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"Jake! Holy shit, fuck off!" I squealed as he tried to wipe ketchup from his finger onto my face. Tricky and Fresh laughed along while Yutani tried to come up with a formula to make her new "X-Ray contact lenses".

We were sat in the usual booth at Mully's, Yutani's scrap robot of a waitress rolls up to the table.

"anything else for you greedy punks" she said in a dead tone.

we all chimed multiple "no!" and "no thanks!"s at the same time, thus the robot twitched and rolled away.

"so.. what's the move for today?" Jake asked. Jake is basically the leader of the group. The "alpha" if you will, although, he's not much of an actual alpha male to be honest.
I don't like him, I think he's fucking annoying. but I have to stick with him so I may as well be nice to him.

"I don't know. what about the usual?" Tricky replied. Tricky, or "Beatrice" (her real name) is the only other girl skater in our group. She's my best friend, and she's talented in breakdancing!

also, the usual is just going down to the skate park and vibing out until sundown.

Fresh put his feet up on the table, clearly proud of his new Jordans he bought.
Fresh also skates. He's probably the nicest, most polite kid you'll ever meet, and will definitely play your favourite song on his boombox, or as he's named it, "Boomy".

"Watch out Fresh, remember the last time you did that? got ketchup everywhere!" I exclaim.

Fresh remembered what happened and shuddered, then gingerly put his feel under the table.

"they're cool though, thought you might like to hear" I add, hoping it makes him feel better.

Fresh smiles, "Thanks y/n!"

I look over to Yutani, who's already eaten and is fixated on her notepad, writing down equations and elements.
Yutani is, what you can call the "nerd" of the group. she loves all things science and has to find the scientific meaning to everything, even a simple skateboard trick.


after everyone finishes their food, we head down the street to the park. Fresh hands Tricky his phone which is connected to the boom box.
"just not that "Girl In Red" stuff, Kay? that stuff does not have any energy!"

Tricky looked slightly upset, but wasn't hurt. it wasn't new news that Tricky was a lesbian, the minute she told us we all went "okay cool. wanna go to Mully's?".

she ended up picking "Junk Of The Heart" by The Kooks, the sun beaming down and this song made it feel like a movie.

-(skip forward to going home)-

we had gotten bored of the skate park, so we went over to the abandoned subway.

even though it was abandoned, it still had a guard, his name is Ted, we were quite familiar with him.

the rest of the gang had gone, and I had to get back to my apartment.
I was kicking my board with my foot while walking, and the stupid thing fell down the stairs into the lower floor.

"fuck." I mutter under my breath. putting my hood up, I pass down the stairs, trying to catch my board, which was rattling down the staircase.

it went past the last stair then rushed down the pavement, me following- or running- suit to try and catch it.

the board had finally slowed down to a stopping point, and I picked it up, looking around to make sure I wasn't with anyone down here.

turning around, to the back of me, quite far away.. was this guy.

he wore black, sleek work shoes, and a black suit, with a crisp white shirt and red tie. he had black leather gloves and... wore a mask.
it wasn't a ski mask, or a surgical mask, it took inspiration from "Anonymous"'s mask, although his was modelled after a rabbit.

it was white, with a pink nose and a long spindly mustache, with a goatee. it had big skinny ears, and the right one flopped over slightly, and it had large, almost sparkly, red eyes.

his hair peeked through the mask, a brown-caramel sort of colour.

after all the noise I made, he was staring right at me. he didn't have to tell me that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I felt it.

clutching my board and running upstairs, I heard a *clack* but it never crossed my mind.

around five minutes later, I had finally made it up the stairwell and was well out of breath.
my breathing hitched up again as i heard footsteps pounding behind me.

I turn around and... the guy with the mask.

he stands there, heaving and handing me something at arms length. he's buckled over, hands on his knees as he catches his breath.
he hands me my phone, which has sadly got a crack in it.

"oh... um. thank you?"
I take the phone, and look at it, noticing that the screen is fine, its just the cracks.
the man stands up straight and brushes off his blazer, and puts his hands behind his back in a hastily, almost flustered way.

I look up at him, and the eyes of the mask move to form "happy eyes".

"once again, thank you!" I tell him, then I notice my phone was signed in, I go in and look at my contacts.

I scroll for a few then see a number I don't recognise.
I look up.

he's gone.

ENIGMA / Frank Subway surfers Where stories live. Discover now