Chapter 6

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I look at my notebook that was now being used by Hueningkai who was trying to solve the problems I made up with the examples on the sides of the page. Furring his eyebrows he finally puts the number 7 down. I clap, smiling at him, thankful he got it on his tenth try

Ten times the charm they say! I write to him, and he chuckles turning red from my teasing.


We hear the annoyingly loud bell sound off, making us split our own ways.

Okay, so today I go to first period, skip second, then force myself to third, once again skipping 4th and 5th then straight into lunch after that, I'm just going to math and skip the others before.

I think to myself while I wave to the boys, but Hueningkai stays right beside me.

Why aren't you going to class? Are you ditching?

I ask him, but he shakes his head, grabbing my notebook.

No, I'm going to class with you. We have the same classes. He shows me, and eventhough I sigh out loud like I didn't want him to be my class, I can feel the corners of my lips lift up.

Why am I happy that he's in my class? We're not friends?

Shaking my head, I lead the way to english, which is probably the most dramatic class ever. I mean a book from the 1800's could say, I threw a pie at a boy, and the teachers would say that it means that the person throwing the pie was actually throwing their feelings onto that person without thinking of the other person's feelings which causes them to not get together. This is why I don't like english!

"So are we almost to english?" He asks me, and I give a quick nod while I walk down the hallways. I stop into front of, an overly decorated door and take deep breaths until I finally open it.

The students stare at me with their judgemental thoughts, and I just roll my eyes, not caring about what the stupid people were gossiping about, before I could ask Hueningkai to sit next to me, I see a crowd of girls surround him, flipping their hair like ugly walruses. Hueningkai looks absolutely terrified in the herd of girls, but what's it to me? I need to catch some sleep anyway.

"Cassie!" I hear him shout my name, but I completely ignore him. He doesn't need me, he has those walruses to hangout with.

"Hueningkai will you go out with me!"

"Hey Hueningkai can we he friends?"

"Let's get a drink together!"

I hear the ignorant girls shout at him, until I finally can't help it anymore, and have to stop them. Sighing, I remove myself from the stiff chair, walking over to the herd of walruses.

Reaching in, I yank Hueningkai out from the monsterest group, and drag him over towards my desk.


I didn't do that because you asked. I was tired of the squealing walruses.

I interup him by holding up my notebook in his face, then quickly going back to sleep on my desk. I close my eyes trying to go to sleep as well as tune out the noise of the teacher, but for some reason I couldn't go to sleep.

Ugh! Why is my mind falling me! Come on brain just let me sleep! Do you want me to fight you? Cause I'm sure I can put a few good swings on you before you could to me! I really talking about fighting with my brain? What have I become? Honestly, I think I'm like this because I slept at a different house. It must be the bed! I knew it was way to soft for my liking!

I lift up my head, and look at the clock. No! It's only been ten minutes? How the heck is that even possible?

I swear, teachers have found out some way to hold up time because there is no way that ten minutes have past! Maybe that's what the government is hiding from us...

Looking away from the clock, my eyes catch Hueningkai drawing a cute panda at the top of his notes. You know from this angle he's not that bad looking. I can see why the girls what to fling themselves over him like freaking rag dolls. His skin is milky white, and his nose isn't too long but just enough to be considered lovely. I also really like his eyes, even if we do share the same color, brown. For some reason, he just really rocks the brown eyes look! He has a really drawable face as well, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to draw his pretty features onto this blank, boring, white paper to give it some meaning.

My hand goes lightly over the paper, carefully trying not to make any mistakes. I smile as I reach his pretty eyes, making sure to not leave a single detail out from their glossy beauty, so when I look at it, it's like I'm looking at a real life version of Hueningkai, except its black and white.

"Cassie, what are you doing?" Hueningkai, turns to me, but I ignore him. Focusing hard on the drawing in front of me. I must have no distractions! "Wow! That's such a good drawing of me! I like the eyes." He tells me, and I stop, looking at him for a minute.

No one has ever told me that my drawings were good. They all just said that I need to stop trying to get attention for my ugly work.

"Can you teach me how to draw like that?" He asks me, but I turn away from him again, continuing to finish my drawing of him, but his stubborn self doesn't want to give up. "Oh come on, just one thing!" He pushes my shoulder.

No, learn yourself.

I hold up my notebook, and that seems to make him quit, but he sits with his arms crossed and cheeks puffed like a five year old. Rolling my eyes, I draw on his notebook, some mapping of anime.

Instantly, he smiles as he watches me round out the head. His eyes widen with amazement watching me, and I can feel a little tingle in my stomach.

I must be hungry or something? Dang I wish I could just go to lunch now, but then again, I'm skipping next period. I could always go over to the burger joint and grab me a nice big one. Yeah, that sounds real nice. Great, now I can't stop thinking about the burger!
Hello to y'all! Are you having fun whereever you are? I hope so because I want you to be happy! Tell me what you think about the book?

Have a blessed wonderful dayyyyyyy! Also it would be really nice of you to make my day by voting for my chapter!

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