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the next morning...

i've almost finished packing up my stuff when i lock my eyes with my bestfriend, jenny...

y/n: anyway, the moneys great, the kids are great, mattia is... great
y/n: it's basically a great way to kill time while i figure out what to do post-grad.
jenny: i get it, the biotech billionaire is 'great', but how 𝐡𝐨𝐭 is he?
jenny: like on a scale of 'clothes fresh from the dryer' to 'i'm chugging tabasco', hes...?
y/n: jenny its irrelevant, he's my boss, and our environment should foster a cool, detached professionalism, no matter how hot he may or not be.
jenny: so you admit it, he's hot.
jenny: i 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 to see this for myself

*jenny grabs her phone and does a quick research...*

jenny: dayyuummmm.
jenny: hes dreamy.
jenny: lookin' gorgeous at this charity ball, lookin gorgeous shaking hands with our senator ...
jenny: oooh look! star gossip just added a news alert about him..
jenny: 'billionaire mattia polibio is tying the knot'?!
y/n: wait- what?!

jenny shows me the phone and there, in undeniable black and white, i read the breaking news for myself.

y/n: ...mattia's 𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑑?!

my eyes widen, and i momentarily forget about packing when jenny drops the juicy gossip about my new boss..

i don't normally read trashy tabloids, but i can't help through scanning through the article, starting with the full-page photograph of his fiancée.

(guys if you don't know her that aiyana mattia n kai n ale's friend and her @ on tiktok is @/radical420dudee and the reason why i'm using her as the fiancée is bc i rllyyy ship them i'm sorry don't get mad at me 😭😼)

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(guys if you don't know her that aiyana mattia n kai n ale's friend and her @ on tiktok is @/radical420dudee and the reason why i'm using her as the fiancée is bc i rllyyy ship them i'm sorry don't get mad at me 😭😼)

jenny: y/n, are you okay?
y/n: jenny this literally sucks :(
y/n: i could've sworn i felt a connection between us, but... maybe it was just my imagination :(
jenny: you should confront him
y/n: over what? this all but confirms nothing happened. let's just focus on packing.

i start aggressively wrapping all my fragile items in bubble wrap, telling myself it's fine and i don't really care...
like so what if he's engaged right? it's none of my business..:(
but i know deep down, my heart says differently.

*second person pov*

later that day...

you return to the polibio residence to find a congenial older man waiting for you in the lobby.

carter: pleased to make your acquaintance, ms.y/l/n. i'm carter, the polibio's family driver. i'll be at your service today to assist with your move.
y/n: wow, i've never had my own personal driver before.

carter smiles and hoists several of your bags. he leads you across the lobby and up into the penthouse...

carter: i hope you enjoy it here. mr.polibio spoke highly of you this morning. said he feels you're the perfect addition to his family.
y/n: thanks carter, i really appreciate that!

carter gives you a nod before leaving. you take a deep breath and try to clear your head of the engagement drama as you unpack.
you've just picked up some of your lingerie when you hear a knock. mattia peeks his head through the open door with a smile.

mattia: i trust you're settling in okay?
y/n: mattia!! i didn't expect to see you until later!

you're suddenly acutely aware of the delicate clothing still in your grasp.

you smirk at him, running the delicate silk through your fingers 'absentmindedly' as you talk to him.

y/n: oh, i'm settling in just fine...

mattia's eyes linger on your hands before sliding back up to your face... he clears his throat.

mattia: ...good, good. glad to hear it.

mattia shakes himself from his reverie when you finally drop the lingerie into a drawer.

mattia: i hate to do this to you at the last minute, but i was called in to handle an emergency at the office. can you watch the boys today?

'an emergency huh? i wonder if it has anything to do with his engagement leaking to the press...' you thought to yourself.

y/n: i hope it's nothing too serious...
mattia: just a little PR nightmare to start the weekend. nothing i can't handle.
y/n: oh yeah? i find it hard to picture anything you can't... handle.
mattia: oh? have you been picturing me a lot?

*mattia smirks*

you try to ignore the blood rushing to your cheeks as visions of your dream come flooding back again...

'more than i should be, thats for sure..' you thought to yourself.

you take a deep breath and give mattia a careful smile.

y/n: wouldn't you like to know?
y/n: but i can definitely look after the boys today. whatever you need.
mattia: you're a lifesaver! now, i have some basic rules... no pillow fights in the master bedroom. no 'experiments' after dinner. no toaster tarts, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫.
mattia: you'll thank me for that one.

mattia: oh and never take the subway. carter will drive you anywhere you need to go.
y/n: wow, okay those rules are fair, i mean it is our job to keep them safe after all.

just then, a loud commotion breaks out into the kitchen! you and mattia share a look before rushing off to investigate together.
you enter the kitchen to find it covered in splatters of milk, cereal and soda.
the sticky liquid drips from every surface, and somehow, it's already on you.

mattia: oh, boys...
mickey: we did the pop rocks experiment with soda a few days ago, and i said i thought milk might explode too!
y/n: but... pop rocks don't actually explode in milk, do they?
mason: well, no. we had one bowl of milk and one bowl of soda...
mickey: and one with milk 𝐚𝐧𝐝 cereal!
mattia: right because what's an experiment without a control?
y/n: well without a control group, you don't know how to interpret your results.

you and sam lock eyes and smile. you try to ignore the flutter in your chest.

heyyyy, this is the longest chapter i've ever written lol
should i do more long ones but probably have less of updates orrrrr more shorter ones and more updates? or i can do longer ones than this with as many updates as i can? tell me what u guys thinkkk

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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