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"What matters most is how well you walk through the fires

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"What matters most is how well you walk through the fires."

"You're so close it's right there you can do it!" Soobin cheered for Yeonjun as he played the claw machine game.

He wanted to win the stuff bunny for Soobin and was determined, he was on his last token.

The claw grabbed the bunny. The alpha and omega watched as it slowly carried it to the hole and dropped it in.

"Yes!" He took it out. "For you my princess." Soobin blushed heavily taking the cute white bunny from Yeonjun.

"Thanks hyung." He held it close. "I love it." He kissed his cheek causing the alpha to blush heavily. "Lunch?" He asked.

Yeonjun stared at him for a moment.


"Oh u-uh yeah lunch." He looked over at Taehyun and Beomgyu who were obviously doing some playful flirting by one of the arcade machines.

"They seem to be enjoying themselves. Yah! Taehyun!" The alpha turned his head to look at him. "Binnie and I are getting lunch." He nodded and waved them off telling Yeonjun he wanted to be alone with the omega.

He waved back and took Soobin's hand. "Where do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Mmmm...I dunno."

"Wanna go to a korean barbecue restaurant?" He suggested and Soobin nodded happily.


Yeonjun was cooking Soobin's food for him on the grill while they talked.

"Thanks for today Junnie hyung."

Yeonjun realized he was starting to call him by his nickname more often and he loved hearing him say 'Junnie'.

"Of course princess, you deserved it. Hopefully tonight you'll sleep better." Soobin nodded hoping so too.

"So...how long are you going to stay with your parents?" Soobin asked not looking at him.

Yeonjun shrugged. "Just the day before and the day of, they do this every year. I promise as soon as they're done with their "celebrating" I'll be back."

The omega gave him a weak smile and slowly nodded. "Okay hyung." Yeonjun out his food on a plate for him before standing.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom are you gonna be okay by yourself?"

"I'm 17 not 7 hyung now go." He shooed him off leaving him alone at the table, he didn't want to start eating without him so he patiently wait.

He felt something start to vibrate on the table and saw that Yeonjun left his phone. He didn't want to invade his privacy but he thought it could he important.

He reached over and answered it.

"Yeonjun's phone."

There was a pause.

"...umm hello-"

"Who is this?"

"I-I'm Choi Soobin, Yeonjun's boyfriend. He went to the bathroom."

"Boyfriend?" The woman asked.

"Um y-yes ma'am and you are-"

"His mother."

"O-Oh it's nice to meet you."

"I wish I could say the same. Whatever you are seeing my son for save it, he will be marrying Doyeon so there is no point of having you in the way."

Soobin didn't know what to say.

"B-But I-I just-"

"You're probably a smart boy so let me make this clear. Yeonjun is a pureblood alpha, the enitre family is and we don't need your kind anywhere near him. I can tel you're one of those omegas, go find someone else to satisfy your needs and leave my son alone."

Soobin couldn't believe what he was hearing but at the same time this is why Yeonjun doesn't want him to meet his parents let alone talk to them.

"That's not why I'm-"

"Soobin?" He looked up at Yeonjun with watery eyes. "Who is that?" He took the phone from him. "Who is this?"

"Choi Yeonjun you are in so much trouble when you get here. An omega? And a boy omega at that! Do you know what that would do to us?"

He let out a sigh. "Mom, I don't want to come home for my birthday. We don't even celebrate you just make me go on dated with Doyeon all night. What do you think will happen? I'll fall in love with her?"

"Who knows Yeonjun but I definitely didn't expect this. I'm very disappointed in you."

"What's new?" And he hung up.

"Hyung I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"

"Shhh hey it's fine don't start beating yourself up. She was gonna find out sooner or later, what did she say to you to make you so upset?" He sat next to him.

"Nothing I haven't heard." He muttered and rested his head on Yeonjun's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Binnie I don't have any excuse for her ignorance but whatever she told you it's not true. Okay?" Soobin nodded. "Come on let's eat."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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