chapter 14

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Zayn's P.O.V

I hear a knock on my door while in the middle of watching Endless Love, don't judge it's a good movie. I'm sure it's Louis so I open the door, but to my surprise the one and only Liam Payne stands at my doorway. I try to shut the door but his large hand grabs it quickly allowing him to step inside. His eyes flicker around my dirty cheap apartment and I flush. "What do you want?" I ask softly, scratching at my arms. His eyes soften. "I want to apologize, I'm sorry and I will tell the whole damn world I'm gay only if you do something for me in return" he says crossing his arms. My heart flutters as he raises an eyebrow. "W-what would that be?" I ask timidly. "Go on a date with me"

After the words leave his mouth I freeze. Liam Payne wants to out on a date with me?? "O-okay" I say looking at the ground. "Okay then well you better get ready then" he says making me look up in confusion. He winks and takes a seat on my couch.  I rush into my room breathing fastly. I grab some black skinny jeans that now sagged in weird places but I put them on anyways. I slipped on a white t shirt then a tan leather jaket with my black converse. I leave my hair scruffy and down and brush my teeth and put some deodorant on. Then I take my cracked iPhone off its charger and walk back into my living room. "Bring some swim trunks yea?" He says before I can fully enter the room. I run back and grab a pair of red ones and another black shirt to swim in. He smiled when I walked out and guided me to his nice car. He hopped in and started  driving quickly, some pop song playing in the background softly. "It's a nice day so I thought we could go swimming yeah?" He says grinning making my heart flutter again. But my happiness suddenly vanished when I realized i. Cant. Swim. "Um Liam, I can't swim" I mumbled nervously ducking my head, I can feel my face heat up as he chuckles. "That's fine Zayn I will teach you we don't have to go into the deep area" he said I looked up to see him smiling slightly to himself while driving fastly down the highway pulling up to a private beach. "Private beach." I muttered ruffling my hair. "Yeah its mine I don't know about you but I hate the paps" he said. I scoff slightly to myself, rich people probs. We hopped out of his perfect car I stretched and let the warm rays of sun hit my face. Liam tugged me along walking towards a small building near the beach. "Let's change and grab a smoothie yeah? Then we can walk out to the beach" he says and laces his large thick fingers with my own small bony ones making me blush. We walked into the tiny homey building my eyes light up. It was a smoothie bar and frozen yogurt bar styled in pastel colours. I smile at the sight how adorable the little shop is. He leads me to the men's room and we change I slip my trunks and a different shirt on then grabbed my pile of clothes and walked back out to see Liam sitting at the counter picking different things for them to blend. He turned to me beckoning me over. I take a seat beside him and place my clothes on the counter. He picks them up tossing them into a bag carelessly. I'm guessing that he owned this place...ugh rich people perks.

  I picked out a few things for my smoothie, no calories and with lots of kale while Liam seemed to pile his with sugar. I wish I could be like him, eat without the worry of gaining belly fat. He is so careless and free, and .. Confident.              "Let's take a walk on that beach now yeah?" He said setting his smoothie down and tugging me a way from my health ridden one.

  "I don't really know you that much" he admits looking over. I couldn't help but just stare, Liam was a very attractive person..why would he even want to go out on this date with me?

  "Favorite color?" He breaks the peaceful silence. I kicked my shoes off and let my bare feet sink into the warm sand, it was a pleasant feeling.

  "Black" I mumble the dull response. God he probably thinks I'm either bat shit crazy or full blown emo.

   "I like red" liam says answering a question I wasn't going to ask.

   "Favorite food?" He asked. I cringe at this one. I dont really have a favorite food, all food contains many calories.

  "I like salads, without dressing" I add after pondering on the question. Even though the dressing does take away the bland taste it doesn't take away my tummy pudge.

   "I just like food and general really" liam laughs throwing his head back and smiling. Liam's laugh was so uplifting to me, wiether its the way he looks when he does it or the way it sounds it can make me happy.

  "Let's stop here" he takes a seat on the sand stripping away his shirt to reveal a very chiseled and muscular chest.

  "" my thumbs twiddle with the fabric of my own shirt, I am not comfortable with my body, especially with Mr. Payne over here looking like a Greek god.

   "Just take it off Zayn, you have a very beautiful body" he says openly watching me tug at the bottom of my shirt. Liam stood up brushing the sand from his trunks and pulled me into his chest.

   "I know this is a first date but I want you to trust me okay?" He murmured into my ear soflty his large tan hands grabbed my own small thin ones pulling them away from my shirt and gripping them tightly.

  They fell onto the end of my T-shirt and Liam slowly inches it over my small head. It was kind if chilly and the wind did not help so I cautiously crossed my arms over my chest. I wasn't buff at all I was fat and I really don't want him to see me like this. His eyes softened when they met my own doe like ones and he pulled me into a hug, shielding me from the chilly wind. Liam is warm, my chest presses against his hot and chiseled one making me just want to go home and lock myself in a room and never eat again.

   "You're fine Zayn you are very attractive" he said laughing at the end before tugging my hand and dragging me into the tides of the sea. I tripped and fell, on instinct I threw my hands out blindly to catch myself but my face met with the water before I could do anything to save my pathetic self. As I resufrace the shallow area liam is laughing hysterically holding his stomach, I curl up still soaked and frown. Why is every time I'm around liam "embarrassing zayn moment time"

  "Shit I'm sorry! I guess I pulled to hard eh?" Liam's laughter died down and his large hands went under my armpits scooping me up. Water dripped down my face and limbs and the breeze made me shiver.

  "You're kinda perfect Zayn" Liam chuckled.

   "I wish I was.."



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