The next morning I go early to school and take a blade with me and go into the bathroom and cut myself on my butt to where my pants get a blood stain. In the morning all the teachers from the front office are never there they always have morning duty the only person that's there is the nurse I walk in and I feel my blood go though the my pants i walk into the nurses office "you need a nurses pass to be able to see me" she lets me know "I'm sorry I started my period I just came to ask for a pad I bled through my pants" "oh why didn't you just say that in the first place I'll go to the back and get a pad for you, would you like a tampon as well ?" "No thank you I'm just gonna change if that's okay?" "Of course honey I'll be back feel free to use the bathroom and change I'll be back I won't take long" she leaves and I go to the shelf where they keep all the teachers information and look for Mr.Thomas's name I find it and get the paper with his address I go back the the nurses office and go in the bathroom get some napkins and clean the blood off my butt and change I put the paper in my back pocket I hear a knock at the door it's the nurse "I have the pad are you changed ?" "Yes come in" she hands me the pad and she closes the door I stuff the pad in my bag and walk out "thank you so much" "your welcome honey let me know if you need another one" "no thank you bye" "bye, bye now" I walk out of the office and go to class when I get to English I don't keep my eyes off Mr.Thomas just thinking of how I'm gonna kill him, when I get home from school I type his address in my phone and his house is 50 minutes away from mine I go to my dads drawer and take his gun and put it in my backpack I take a public bus to the Target that's close to his house and walk the rest of the way once I get there I go to the front door and have the gun in my hand I knock and a young lady opens the door I point the gun at her "yell and I'll blow your head open let me in" she lets me in "please don't do this I'm getting married and I want to start a family" "tough shit call your husband" she can't stop crying I fell kind of bad but I honestly don't give a fuck "what's going on" he looks at me and see's the gun "oh shit" he tries to run he would really leave his wife i pull the trigger and get him on the leg he falls to the floor his wife tries to run out the front door but I get her in the leg too she cries louder I have no other option she's making to much noise so I pull the trigger and get her in the head I turn and see Mr.Thomas isn't there shit he got out the back door "help!! Someone please help!!" I jump on him and put hand over his mouth and drag him inside I shoot him in the head check to see if anyone is outside wondering what is going on no one seems to be outside or looking I run out of the house and go to the bus stop and go home tomorrow is one person who's made me fell the most pain Emily I try to go to sleep but I can't her I'm gonna kill in front of everybody.
Accióna girl which mother has gone to jail for murder and stuck whit her dad that never stops drinking and going to school every day and getting bullied has had enough and plans to have revenge on her "fellow classmates"