Chapter 7: The Key.

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I walked into the warehouse with a "Don't fuck with me" attitude on full display. It wasn't even noon yet and i was already in a bad mood.

My black Louboutin boots stabbed at the linoleum floor mercilessly as i walked through the complex halls of the warehouse. The whole place was a rat maze. If i hadn't mapped out the floor plans myself, I'd definitely be lost by now.

"Kvina." Gio and the other boys hopped to their feet as soon as they saw me walk in.

"Gio." i nodded at him.

In the center of the room sat our guest of the hour. Qua. He was zip tied to a chair with thick cloth covering his eyes and mouth. The sound of my heels rapping against the floor was the only thing that could be heard as i made my way over to him. Bending down, i yanked off the cloth and uncovered his eyes, then i did the same for his mouth.

"Hello." I smiled sweetly.

"Bitch who the fuck are you? And why the fuck am i here?" He growled.

I couldn't help it. I busted out laughing. This nigga had balls to be talking to me the way he was.

"The fuck is so funny?" He scowled. "I bet you won't be laughing when i shove my dick in that pretty little mouth of yours." He grinned sadisticly.

That set me off.

Fast as lighting, i reached out and slapped the shit out of him. If he had a soul it would've jumped straight from his body and took off running. I leaned down over him until we were face to face, forcing him to look me in my eyes.

"Listen up." I said, in a chilling tone. "You don't know who the fuck i am and that's cool, but don't you ever in you sad, pathetic life fix your lips to disrespect me, or any other woman for that matter. I know what you did to Diya."

His eyes lit up with realization.

"What did that bitch tell you?" He said, frantically. "Whatever it was, her ass is lying!"

"Shut the fuck up." I said, coldly. "You tried to rape her. And when she fought back, you beat her. Are you fucking stupid or something? You think you have the right to disrespect and violate women just because you're a man?" I laughed dryly. "Women are not fucking waste receptacles for you to dump your cum in and just leave for dead, Qua. Do you not know that it is the woman who creates life, not man? Do you see men walking around here carrying babies for nine months and nursing them with their breast? No, you don't. The fact that you would so blatantly disrespect a woman shows me that you must not give a fuck about your life. There's no reason for you to still be breathing."

"No. Look, I'll just apologize and it'll all be straight. What does she want? I can give her some money." He tried to reason with me.

"How 'bout this. You answer a few of my questions and I'll talk to her, deal?"

"Ok." He sighed in relief. "Deal."

"Alright." I smiled, pulling up a chair. "First question is: You're fucking Meisha, correct?"

"Yeah." He shrugged. "She ain't my girl though."

"So, if you're fucking her, she must tell you things."

"Maybe." He squirmed in hus chair uncomfortably.

"What do you know about the robbery that happened at Diya's store a few days ago?" I said, cutting straight to the chase.

"I don't know shit." He said quickly. The sweat forming on his brow told me otherwise.

"Gio." I motioned for him to come to me. Right on cue, Gio rushed forward and sent a striking blow right to the middle of Qua's forehead. I could tell the hit had him dazed by the glassy look in his eye. "Qua." I sighed deeply. "Don't fucking lie to me. It's a waste of time. Now, tell me what the fuck you know about the robbery or i'll let Gio and the rest of my niggas take turns slicing you up."

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