Chapter 33

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"Okay so what's the plan, and Jack honey you don't have to pull out your paper." She smiles at Jack, and for some reason he was pouting, putting back the paper that was somehow in his pocket....

"Well right we have no idea what we are doing because we don't have a clue where they are. We already checked their company with our inside men, and it's a negative, so right now we're at a dead end." Mike sighs, shoulders falling down.

"Now that is no way to talk! I thought I taught y'all right, but I guess we have to start all over! When your at a cliff?" She raises her eyebrows while the other guys smile, rolling their eyes.

"Jump off to see what's on the otherside." They answer simultaneously, and now I'm starting to feel like a real outsider right now, the same probably goes with Beomgyu.

"Exactly! Now all we have to do is see that otherside, and what two boys could be the perfect for the job? Two who have shown nothing but hatred for Cassie?" Mrs. Main smirks, looking at the two of us.

Okay...I have no idea what they are planning, but I really hope it has nothing to do with Beomgyu and I in peices at the bottom of the hill.

"Oh Mrs. Main how I missed your way of thinking..." Mike instantly jumps over the table, wrapping her, tightly with his huge arms.

"Alright boy, remove yourself! We haven't even told the boys about the plan." She wacks his back with her hand, and Mike finally pulls back, but stills has the same grin plastered on his face. "Now Hueningkai, Beomgyu...You two supposedly despise Cassie, and we are going to use this to our advantage because we know two things. One, that Mane used to date Hueningkai, and believe she's going to come back since it was you who broke up with her. The second one is that Beomgyu obviously doesn't like Cassie. I mean he's distants himself from her on purpose just because he doesn't want to see her face going to dinner, but I'm not saying that's bad, it's good for this plan because the both of you didn't fake your hate towards Cassie, you were genuinely hurt by her actions."

"Mrs. Main, we don't hate her anymore though? Now all I do is feel regret for treating her so bad." I frown, but she slaps my back, smiling.

"That doesn't matter at this moment! You can apologize when we snag them back right from under their noses, but we are going to have to get sneaky, and we have to be careful because not only do they know who Mike and them are, they are probably watching them. However, I know they aren't watching them now since they have Cassie, so that means we still have time, but we are going to need to work fast. Which on of you are the least clumsy, and can successfully pickpocket?" She points back between the two of us. Beomgyu raises his eyebrow at me while I shrug at him.

I think I'm probably the least sneaky person...

"I guess I am...?" Beomgyu questions, gaining a slap on the back from Mike.

"Okay then that makes you the distraction, now since at this point of time your going to be back together with Mane you have to make it relevant to her as you distract her with whatever you come up with, Beomgyu will carefully steal her phone, transferring all her information and texts to his phone that Mark is going to teach you how to do. Now as if how much time we have? It's around a week. You two have a week to find out where they are, or your friends and Cassie as well as yourselves will be dead." Her face falls into a grim expression.

"Wait! Why will we be dead?" My voice cracks from all the nerves tensing up in my body.

"While we might be less concerning about the information we are just spilling at you...when the government figures out you two are the reason why this all happened, let's just say it's not going to be pretty. However, if you save them, then maybe they'll think twice on wither or not if well have to kill you." She smiles at us, leaving the table.

"Why are you leaving?" Beomgyu hollers out to Mrs. Main, and she laughs.

"I have to get some sleep you know? I'm not some bionic grandma! Mike, boys! Fine a room upstairs, you're saying over for the week." She waves, shutting the door. Leaving the two of us with scary bulky men, who can crush us with their pinky.

"Well you heard her boys! Let's get to our new rooms!" Mike throws his hands up in the air, rushing like a rampage of elephants that have found the perfect lake to drink from.

Beomgyu and I, still sitting at the table all by ourselves now. The silence between us is growing more intense as well as awkward, but neither of try to break it because right now all I can think about is how I'm going to stay alive.

Basically what Mrs. Main is saying is that if we don't find Cassie and the boys before the week, then the both of us are going to end up at the bottom of a cliff, and our family will never know what happened to us because of course the government is going to cover it up. Why the heck did I come to America? We could've just gone to Sweden or somewhere else! Maybe then none of us would be kidnapped, or getting death threats from a crazy old lady! Maybe then I wouldn't have made Cassie's life miserable...she could've just gone on living her normal life, and I wouldn't have thorn her notebook...I wouldn't have made her cry, and I wouldn't have fallen in love with her.
Oh! Look at Hueningkai! He's becoming a sweetheart again! Tell me who y'all think she's going to end up with or who you think she deserves to be with?

Have a blessed day! Bye byeeee! (:

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