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Sorry for not updating
if you read My Dirty Secret then you know
why but if don't life has been a bitch but I'm back and well rested!!!!!

Sorry for not updating if you read My Dirty Secret then you know why but if don't life has been a bitch but I'm back and well rested!!!!!💛💛💛

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Yeonjun was driving for awhile, they weren't even in the city anymore they were on the countryside. Soobin just enjoyed the drive and was kind of happy they were going to go somewhere a bit more quiet.

Yeonjun turned down a dirt road and Soobin looked around as they drove into a field. He parked and the younger got out looking around, it was an opened field surrounded by trees and wildflowers.

Yeonjun took out a basket and blanket. "Picnic date."

Soobin giggled a little and helped Yeonjun lay everything out. They sat down and started eating their snacks, the scenery was beautiful and it relaxed Soobin more than anything.

They laid back on the blanket after they ate looking at the soft pink clouds as the sun set.

"Tell me something no one else knows." Soobin said suddenly trying to work up conversation.

The alpha chuckled. "Uhhh...remember how we first met?" Yeonjun asked. Soobin turned his head to look at him and he was still staring at the sky. "I think...the sky looked the most beautiful that day. It was almost like something out of a movie, you looked absolutely beautiful to me even if your eyes were puffy and your nose was red. I knew I needed to get to know you."

Soobin blushed at the comment.

"Your turn. I know you have a lot of secrets."

Soobin started thinking. "My dad...isn't my real dad." Yeonjun cocked an eyebrow. "He's my stepdad, my real father is somewhere out there I don't know him. My mom only told me the story once and quite frankly it's only a story I needed to hear once...she was walking home one night after school. It was her freshman year of college, she was so close to her room but he grabbed her covering her mouth. She fought hard but alphas are so much stronger than us."

Yeonjun's heart broke. "Soobin-"

"They told her to get an abortion but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She kept saying it wasn't my fault, and when I was born she said she had never cried so much in her life...I wonder if it was because I look like her and not him so she was happy she wouldn't hate me. I always wondered if when she looks at me...does it remind her of that night."

Yeonjun sat up and watched the tears fall from Soobin's eyes. "I'm so sorry Binnie."

Soobin wiped his eyes and looked at him. "I can trust you...right?" He asked.

"Of course."

"...part of me...wishes she would've gotten rid of me."

"Soobin don't say that."

The omega sat up. "Hyung you don't understand. I hate myself more than anything in the world I can't stand to even look at myself in the mirror sometimes. Look at me! I-I'm not normal n-nothing about a tall omega is normal! Th-they were right about me b-being disgusting and a w-waste! Wh-why couldn't I just di-"

Yeonjun smashed his lips into the omega's cutting him off. Soobin's eyes fluttered close as he kissed him back, when Yeonjun felt him respond he pulled away looking at Soobin's tear filled eyes and damp cheeks.

"I won't sit here and let you talk about the person I care about the most Soobin." He looked down. "Look at me." He slowly tilted his head back up. "Want to know something no one else knows?"

"Wh-what?" He stuttered out.

"I'm...so in love with you Choi Soobin." He felt his breath hitch in his throat as he stared at Yeonjun shocked. "And I'm not in love with you for your looks or whatever you used to think I was after. I'm in love with you because you are the strongest person I know. You're so brave Soobinnie, to wake up every morning feeling the way you do but being able to put on a smile for everyone else. Being an amazing friend to me and Beommie, taking a chance with me...that's more than what I could ever ask for Choi Soobin."

Soobin wiped his cheek. "You...r-really mean that?"

Yeonjun smiled and touched his hand. "More than anything." When he saw Soobin look away from him he chuckled. "You don't have to say it back just...stay with me Binnie."

The omega nodded and crawled into his arms hugging him, Yeonjun held him tighter and let Soobin gently sob into his shoulder.

Who knew cries could be so beautiful.


They went to Yeonjun's house after the date falling asleep next to each other in his bed. He woke up to small whimpers and cries, he turned over and pulled Soobin into a hug. His small noises immediately stopping as he snuggled against Yeonjun's chest in his sleep.

Yeonjun was starting to fall back asleep when he heard Soobin mutter something in his sleep. He smiled to himself and held him tighter as if he were going to lose him.

"God I love you so much Binnie." He thought to himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


I really love those two emojis together 😂

Thank you everyone for your patience I know I have been very sucky lately and I'm really sorry

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