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Soobin woke up in Yeonjun's arms, he smiled at Yeonjun's sleeping face, he looked absolutely sexy while he was asleep how was that possible? He sat up and winced, his hips hurt

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Soobin woke up in Yeonjun's arms, he smiled at Yeonjun's sleeping face, he looked absolutely sexy while he was asleep how was that possible? He sat up and winced, his hips hurt. He looked at Yeonjun to make sure he didn't wake him and got up biting back the whines of pain he wanted to let out.

He limped to Yeonjun's bathroom and gasped in shocked when he looked in the mirror. He was completely covered in hickies and love bites, just about every scar on his body had a hickey on it. He looked down and saw the scars on the inside of his thighs that he caused were also covered in hickies.

He didn't even remember Yeonjun doing this to him. He saw the finger tip prints on his hips which explained why they hurt so bad.

"Binnie~" Yeonjun whined walking into the doorway. "Come back to bed." He murmured rubbing his eyes tiredly. He finally got a good look at him, "Oh shit."

Soobin gave him a look. "Hyung-"

"Let me explain!" He interrupted. "This was our first time having sex just because we wanted to, and with our clothes off you looked so beautiful I couldn't help it." He walked over to his boyfriend. "Do they hurt?" He asked.

Soobin shook his head. "Not really but my hips hurt." He murmured and Yeonjun hugged him.

"I'm sorry baby." He kissed his head. "I'll start the bath for you." He went over to the tub while Soobin stood there waiting, once it was finished Yeonjun helped him in before getting in himself.

Yeonjun was cleaning Soobin's back observing the few scars on him. "Binnie."


"I'm really glad we were able to share this moment together."

Soobin blushed heavily. "Me too...I definitely didn't plan it."

Yeonjun chuckled. "Yeah neither did I...Soobin where did these scars come from?"

He saw Soobin tense up.

"...not now hyung." His voice was hushed and he then stood up getting out and grabbing his towel.


"I'm gonna make us some lunch, hurry and get cleaned up." And with that he left the bathroom.

Yeonjun mentally kicked himself for asking something he knew Soobin wouldn't be comfortable with talking about.

Soobin got dressed and went to start making their lunch.

"You think you're special, YOU ARE NOTHING! You're just a disgusting piece of shit for us to stick our dicks in! Do you fucking understand?"

Soobin nodded vigorously, his cheeks drenched with tears. His eyes were full of fear for his own life. He was cold and shivering on the floor still pinned underneath one of the alphas.

"Fucking omegas!"

Soobin felt someone touch him and he quickly turned around holding the kitchen knife in his hand, Yeonjun quickly grabbed a hold of his wrist that was holding the knife.

"Hey hey hey it's me." Soobin dropped the knife before breaking down into tears, Yeonjun hugged him and tightly feeling the omega shake in his arms. "It's okay baby." He looked at his face wiping his tears away with his thumb. "You're safe with me you know that right?"

Soobin nodded as he sniffled looking at the alpha. "I'm s-sorr-"

"Don't apologize, I'll order some delivery. Do you want me to scent you?" Soobin slowly nodded his head letting Yeonjun guide him to the couch. The omega straddled him while the alpha licked over his scent glands.

Soobin relaxed in his arms, he was happy that someone as amazing as Yeonjun fell in love with someone as broken as him, someone that once felt there was no reason to live he truly was a lifesaver.

After awhile Soobin drifted to sleep, when Yeonjun noticed he laid him down and kissed his head before ordering food. He sat on the floor in front of Soobin stroking his face lovingly.

"I love who I am when I'm with you Choi Soobin."

*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

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