddenly feels like a blank void. Lonely and empty, like I'm at the bottom of the ocean. I've never felt so alone in my life.

I bundle up in my blankets, longing for another human being.

The morning can't come too soon.

The extreme effect of seeing Chara for such a short amount of time still confuses me, days after it happened. To both my profound relief and disappointment, I haven't seen her again since, and my room has stayed just as lonely.

In reality, nothing has changed. I still see friends at school, my parents are still around, and I sleep in a room alone. Same as always. Yet, for some reason, I feel more alone in my house than I have in a long time.

In light of this, I decided to take some action. I know it's weird, but I really do want to see her.

I've been making plans all day of how I'm going to try going to her this time, instead of her just randomly coming to me. I can't help but think about what her living situation might be, and where she is. Over and over, the Undertale fanfictions on Wattpad come to mind. You know, the ones where Frisk is living with the monsters on the surface? The only problem is that I don't know where Chara would fit into that situation, or if Frisk or sans, or even anyone else, would know about them. I mean, didn't Chara say she lived in the Void? void? the void? The Void? How do you capitalize that? I mean, it's not really a PLACE right?

I feel a sharp kick to my shin.

Ella: "Hellooo? Anybody in there?"

Jacob: "Did you try turning him off-and-back-on again?"

Y/n: "Huh?"

I come out of my day-dream to see my good friend Ella sitting at the lunch table in front of me, and my other friend Jacob just sitting down to my left.

Ella: "There you are. God, how many times are you gonna space out this week? It gotta be like 5 times a day."

Y/n: "Oh, yeah sorry. I haven't been sleeping well recently."

Ella: "Uh-huh."

Y/n: "Seriously! I've had a lot on my mind!"

Jacob: "Oh! I bet it's that cute new transfer student right? Her friend's kinda hot but she's kinda freaky."

Y/n: "Transfer?"

I look around the lunchroom to spot the new kid

Jacob: "HAH! I can't believe that worked! You're so out of it you don't even know if someone joined the school!"

Y/n: "Wah?"

Ella: "There's no transfer dude. Are you sure you're ok?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Really. I'm fine."

So yeah, that happened. After that, I spent all day researching meditation and shit, most of which turned out to be a total waste of time with a bunch of fake medicine and stuff. I did find a couple good tips though, so when I got home, I decided to try meditation before just taking a nap and hoping.

Sitting on my bed, I sit in a comfortable position and sike myself up to visit the psycho killer of my dreams....

Literally. Honestly, meditation wasn't as boring as I thought it would be, seen as the whole time was my brain trying to decide between looking forward to and dreading the moment I achieved my goal; which did happen after about 20 minutes.

Opening my eyes, I find myself sitting at a lunch table... again. I look around and find, to my surprise, that I don't actually recognize my surroundings or the people there. I notice that I'm getting some weird looks from some of the students, including a group made up of a girl, a furry and an armless reptile. holy shit. It worked.

The girl gets up and walks over, sitting across from me. The first words out of her mouth put the biggest smile on my face.

???: "Hey. I hear you're new? I'm Frisk."

(AN: Sorry I'm so late with this one, I was doing my Boy Scout Eagle project this weekend(Which if you didn't know, is like the biggest deal in Boy Scouts) so that's exciting

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In my Head (Female Frisk and/or Chara x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now